True Brotherhood

"Fuck this shit I'm out"

Zhou Mengyao cursed as he runs around in a circle so as to not get hit by the charge of the crazy bull, he doesn't have the confidence to defeat it even with the Indestructible Copper Body.

Who knows? The technique might fail him and cost him his life instead.


As the bull continuously charged, it hits many trees along the way giving them both a huge space to run around.

Although the attacks of the bull are very direct due to its low intelligence, it nevertheless is still dangerous.

'Are there no thick trees there? I have to make sure that this bulls horn's get stuck again, I will be on the losing ground if it came to stamina. This is a demonic beast, its stamina is tremendous.'

Zhou Mengyao continuously runs in a circle as the bull continuously chased him.

The situation is in a deadlock, the surroundings are a mess and the situation has never changed from the past 10 minutes.

'There's a thick tree on my left, I have to lead him there!'

Zhou Mengyao runs as he puts more and more qi on his legs, his moves are getting faster but nowhere near enough the speed of the raging bull.


This time, the bull's roar has changed. It suddenly got faster and it hits Zhou Mengyao right on the chest as it charges crazily!


Zhou Mengyao flew for a good three-meter into the air as he spits out his saliva but he doesn't feel any pain in his chest.

[Indestructible Copper Body +10]

Curios, the bull look at Zhou Mengyao straight in the eye.

'Strange, why is this little guy not dead yet from this mighty attack of mine?'

Or so what the bull is thinking as it tilts its muscular neck.

The both of them look at each other straight into the eye as confusion can be seen in both of their eyes.

"HAHA! Do you think this daddy will fall down easily? How about you have another taste of my Three Fold Fist?"

Zhou Mengyao stood up laughing, if earlier the bull is the one charging, right now he is the one charging to attack the bull. The Indestructible Copper Body protected him, there is not even a tint of damage that can be seen on his chest.

Furthermore, he can also get exp to level the Indestructible Copper Body so how can he not be happy?

With the happiness and euphoric feeling that he is currently experiencing, he gave the bull's face a good punch, with the technique leveling up even Zhou Mengyao can feel the difference in the power.


As Zhou Mengyao's fist connected with the bull's idle face, a sound of metal hitting a metal resonated as his attack did not even manage to harm the beast at all.

[Three-Fold Fist +10]

'How am I suppose to kill this guy? My attacks are not doing anything at all and the same can be said to his attack!'

As he punched the bull's face, the bull in retaliation pushed him 'gently' and he got knocked backed by two meters!

[Indestructible Copper Body +5]

The Indestructible Copper Body needed another 10000 exp for it to reach the next level and with the bull giving him another opportunity to level up the technique, Zhou Mengyao didn't mind grinding exp from his new exp bank.

Qin Peng is now trash in comparison to this bull.

"Come on! Is that all you got? Here let me show you this red towel of mine I heard you don't like this color!"

Zhou Mengyao provoked the bull as the bull looks at him like he is an idiot. Knowing that Zhou Mengyao is an idiot, the bull charged with a huge momentum again.

This time, Zhou Mengyao didn't choose to either dodge or run away from it. He did what a true man will do.

"Three-Fold Fist!"

He continued shouting the passive technique like an active skill just to look cool as his fist stretch out ready to receive the raging bull's charge!


One can see a man flying again as the bull looked confused again, his target should be smashed into pieces now but it looks like it doesn't.

'Ah, such a wonderful bliss! Hearing the melodious rings of the system telling me how many experience points I have gotten is making me shudder!'

Zhou Mengyao shuddered after hearing the familiar beautiful sounds of the system, just looking at the experience points is making him euphoric.

He bites his lips as he stood up after he landed with his butt. He grinned, just how long do they have to fight to level up his technique? For that, he doesn't know the answer but he will know soon.


In one of the peculiar mountains of the Danding Peaks, one can see a very handsome gentleman roast a pig's belly as he seasoned it with salt, pepper, and honey.

A savory aroma wafts through the air as it enters the nose of the handsome gentleman.

"This should be roasted enough, I can already smell the strong flavor of this! This daddy truly knew how to cook."

Zhou Mengyao sniff out the aroma coming from the roasted pork belly as he took an aged wine to further enhance the experience in eating the roasted pork belly.

He took two roasted pork bellies, one for him and one for his best friend.

"Here, this should symbolize our brotherhood!"


Zhou Mengyao handed the roasted pork belly to his best friend, the berserk bull. They have been fighting for three continuous hours and none of them have managed to get an advantage.

They can't kill each other, even when Zhou Mengyao's fist technique has leveled up to become the Five-Fold Fist Technique!

The most he can do is make the strong bull flinch before he gets fling back by its strong power. As he continuously flew to the air, he learned how to summersault and it is one of his most glorious achievements of his.

Flying definitely is enjoyable.

As for his Indestructible Copper Body, it has leveled up but only once, unlike his Fist Technique.

The both of them get into a truce for now since even they have limits! They have been giving their all to kill each other but they still can't do anything to harm each other.

They are both tired so peace is the only option left! Zhou Mengyao did not let go of this opportunity! Zhou Mengyao finally understood the saying 'If you can't beat them, join them!'.

To show his appreciation to his best friend or even brother berserk bull, he roasted a pork belly for it! His brother bull has helped him level up his techniques so it will be bad if he doesn't repay him somehow!

At least Zhou Mengyao still knew how to repay gratitude!


The berserk bull which is lying on the ground as it rested roared as it shreds a piece of the roasted belly, it chews on the roasted belly as its red bloody eyes sparkle as it enjoyed the roasted pork belly.


"You said you like it? Don't worry I roasted plenty of pork belly! Just eat as many as you can!"

"Moo MOO!"

"You also wanted a taste of this wine? Here let me pour wine in a bowl so you can drink it!"

Zhou Mengyao talks to the bull as if he understands it! He just somehow has an inkling of what the bull is talking about!

As both of them continued eating without caring to the whole world, Yan Suyin who is observing the both of them is left speechless.

'What is this idiot doing?! Why are you acting chummy with the bull when it is supposed to be your enemy!'

Yan Suyin who is still hiding in between the mist for the first time in a while did not know what to do.

She planned to enrich his fighting experience so she brought a demonic beast that is very weak and wouldn't be able to put any harm to him but instead of enriching his fighting experience the latter just played around with the demonic bull!

'Just because you have a tough body doesn't mean that you should always receive the attack! Why are you punching him head-on, dodge first and learn to counterattack! This imbecile is making me mad'

That is what Yan Suyin thought after she observes Zhou Mengyao, at first he applied strategy but after knowing that the demonic bull can't hurt him the latter choose to receive all the attacks which are not the true purpose of this training style!

Yan Suyin wanted him to learn how to dodge and expect the enemy's movement so that he can react quickly but Zhou Mengyao did not do what she expected!

"What are you doing! Didn't I tell you that you have to kill him? I said that I did not care about the method, I only care about the results!"