Someone's Gonna Die

With the aura that they have unleashed, he can tell that they are just at the 5th Stage of the Qi Refining Realm. In just under a month these people have already gone up a stage in their cultivation under the academy's help.

The teachers definitely played a huge role in it.-

If they fight on the academy then they will just tire themself out since they wouldn't be able to put an injury to him but this time the situation is different.

Weapons are allowed now hence their confidence has gone up that they will be able to injure him. If in the academy the use of weapons is forbidden but in this expedition, a weapon is a must-have.

"I see so you people wanted to antagonize me because I have an unsettled grudge with the Xie Family. That Brother Long of yours must have ordered you to personally target me."

Zhou Mengyao naturally now knew the reason for the sudden disappearance of Yan Suyin and the sudden appearance of these people.

"Four Sword Strike Formation!"

As Zhou Mengyao watched them surround him into four sides, they shouted their technique.

'Four Sword Strike Formation, they came prepared. This martial skill is good for fighting with allies, the higher the number of your group the better but this daddy will not be damaged by a Tier 1 Sword and their sword skills.'

Zhou Mengyao grasped the situation and with them focusing all of their attention on him not even bothering to spare a glance at the demonic bull which they have forgotten the moment they saw Zhou Mengyao.

'Trouble just keeps on appearing one by one. This is so annoying!'

"Brother Bull! Take care of my back!"


Zhou Mengyao did not choose to idly stand by after forming his thoughts, rather than just standing and receive all the attacks. It would be better if he attacked them instead.

With that mentality, he rushed forward with the intention of taking a 2 versus 1 situation.

Still, even when the bull charged at them, the four of them still did not mind it at all which made Zhou Mengyao suspicious. The bull is a demonic beast so it will not be easy to defeat it so why are they still continuing on attacking?

That is what he thought as he saw no changes in their expressions and intentions.

'It doesn't matter what kind of scheme they cooked up. I'll just destroy it with sheer power.'

Zhou Mengyao threw a punch as he runs forward. It meet two swords to which he deflected easily without leaving any damage to him.

The only thing that he felt is a stinging sensation as the power of the sword is huge due to the technique.

"That was an uncomfortable stinging sensation but it doesn't matter, no matter what you do you will not be able to manage to put an injury to me."

Zhou Mengyao smirked as he easily receives the damage of the sword and he stretches out his fist as his fist flew at a blinding speed, this fist carries five times of a normal power!

His fist is targeting a student with a very interesting choice of hairstyle, his hair's length is very short, its about a centimeter long with some parts of his scalps not even having a single hair.

Seeing that the fist is going to straight to his face and knowing that he wouldn't be able to dodge it completely if he chooses to dodge sideways, the very interesting guy fell down on the ground flatly before the fist landed on him.

The fist carries a huge force with it and the wind that followed after the attack is the proof of its power.

"That was dangerous, I can't have you punch my face, I don't want to wake up with you plucking all of my hair"

The very interesting guy Ren Fan provoked Zhou Mengyao. Although the fist looks fast, to them it is not at all.

As they advance their cultivation base, not only is their strength going to change but the change in their speed is also noticeable hence they managed to react to the attack.

"That was a good move, unfortunately, your legs are wide open."

Zhou Mengyao said as qi gathered on his legs as he spotted every man's weakness.

[Balls Smashing Kick]


As his legs connected to the eggs that contain what could be a human life, a bald man can be seen squeal as veins showed on his face.

The squeal is very terrifying that the others who are attacking Zhou Mengyao also felt the pain.

"You don't have the honor of a warrior! That was a dirty move, you shameless scoundrel!"

The man at his front who tried to attack him earlier shouted as his sword tried to pierce Zhou Mengyao's hard body. Not just him, another two swords also tried to pierce his back but it is useless.

Not only did they not deal any damage but the force of their attack also bounced back to them as they felt a tingling sensation on their arms.

'What happened to my brother bull? It should have been able to stop at least one of the people at my back'

Zhou Mengyao thought as he punched the guts of the shocked attacker that is in his vision.

'Two down!"

He turn around and he realized what happened to his brother bull.

"MOo! Moo! ROAR!!"

His brother bull seems to be trapped in an array as one can see it trying to escape a cage formed out of qi.

"That was a good distraction! I didn't know how you manage to tame a demonic beast but I don't care. I'll just take him and see for the answer myself."

A silhouette of a man with short brown hair with a handsome appearance can be seen entering the scene as he touches the array that cages the demonic bull.

Zhou Mengyao did not choose to say anything, a very grim expression that can be seen on his face is enough to show his dissatisfaction with them.

Not only did they attacked him rudely but they also wanted to take his friend to butcher him up and make him a lab rat.

With a wave of indescribable anger in his heart, Zhou Mengyao picked up one of the swords that lie on the ground, its owner is already knocked out with just a single attack of him.

"Since you guys did not want to continue living anymore, then don't blame me."

Zhou Mengyao threatened them as the two who tried to pierce his back retreated to the handsome man beside the cage. He did not know how the berserk bull got caught into the array but he is sure of one thing, he did not see this coming but he will destroy this scheme.

"What are you gonna do? Kill us? Can you even do that? There is a teacher watching us in right now you know?"

"Are you still confident in trying to kill us? Your family will not bear this responsibility have they hear that you kill one of your schoolmates."

The man replied as he shakes his head, his brown hair shakes as it dances to the graceful movement as he shakes his head.

"So you have bought a teacher. That's good then, I can just say that I am cutting out bad weeds in the academy."

Zhou Mengyao replied as he gets near them, there is just no way that he will let his brother bull suffer maltreatment after it became close to him.

Thankfully, he still did not give his brother bull a name. Had he did so then he will kill them out of rage and he wouldn't be able to think clearly.

"Step back, you surely will not like what I will do for sure!"

The handsome man, He Zhong threatened him with a sadistic smile on his face but Zhou Mengyao did not listen to him.

Seeing that Zhou Mengyao did not listen to what he said, He Zhong took out a golden plaque with an engraved word 'Seal' in it.

He Zhong poured his qi and he imagined a spear stabbing the bull as a golden spear made out of qi materializes inside the cage. He Zhong looks at it before it stabs the tough body of the demonic bull.


Strangely, there seems to be no physical damage done to its body but the bull clearly felt the painful stabbing of spears to it! It did not feel it physically but rather spiritually.

"That's it, there is no reason for me to hesitate. Since you came with bad intentions to me then I will not just stand idly. I will kill all of you, I will deal with the consequences myself."

Zhou Mengyao said as his eyes have gone bloodshot, he can't bear to see his brother who he fought for hours that became his ally suffer torture. In this world, he doesn't have a friend and the bull has shown him what a true friend is hence he is very mad.

Although it might be a beast it is the first one that acted as his friend in this world, with his identity as someone who can't cultivate then naturally no one will like to be his friend.

Yan Suyin did not treat him as a friend either, their relationship is just a working relationship. Noting more and nothing less, so with newfound determination on saving his friend, Zhou Mengyao darted to attack them like a bullet.

From their attacks earlier Zhou Mengyao can tell that they are trying to injure him to the point of incapacitating him, this isn't just a normal fight, this is a scheme created by someone to harm him with the intention of not killing him but making him lie down in the bed his whole life.

That is basically the same as dying if not worst so he will not forgive them and someone has to die today. It is either him or they.