The Absolute Pride of the Azure Dragon

'The Absolute Pride of the Azure Dragon'

Just the title is enough for Zhou Mengyao to have a huge expectation from it, it has the name dragon on its title and no silly cultivator will name their technique like that if their technique is weak.

Heaven will punish them for such blasphemy to a divine being.

Zhou Mengyao read its content, his focus is at its peak. No one can wake him up from his current state.

Right now, there is only one thought on Zhou Mengyao's mind, read it. He didn't even feel the changes in his surroundings, it is as if he is in a different space.

Zhou Mengyao entered his realm of mind without him knowing. He entered it just by reading the first line of the technique.

"The people of this world have called me the Azure Dragon, they worshipped me and thought of me as one of their gods!"

"Humans are blasphemous fools! They compare me to low-level beings, how ignorant!"

"I am a Dragon God! I am a true sovereign of this world, but heaven seems to not like my rule!"

"The strongest humans that I thought of as lower level gods have started an uprising, even then they wouldn't defeat me but all of it has changed because of one artifact."

"One artifact strong enough to slice through my scales, strong enough for my elemental powers to be sealed, and mysterious enough to cut 7 of my heads without me being able to regenerate."

In his realm of mind, Zhou Mengyao can see a melancholic azure dragon. The dragon has the body that of a serpent, it has 4 short legs and its length is humungous enough that one can see it thousands of kilometers from the sky. ,

It has 7 heads, ten horns and it wears a crown with the most beautifully refined jewels each on top of its head.

In their surroundings, one can see the towering mountains and the bright sun illuminating everything in the sky. The towering mountains are forming a circle and its center is where Zhou Mengyao stood.

It is a place where shallow water with mysteriousness added to it seems to point out all this place.

"You, my successor needs to know the truth."

The azure dragon said as it flies to the sky and its 7 heads and 7 pair of eyes strangely look at Zhou Mengyao like it has its own mind.

'Is this its vestige? My predecessor once read that those divine beings are so strong they can leave a vestige strong enough to topple the regions in disarray'

Zhou Mengyao thought as he looked at the Azure Dragon, he is confused since from what he remembers, he is just trying to read the contents of the technique but he didn't know that he will be here all of a sudden.

It seems like the Azure Dragon can read his mind that it nodded to him and give him some time to think, after some time. The Azure Dragon's seven heads breathe out water forming an image on the sky.

Strangely, the water didn't fall. It is crystal clear just like a mirror and in there, Zhou Mengyao can see the azure dragon and figure of a woman.

As for the figure, Zhou Mengyao isn't sure about that. She seems to be covered in lights.

The figure of a woman is covered by the moonlight, he can't see her figure because of the blinding lights of the moon but Zhou Mengyao is sure of one thing. It's a female because of her body figure.

Another mystery is that wherever the woman flies, the moon is always at her back.

"A low-level existence wants to fight me? The sovereign of this world?"


"You dare to question my authority and my throne?"

The azure dragon is mad at her response, the ocean on their floor is split into two just with the will of the azure dragon.

Just as it splits, the ocean became a massive tornado that quickly attacked the figure clad with the moonlight.


"I will kill you and make you a sample for all the low-level beings out there!"

The azure dragon is very arrogant, an attitude truly befitting that of a dragon. The ocean has changed color, aside from it being crystal clear it suddenly felt like it is so cold that it can freeze even hell.

The water below the woman continuously attacked her but the moonlights seem to be protecting her. This time she removes the sword on her sheath and as she did so, an aura rivaling that of the azure dragon is suddenly released from her.

The azure dragon seems to have detected the sudden danger that his intensity of attack became more and more fierce. Hundreds of attacks approach her but it never seems to faze her at all.

With just a single slash of her sword, the hundreds of attacks disappeared like it never happened at all.

The raging ocean returned to its calmness and the azure dragon no longer has control of its own domain. It seems that the ocean, one of the sources of his power has suddenly betrayed him.

Even then, the azure dragon is still someone worthy of being a god. He has a strong body but it is not enough. Every time his enemy took a step she will blindingly disappear and the azure dragon will learn that one of his heads are cut off.

It never regenerates and this time, the azure dragon felt a sense of crisis he has never felt ever since he existed.

"What kind of sword is this? How is this sword allowed to exist in this world? In my entire existence, no weapon is able to damage me"

The azure dragon is surprised by the power of the sword but she never stopped attacking the azure dragon. Not until 7 of its head are cut off and the azure dragon died without much of a resistance.

After killing the azure dragon, the woman clad in the moonlight serenely looks at him, Zhou Mengyao is for sure that she is not looking at the azure dragon but rather at him.

He can't see her eyes but he can feel that it contains a deep emotion and he felt troubled and pressured. Still, he continued looking at the scene, he wanted to see what she wanted to say as her mouth opens.

"^@!#^&!@^#^&&#@. #@!#@*!^#&@!^#!@."


She seems to be saying something to him but he can't understand her. There seems to be a barrier blocking them from being able to communicate.

After she finished saying those words, the flashback ends. The crystal clear water that the Azure Dragon breathed out from its mouth disappeared and he looked at Zhou Mengyao.

"I died but I will return, I am the Azure Dragon! I came and rose from the east, and from the east, I will sweep the whole world under my power once again!"

The majestic Azure Dragon roared and Zhou Mengyao felt deep emotions inside of him, it is telling him that he is the dragon and this world one day will be under his palms!

The roar of the dragon is ear-shattering but Zhou Mengyao seems to be fine at all, after it roared at him it flew to Zhou Mengyao just like a bullet, so fast that he won't be able to dodge it at all!

Zhou Mengyao never felt any sense of danger so he just stood on the spot and remained unmoved. The Azure Dragon made contact with him and its huge figure entered his forehead, the space between his eyebrows that are said to be one's mind space.

As all of it happens, Zhou Mengyao closed his eyes and remains on the spot. After he opened his eyes, everything seems to return to normal.

"This time I am sure that most of you will like this item! This item is called the Tier 1 Heaven and Earth Array Formation. This array is created outside of the kingdom because array masters are very rare."

"This is very rare and it has a good amount of uses! It will gather qi in the surroundings and it will condense it so that one's cultivation speed will be faster and it will solve problems where places with low spiritual qi gather."

"The starting bid will be 10,000 spirit stones with at least increment of 100 hundred spirit stones!"

"15 000 spirit stones!"

"18 000 spirit stones!"

For Zhou Mengyao an eternity has passed but now he is back to the chaotic auction house where one can see the heavy atmosphere as people fight for things that they want.

"How long has it been?"

Zhou Mengyao asked Yan Suyin and the latter looked at him strangely.

"It has been an hour since the auction started, we are about to get into the last phase of the auction and you are sleeping. I am about to wake you up from your sleep but now that you woke up everything is good for me."

Yan Suyin replied to him and she is very suspicious of Zhou Mengyao.