She is my mother (Revision)

"Can I try to hold her again?" Edward asked with a gentle and timid smile thrown my way, but the way his eyes narrowed at my mom proved it wasn't really a question. Her smile turned into a frown before she forced it to return; it was much less genuine than before, and I scowled. Why couldn't he see that we were both perfectly happy the way we were?

"Hello Graciela," He continued to smile at me with a slightly crooked grin as he adjusted me in his arms. Could he not feel my mom's reluctance, or did he just not care? "I'm your daddy," I stared at him incredulously, spitting the nipple of my bottle out of my mouth and with it; the contents all over his pristine button up shirt.

His expression morphed into one of surprise and slight disgust. I couldn't have stopped the giggle that left me if I tried. One way or another I was going to make him understand he was not wanted or needed in this equation. I was not his. He was not going to ruin this for me!

{Look at his face!} Renesmee couldn't hold in her own laughter and the sound made me laugh all over again. He was simply flabbergasted that I wasn't happy to be held by him.

When we regained control of ourselves, I placed my hand on his cheek. The emotion I passed on was 'want' and so he didn't mistake that as an emotion for him, I added an image of my mother smiling down at me. I was surprised that I hadn't needed to work at it; it was instinctual.

He pursed his lips; his distaste written plainly on his face. I was 'impatient' and that caused his eyes to tighten, was he trying not to scowl at me? His eyes flicked between my mom and me rapidly; like this was a puzzle he couldn't solve. Just like Aunt Alice, he couldn't seem to understand why I would want my mother over him.

Looking up I realized the entire room was watching our interaction closely, especially my sister. This was her father but that didn't stop her protectiveness, she was aware how long I had been waiting for my mom.

"I'm sure your Aunt Rose has better things to do than hold you right now," Edward sneered; His voice was tight, hard. Bordering on snide but it didn't hide the bitter edge.

His audacity blew my mind, even more so when I saw the flash of rage in my mom's eyes. What little gold was peaking threw was once again engulfed in pitch black. I was getting ready to chant 'fight' 'fight' 'fight.'

Unknowingly, since I couldn't talk, I had projected that onto my sister.

{Gracie! They shouldn't fight!} My sister rebuked me with a reproachful glare.

{You just know my mom would kick your dad's as – butt!} I hurriedly corrected myself with an innocent smile. Renesmee huffed but didn't deny my statement. I saw her lips twitch with hidden amusement that Aunt Alice mistook as being amused by her silly faces. She was trying to distract at least one of us from the mounting tension.

"Don't tell her things like that." Mom didn't yell or even snap but it was one of those calm statements that was scarier than if she had yelled. One that promised repercussions, consequences, backlash. The ones that only moms can manage to pull off. "I would love to hold you, princess." She directed that part of the statement toward me, softening exponentially.

"I reckon we all just take a breath, yeah?" Uncle Jasper stepped in between them. I felt a wave of calm that wasn't my own and knew he was using his gift to try to ease the tension. His eyes were flicking between my silently fuming mother and Edward, whose eye was twitching; from the influx of thoughts, I was sure both Mom, Uncle Jasper and even Aunt Alice were sending his way. It didn't interrupt the challenging glare he was sending my mom.

My stomach grumbled causing Uncle Jasper and Mom to look at me in concern. Edward was busy glaring at my mom; I wasn't even sure if he heard it. I huffed before my little arms shook as I forced them to lift and reach for my mom. If he wasn't going to hand me over then I would make sure no one could deny what I wanted. Mom's eyes softened even more as she watched me reach for her. Her lips curving up into a smile that widened at the addition of twinkling puppy eyes for added effect.

Edward wasn't happy at all; in fact, I was sure the vein in his forehead (that I wasn't aware vampires could have) was near bursting, but under the admonishing eyes of Uncle Jasper and Mom, he didn't stop her from taking me from him.

As soon as I was back snuggled against her chest, Uncle Jasper handed her my bottle and she popped it back in my mouth. Her smile returning with ease as she studied me. The last thing I saw was her place a kiss on my forehead before a peaceful sleep welcomed me.


As soon as I woke up my body froze, I wasn't in my mom's arms. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know. I couldn't smell her; I couldn't feel her. The connection I shared with only my mom and my sister was absent. I could feel it in the back of my mind but whenever my mom held me it was ever present. It upset me a lot more than I was willing to admit.

Understanding how upset I was becoming; my body took matters into its own hands. I unfroze my legs kicking out, my small hands turning into fists and a whine of displeasure leaving my toothless mouth. As the one holding me realized I was not only waking up but doing so unpleasantly. She started to hum an uplifting tune while rocking me and I allowed myself to relax. It was Aunt Alice; I could tell just from the ever-present liveliness. At least it wasn't Edward.

I opened my eyes with a wide cooed yawn; my arms stretching out above my head and my legs curling into my body, a sigh of relief leaving me. I continued to blink the rest of the sleep out of my eyes while I stared curiously at the woman above me. She looked exactly like her movie counterpart; maybe just more chipper if that was possible. Her smile was wide and giddy, her bright golden eyes practically sparkling in delight.

"Hi honey," Her voice was high pitched and lilted, slightly shrill but that could be explained by the excitement radiating off her. If moms voice reminded me of smooth honey; Alice's reminded me of the high of a roller coaster without the inevitable downfall. "I'm your Auntie Alice."

I was conflicted. On the one hand, who had never thought of meeting Alice Cullen? On the other, I wanted my mom. If she was truly my aunt, then I'd have plenty of time to see her any other time. That settled it for me. I reached up and placed my hand on her cheek. Just like with Edward I passed on 'want' and the image of my mother.

She gave a thoughtful and slightly teasing hum of understanding. "She's right...over...there!" She lowered her voice as if we were conspiring together, separating her words between unnecessary punctuation, while she shifted us sideways revealing my mom sitting across the room. It was easy to see her own eyes light up at seeing me awake, she smiled at me, and I resisted the urge to be selfish. She was holding my sister and while Bella was Renesmee's mom; my mother was still her aunt. She had every right to spend time with both of us.

To soothe my irrational jealously, I smiled at her in return before I resigned myself to waiting until she was ready to hold me again. At least that was my plan, until I saw her look away from me with a nearly unnoticeable frown. Her eyes, which were now resplendent gold, became unfocused with a furrow in her brow. She was thinking too hard about something, and it was obviously upsetting her.

Unconsciously I made a small cry to get her attention. When her eyes snapped over to me, the furrow in her brow relaxing, I lifted my arms in invitation. If I added another set of twinkling puppy dog eyes, complete with a slight tremble in my lower lip...well, who could blame me, really?

I knew I made the right decision when she got another one of her large and genuine smiles on her face; I still had no idea what had been bothering her but was I being presumptuous in assuming she had also been jealous or upset seeing me with Aunt Alice and not asking for her...? Was she also resigning herself to wait for me to want her?

"Trade me," Mom nearly demanded, exposing a hint of desperation that I understood all too well as soon as she was standing in front of us. Aunt Alice looked apprehensive, maybe curious, and suspicious. I wasn't sure what she had to be suspicious about, I wasn't exactly being subtle in favoring my mom.

Carefully they maneuvered us so I slid easily into Mom's arms while Renesmee slid into Aunt Alice's. Another nearly inaudible sigh of relief left my mom while she scented me, taking deep inhales of my natural scent. I was curious what I smelled like to her but had no way to ask. Scenting turned into her placing soft kisses along my face causing me to giggle. I was basking in all the attention; she would never hear any complaints from me.

It was extremely easy to get lost in the euphoria that interacting with her caused; my emotions so quick to nearly overwhelm me, in the best of ways, of course. Both of my hands settled on either side of her face while I returned the favor. Scenting her, inhaling her natural scent of Jasmine and Honey with a hint of vanilla underneath. It was slightly intoxicating...more than a little addicting. I couldn't help but hope I had the same effect on her.

It was interesting that in normal circumstances smelling someone the way we were just standing here sniffing each other would be considered weird. In the twilight world, vampires relied heavily on their sense of smell and whether subconscious or not, mom's 'beast' recognized me as her young. Scenting one's young was a common thing to do for supernatural creatures. It was a way to ensure they were safe, unharmed, even happy.

Edward walked into the room at that moment and ruined the mood. Immediately Mom's 'beast' recognized him as a threat to her young, whether she understood it consciously or not. It was obvious in the way she held me tighter, her body unconsciously angling so she was between me and him, a near silent growl leaving her that I could feel in her chest. It was quite fascinating to watch, I wondered how it would change things when she knew what claim she had over me.

Edward ignored us thankfully, his eyes landing first on Renesmee in Aunt Alice's arms just as Uncle Jasper entered the room.

"Daddy!" She shrieked in an innocent belle like voice. I knew we would grow faster than normal children. I knew we were way more intelligent than other children our age; but even I was dumbfounded. Especially with how clear her voice was despite not having any teeth. I guess it was one thing to know about the progress we would make; it was an entirely new thing to witness.

The books and movies left much to be desired in relation to Renesmee's growth. Because it was Bella's POV, so much wasn't shown! It was hinted at, sure but that was nothing compared to experiencing it. She was speaking full sentences by a week old...I guess it only made sense that as a result her first word was said so easily and so quickly.

{Was it something I said?} Renesmee asked me and I buried my face in my mom's hair, so I didn't bust out laughing.

{Say it again, it should snap them out of it.} I was able to reply once I got control of my laughter.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed again, reaching for him as he stood there staring dumbly at her. I studied her closer and realized not only was she talking sooner than I was, but she also looked older than me. The second exclamation shook the room out of its shock and Edward radiated nothing but pride and joy as he swiftly crossed the room and took her out of Aunt Alices arms.

He turned to face me, and I stared at him blankly, my lips twitching when Mom's 'beast' again took control of the situation. Shifting me so I was no longer in his line of sight. It was no longer just Aunt Alice who looked suspicious.

"Graciela grows slower than Renesmee. I wonder if her mental capabilities aren't as advanced as a result," My eyes snapped to look at the one I automatically identified as Carlisle. He was switching between studying me and studying my sister. However, I was more focused on the pure offense I felt at my intelligence being questioned.

{Did he just call you stupid?} I wasn't the only one offended on my behalf.

{Implied it.}

Uncle Jasper's shoulders were shaking as he tried and failed to laugh silently while he watched both myself and Renesmee glare at our grandfather. "I don't think that's the problem," I turned what I hoped was a glare onto him, Renesmee following my lead, but it only seemed to make him laugh that much harder.

"What do you mean?" Carlisle questioned, moving to stand next to Jasper. Thankfully, this made it easier to glare at the pair of them at the same time. He tilted his head while switching between watching me, my sister, and Uncle Jasper, waiting for an explanation.

"She is offended, Carlisle–" Uncle Jasper paused when Renesmee let out a slight hiss of indignation. "They are offended," He amended, "That is their way of glaring at you...and me."

At his explanation, Aunt Alice and Mom joined his laughter. Carlisle also seemed more amused than anything but managed to fight down any laughter. He hid it behind a well-timed cough, "I do apologize, girls. Can you forgive me for my ignorance?"

{Can we?} Renesmee asked, ready to follow my lead. I felt a rush of affection for her that I let her feel. Unable to say no to those annoyingly kind golden eyes I released an exasperated and exaggerated huff but stopped glaring at them; leading Renesmee to look away too.

"They forgive you," Uncle Jasper informed him, reaching out to run an ice-cold finger along my cheek. I grabbed it and chose to shove it in my mouth. The coolness felt amazing against my gums; was I teething already?

"She's like Bella. You can read her emotions, but her thoughts are silent to me." Uncle Jasper nodded but said nothing to Edward's observation and Mom pulled his finger out of my mouth in favor of going to sit in the rocking chair with me.


Things were quiet for a while, even the tension had fled the room. That 'tension' being named Edward. To my surprise, I never got bored even though the life of a baby was uneventful as hell. It didn't matter to me; I was just content being with my mom, especially now that no one was interrupting the serenity.

Sometimes I followed the conversations; sometimes I just watched mom's face while she read her car magazines. Unfortunately, I was lulled into a false sense of security that caused me to forget all about the temperamental puppy who would soon imprint on my sister.

It wasn't until he practically stormed into the house that I remembered that particularly important fact; along with the revelation that the wolves had yet to attack and were likely on their way to do just that. My anxiety and unease spiked. It would be okay if it followed the plot, but things were already different! What had changed exactly?

Jacob was not just angry; he was pissed off. His face was contorted in rage, his breathing coming out in quick pants, slight steam rolling off his skin from how close his wolf must be to the surface; and yet no one paid him any mind. They had gotten so used to his presence and mood swings that they completely dismissed the very real threat he presented at this very moment! Was Edward so busy staring at Bella that he blocked out Jacob's thoughts or did Jacob remember to think of inconsequential things that wouldn't draw Edward's focus?

I was upset that I had no way to warn anyone about what was happening. He was here to kill both myself and my sister and I could do nothing to stop him. All I could do was hope that he still imprinted and that everything would be fine as a result. My emotions were erratic despite that hope, I was still a newborn, I was more than just effected by his emotions. My legs kicked, jostling the blanket and the magazine in the process. It brought mom's attention on me, and I let my upset show on my face. Cringing away from the incredibly angry wolf so she would understand.

I wanted her to get us both away from the wolf. Maybe throw him outside; a sudden irrational fear built in me the closer he got that he would see me first and imprint on me instead. I put my hand on her cheek so she could feel my emotions. 'Fear. Unease. Anxiety. Distress.'

She reacted immediately. Her magazine was discarded while she tucked my face into her neck, using her hair as a shield between me and the outside world. She rubbed my back with her fingers while patting her other hand along my bottom. Rocking the chair and whispering assurances in my ear. I could still see but I had to admit that I did feel much better.

Jacob stormed over to where Aunt Alice was holding Renesmee causing a warning growl to leave Uncle Jasper, who was standing just behind them. He tensed finally recognizing the threat and prepared to defend his mate and Renesmee only to stare incredulously at Jacob, who suddenly fell to his knees. A serene expression took over the rage as he locked eyes with my sister and imprinted on her while we all watched.

I was a bit fascinated; his entire demeanor changed in barely a second. His tense and tight shoulders; relaxed. His eyes, which had been nearly black in their anger; lightened significantly, back to their dark brown. His mouth, the skin around his eyes, and his eyebrows relaxed from their taut pinched position. His breathing settled; deep breaths leaving his mouth and I was almost sure he was scenting my sister.

Mom was staring at him in a mixture of disdain, confusion, and incredulity, easily matching the expression on Uncle Jasper's face. Aunt Alice was purely confused; an annoyed furrow in her brow, she didn't like not knowing what was going on.

As if on que, Edward walked into the room only to freeze in his tracks. His brows furrowed in concentration as he replayed the last few minutes in someone's...maybe everyone's thoughts.

His face twisted into an enraged snarl, furious eyes trained right onto Jacob, who was slowly climbing to his feet; his hands splayed in front of him to show he meant no harm. "It's not what - ..."

That's as far as he got, Edward didn't let him finish or explain. In the blink of an eye Edward was in front of him, snapping the bone in his arm with a sickening crunch and throwing him against the far wall. He hit a painting above the fireplace and landed hard on the ground.

The noise caused the other inhabitants of the house to rush into the living room; where they stared at the scene in confusion, except for Emmett.

"No fair! Why is it that only you get to break the puppies?" He whined staring at Edward with mock betrayal in his eyes.

Edward ignored him; his eyes watching as Jacob groaned in pain on the floor. "The wolves are coming for the girls."

Mom stood, her arms embracing me tighter and more securely. Moms' 'beast' was taking over again. Pitch black eyes stared at Jacob accusingly while a loud and threatening growl laced with protection and possessiveness left her chest. I put my hand against her neck, 'love and trust.'

"Why?" Esme, who I realized with a bit of surprise was my grandmother, gasped. Her hand covering her mouth while she gave both of us concerned glances.

"They think the twins are dangerous, like we assumed. That they are unable to control themselves or their thirst." He led them out of the house and as a result I lost track of the rest of the conversation, not that I needed it. I knew what was going to happen, even if things were slightly different than canon.

My mom stayed in the house; the growl that was previously in her chest cut off so she could listen to everything that was happening outside. Aunt Alice moved to stand next to us and I noticed Renesmee was staring at Jacob with sadness on her face.

I winced in sympathy. I guess seeing your 'soulmate' in pain and not being able to help was painful for her. {Are you alright, Ness?}

She turned her face away from the sight and looked at me, glistening chocolate eyes. Lower lip trembling. {Sing to me, please?}

There was no way I was going to deny her. I chose to use the song that I had stuck in my head for a week prior to my death.

{Why do you build me up. Buttercup, baby Just to let me down.

And mess me around, and then worst of all. You never call, baby, when you say you will.

But I love you still. I need you, more than anyone, darlin'

You know that I have from the start, so build me up. Buttercup don't break my heart.}

"Is she humming?" Mom asked, causing me to pause in my singing and look up at her in confusion. Had I been humming aloud?

Aunt Alice looked between me and Ness, "I think she was humming to Renesmee," to agree with her, my sister nodded and reached out to grab my hand.

"Can you do it again?" Both Aunt Alice and Mom were watching me, so I decided to try it. I could sing to my sister using our thoughts; pass on thoughts and images to each of them via touch; it wasn't so far off to assume I could sing to them too, was it?

Renesmee, sensing my thought process, kept her hand connected with mine but added her free hand onto Aunt Alice's cheek. I put mine on Moms. Changing the lyrics just a tad to match my own situation, I found the perfect song.

{I know water that's thicker than blood

That's deeper than love with my friends.

People come and some people go, and

Some people ride til' the end.

When I am blind, in my mind

I swear they be my rescue, my lifeline.

I don't know what I'd do if I'd - if I'd survive.

My Mother and My Sister; in my life, yeah.

I know some people they would die for me.

We run together they're my – family.

When I get up, they gon' be high with me

I'll say forever; my family.}

When I was finished; and I found the song fitting considering I don't know where I would be without either my mom or my sister, especially during my time in that 'tomb;' I dropped my hand from her cheek and beamed up at her. My smile faltered when I saw I was mostly receiving stumped looks, aside from my sister who looked as if she wanted to hug me but couldn't reach. Aunt Alice could see the future; Uncle Jasper could feel and manipulate emotions; Eddie boy could read thoughts...was my ability really that strange?

Realizing I hadn't gotten the reaction I expected; they were quick to remedy that fact.

"That was incredible!" Mom breathed, a slow smile spreading across her face as she rubbed my back. That was more like it!

"That was so cool!" Aunt Alice squealed; if she wasn't holding my sister, I was sure she would have done a little hop step. I chuckled at her excitement, my sister joining in. I was glad to see she was feeling better. It might have had something to do with the fact that Jacob had fixed his arm and run outside during my performance, but I'd like to believe it was all my doing.

Emmett appearing behind mom was the only indication we had that whatever animosity was between the wolves and our family was, at least for now, dealt with.

"What's cool?" Emmett questioned with a tilt of his head, slightly narrowed eyes switching between me and my sister. The apprehension in his eyes explained why I had only seen him twice now. He was exceptionally large; his gift was literally Advanced Strength and given how strong vampires were, that was saying something. He was obviously afraid that he would hurt one of us with his size and strength; we were exceedingly small.

It hadn't really occurred to me; since I was very obviously a momma's girl but if she was my mother then as her husband and mate, Emmett was my father. I wanted him to be comfortable around me. To not be afraid of crushing me with his strength. Despite the slight hesitance I had because he could fit me in the palm of his hand while balancing me with his forearm; I reached out to him.

Renesmee looked as if she was thinking the same thing; I could feel her worry and concern.

He visibly hesitated, looking to my mom with an uncharacteristic vulnerability in his eye. She smiled reassuringly at him, grabbing his hand, and leading him over to the couch. She pushed him down into a sitting position before helping arrange me in his arms so I was properly cradled and there was no chance he would drop me. His face was frozen in an adorable deer in headlights expression the entire time causing both Renesmee and I to snicker.

I put my hand on his incredibly large arm to pass on what I felt like he needed, 'trust.'

His face took on a hint of surprise before determination colored his features; he became more sure in his movements. When Mom had double, and triple checked that we were both comfortable and Dad didn't look as if he was holding a live grenade instead of a newborn; she sat on the arm of the couch next to us and put my little hand on his cheek. Imagine a marble compared to a bowling ball.

"Alright, Gracie, do you think you can show him what you showed me and Auntie Alice?" She questioned sweetly, holding both of our hands to keep the connection open.

I could; the hard part wasn't singing the songs. The hard part was deciding on a worthy song to show them. I chose a song that I figured he would like; it was reminiscent of Mom, who wasn't shy about her teeth, and it helped that it was one of my favorites.

{Some days you're the only thing I know. Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold.

Can't look away, can't look away. Beg you to stay, beg you to say – yeah.

Sometimes you're a stranger in my bed. Don't know if you love me or you want me dead.

Push me away, push me away. Then beg me to stay, beg me stay – yeah.

Call me in the morning to apologize, every little lie gives me butterflies.

Something in the way you're looking through my eyes; don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive.

Fight so dirty but your loves so sweet. Talk so pretty but your heart got teeth.

Late night devil put your hands on me, and never, never, never, ever let go.}

His foot, which had started tapping along to the beat while I was singing, stopped when I finished; he was practically shaking in excitement. I knew we would bond over music, plus I wasn't a girl to shy away from getting dirty even if I loved to dress up and look cute. The best of both worlds for my parents.

"Holy shi-!" He tried but a sharp glare from Mom had him wilting like a scolded child. He backtracked, "Uh, Shirt...yeah, Holy Shirt." He stuttered out and I couldn't hide my laughter. He was whipped.

I heard them before I saw or smelled them, and Esme and Carlisle were making their way through the room; pausing long enough to give us each a reassuring smile before they went into the kitchen. Esme declaring she would be making bottles. My stomach rumbled at just the thought.

Edward, with a lingering glance toward both Renesmee and I, informed the room that he would be with Bella and then left as quick as he came. Jacob walked into the house more hesitantly, as if he was expecting Edward to turn around and break his arm again. When he deemed it safe, he crossed the room in three strides to stand by where Aunt Alice was holding Renesmee. Aside from Uncle Jasper stiffening at his sudden proximity to his mate, he didn't say or do anything.

I wasn't used to the way Jacob smelled; it wasn't as horrible as Stephanie Meyer described it to be, but it was potent. It wasn't even wet dog; but maybe that was because my sense of smell wasn't as strong as my families. None the less, it was ... beastly and caused my nose to scrunch and my stomach to flip.

"He does stink, doesn't he?" Dad teased while Mom smirked, moving to place her finger under my nose. It was a bit too late for that. I released a high-pitched sneeze that the room found adorable; a chorus of 'aww' following. I barely registered them as the same 'muscle' or 'bone' that I felt in the 'tomb' popped out of my back and I froze. I had forgotten about it; hoping it had been my imagination.

It hurt whatever it was, from where Dad's arm was unintentionally pressing against it, and I squirmed with a pained cry. It startled the room into action. Uncle Jasper must have felt my pain; he moved almost as fast as Mom did to get me out of Dad's arms. She was faster, and closer, immediately lifting me as her eyes flitted intently across every inch of me. Thankfully, it had relieved the pressure and pain I had felt.

I waited for her to bring me close and cuddle me against her chest and I didn't understand why she had frozen with me in mid-air. Even more confusing was why the room had frozen; not a single sound heard from anyone.

"Carlisle," Mom choked out in a strained voice. I turned my head to see him appear at the entrance to the living room, only to drop the notebook and pencil that had been in his hand as he stared at me.

"Are those...?" Aunt Alice trailed off and I felt a spike of irritation. Couldn't she have finished her thought process? Even Renesmee was staring at me in a form of wonder.

I wasn't one to shy away from being the center of attention; except in a situation where those staring didn't have to blink. It was disturbing. Thankfully, mom sensed my discomfort and pulled out of her surprise enough to bring me protectively against her chest where I settled gratefully. When I relaxed; the muscle on my back fluttered and I giggled. It felt funny; borderline ticklish.

Esme walked into the room and dropped the bottles on the floor while staring at me in Moms arms; her hand covering her gaping mouth. I wanted someone to talk or at the very least show me a damn mirror.

Unfortunately, Edward was next. Probably brought in by everyone's thoughts. He took me from my mom, much to my continued annoyance. Maybe it was because of the situation but this time she didn't protest in any way.

He lifted me so I was facing the room; one of his hands holding me firmly across my stomach with my back facing him. A sudden and unexpected yank, I belatedly realized was him pulling on the muscle, caused a pained and aggravated grunt. My feet kicking in protest. Mom and Uncle Jasper both stepped closer in our direction; warning growls directed at him.

"Did we read anything about this?" Edward directed his question toward Carlisle while he held me up like Rafiki did Simba in the lion king.

"Well.... yes. Nephilim are also half-breed children, but they're supposed to be the result of an angel and a human; not a vampire and a human." Carlisle sounded like he was seconds away from rushing off to do even more research

"I don't have fangs; I don't burn in the sunlight. I think we can safely say the myths aren't a hundred percent credible," Dad spoke slowly with a shrug. As if it heard him; the sun was suddenly shining directly through the long wall of windows in the living room. The abruptness of it caused me to avert my sensitive eyes; but I snapped them back at the collective gasp.

Finally being able to see my reflection, even I was confounded by what I saw. Unlike Renesmee who had a head of copper brown hair; my own was honey blonde. While her eyes were green; my own were a bluish violet reminiscent of the flower itself. The most shocking part; however, led to a lot of pure disbelief. The 'muscle' wasn't a 'muscle' at all! I had tiny baby wings flapping gracefully against my back, the feathers gently grazing my skin, which caused the tickling sensation. That didn't detract from the halo that appeared to be sitting comfortably above my head.

"Really missed the opportunity to name her Angel." Dad tutted with a click of his tongue, breaking the silence that had settled onto the room. "It can be her nickname, huh Angel?"

"Dada," I called out to him, arms extended in his direction; both pleased and pleasantly surprised that I was able to form the words. It wasn't as much as Renesmee but I would take what I could get. Whether shocked or affronted; Edward's hold loosened, and I started to slip causing an alarmed and slightly frightened cry to fall from my lips.

"Edward!" Mom snapped, her patience with the situation and his carelessness running thin. She easily grabbed me out of his arms with no protest from me and as per usual; tucked my face into her neck.

"It was an accident!" He snapped back defensively. Mom ignored him; rubbing my back and using her fingers to race along my...wings. They settled against my back at her ministrations and a content purr left my chest. I didn't even have time to be surprised, it was incredibly relaxing. Mom was exultant when she heard my purring, only just managing to hold back her own. I ensured she knew I understood; it wasn't a moment I wanted to share with so many around anyway.

She walked over to the window, repositioning me so she could better study the effects the sun had on me. My stomach chose that moment to growl again; I had forgotten I was hungry. It was closely followed by Renesmee's from where she was resting in Aunt Alice's arms, sucking on one of her fingers to compensate for her forgotten bottle.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Esme apologized, rushing over with our newly picked up bottles. Mom placed me in the crook of her arm; ensuring she didn't crush or squish my wings with her arm. It was easier than it was with Dad's since her arms were much smaller than his were.

Esme stayed close and both her and mom were eyeing the apparent halo over my head.

"Do you think...?" Aunt Alice trailed off, moving to stand next to us while she fed Renesmee. As usual Jacob wasn't far behind; Edward had run back to Bella's bedside. It didn't escape either of our notice that they were studying Renesmee now, trying to see if she gave off any indication that she had hidden wings. Aside from a faint glow of her skin that human eyes would never be able to see; she had no other changes.

"Maybe if her wings pop out?" Dad proposed as he moved to stand besides us, studying me closely with a gentle and loving smile.

"How did you get Graciela's?" Uncle Jasper asked.

Mom smirked, "She smelled the mutt and the odor caused her to sneeze, isn't that right, princess?" She cooed at me causing me to smile around the nipple of my bottle.

"Rosalie!" Esme attempted to scold but the twitch of her lips gave away her own amusement.

"As if you have any room to talk, bloodsucker." Jacob retorted; I didn't appreciate the way he spoke to my mom. A protective growl left my own chest at his offensive tone towards her. It only lasted long enough for me to realize that I had just growled. Even Mom and Uncle Jasper looked astonished for a moment before they smiled smugly.

"She felt protective when Jacob spoke to you, Rose. I don't think she liked his tone." He purposefully aimed the last part of his statement toward Jacob who scoffed.

"That's my girl," Mom beamed, her smug smile still firmly on her face. That's right; I was hers. I knew her 'beast' had long since realized but she still didn't understand. I was ready to rectify that. I placed my hand on her cheek and let my emotions help me explain. 'Love, Protection, Adoration, Slightly Possessive,' but most importantly, I ensured she could without a doubt feel that she was my mother.