The Truth Hidden Behind a Crafty Lie.

It was quiet for so much longer than I could really find comfortable; not when we were waiting to see just what was going on. And then we saw movement. Esme, Mom, and Jacob practically sprinted to the window to see and then breathed a collective sigh of relief – clearly, they had been just as worried. Edward had jumped out of the window and I could hear him clear as day as he taunted Bella to join him. His eyes skated over the window where we were located just as the rest of our family joined us – but he was unseeing, unfocused.

"Reflective surface..." Uncle Jasper whispered in my ear, low enough only me and mom heard him. "We can see out; and at its strongest the sun can get in – but no one, not even vampiric eyesight can see in." Now that was a genius invention I wasn't aware existed. I let him feel my fascination before I snapped my head to my father – scanning him frantically for any sign of injury.

I was sure that if Mom had heard him get hurt, she would have been much more distressed, but I couldn't stop my 'alarm'. I couldn't rely on what knowledge I had – not completely. Things were changing, different; and while I had feared for him, I burned with regret. I hadn't taken the time to tell him that I cared. I was a mommy's girl... but that didn't mean I couldn't show him that he was appreciated.

I reached for him, letting him see the desperation on my face. He grabbed me from mom, holding me against his chest and I inhaled his scent greedily. Allowing it to settle my heartbeat as much as it could settle. Our hearts already beat like the fluttering of a hummingbirds wings, light and much too quick.

I pushed my hand against the other side of his neck – letting him feel all my love for him. My appreciation. My adoration. He was my father. Mine.

His smile was gentle as he regarded me with soft eyes, pulling my face away from his neck if only so he could look into my own. "You didn't need to worry. I already knew, angel – but I love you, too."

'Comfort. Relief. Gratefulness.' overflowed from me to him. It was different than it was with mom, unsettling. The bond indeed worked both ways – I could feel just a hint of the affection he had for me, but it was mostly just about how expressive his face was. He wore his emotions candidly - as straightforward as one gets. Was that why the bond had allowed me to have access to hers but not his? Because his were open to me and she had a tendency, an unhealthy one at that, to hide hers?

Our moment was interrupted, eyes snapping back to the window when we heard voices clear as day and then we could see them.

"Right. Easy." Bella was looking at her feet, or more accurately, the Stilettos that I knew Alice was responsible for with an unknown accusation in her blood red eyes.

"Bella?" Edward called.


"That was quite graceful – even for a vampire."

Whether he meant to distract her from the shoes or he meant it, wasn't clear but she beamed none the less. "Thank you!" Her smile was wide, full of teeth. While the sun was gently hidden behind the endless forest surrounding our home, so I couldn't see the way it would sparkle on her pearl like skin – her smile reminded me of a great white shark. It screamed 'dangerous!' – or was that simply because I didn't trust her as far as I could throw her?

She bent down, took the silver satin shoes off her feet, one by one and threw them somewhere off to the side.

"Her fashion sense hasn't improved as much as her balance." Alice complained with a hint of a whine in her voice. And then we could no longer see them as they disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Things were relatively back to normal after the troublesome twosome disappeared. Un-needed but relieved breaths were taken from nearly everyone. It was only after we all settled into our normal routine; (Dad and Uncle Jasper in front of the Television, Carlisle in his office. Esme and Alice on the couch – Jacob holding Renesmee and Mom settled with me in our rocker) that I realized Jacob was still pacing.

"Alright!" He exclaimed causing my startled eyes to look up at him in confusion. He handed Renesmee to Esme and then jumped up and down repeatedly, rubbing his hands together. Stretching his neck and shoulders. "I'm going to do it."

"Do what?" Esme asked gently, eyeing the wolf with her own confusion on her face.

"We can't let her near the girls until we know how she's going to do with a human scent. I'm going to meet them at the tree line and let her smell me first."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Carlisle asked, appearing beside the shifter; who to his credit, didn't flinch from the proximity. His lips were pressed in a thin line with his eyebrow furrowed. "You may be a shifter but you're still human."

"I say we do it." Mom intervened, drawing an admonishing look from Esme. "What? We should let her around the children as her first test of self-control? If he's willing to use himself as bait to protect them; let him." Her feelings weren't malicious, even if she wouldn't thank Jacob for offering himself up – she was filled with 'Gratitude. Relief.'

And while Esme and Carlisle still looked concerned, it seemed to pull a hidden weight off of everyone else.

Mom and Jacob exchanged a look. One that held ... comradery? An understanding? He nodded once and she copied the action. "It has to be me. I won't let her hurt Nessie or Gracie." His face was set in his determination and then he ran outside before anyone can argue further.


We were once more at the window. Esme, whose hearing was apparently better than everyone else's; had heard them coming back a full two minutes before anyone else had. Jacob was hidden just in the tree line; a place Bella wouldn't even think to look until she heard his heart beat and her newborn instincts kicked in – according to Uncle Jasper who was watching with rapt attention.

As soon as Bella and Edward landed in the backyard. Bella's feet touching the ground. An excited and triumphant... "Ha!" Left her a second before alarm showed openly on her face. Edward clamped his hands down hard on the top of her arms.

"Don't Breathe." He cautioned urgently as their attention shifted to Jacob. He was standing at the line where the forest met our backyard; his arms folded across his chest. His jaw clenched tight. To my surprise, I could hear the two large heartbeats behind him and the faint crush of twigs and branches under heavy, pacing paws.

"Carefully, Jacob." Edward warned, though his eyes held a hint of hostility that stemmed from his imprinting. A snarl could be heard directly behind Jacob, most likely from Leah. "Maybe this isn't the best way – "

"You think it would be better to let her – " He trailed off for just the length of a breath. His eyes snapping to the window and back again. Mom tensed and I narrowed my eyes. " - near the baby first? It's safer to see how Bella does with me. I heal fast."

Several deliberating moments passed while we all watched emotions fly across Bella's surprisingly open face. Surprise, confusion, concern. She looked nauseous. Edward's face held a touch of concern while the shifter and the mind-reader kept eye contact. In the end, his expression twisted from concern to a sort of sick anticipation. "It's your neck, I guess." And there was the undercurrent of hostility I was expecting.

A furious growl that I had no doubt belonged to Leah, rumbled from the forest. A low whine from Seth. And again, everything was much too still. Much too silent.

Jacob and Bella seemed to study each other, or maybe size each other up? And then he smiled at her. Bella didn't seem to know what to make of it; even as she relaxed seeing no anger or judgement on his face. He shuddered slightly. "I gotta say it, Bells. You're a freak show."

Bella seemed to relax even further at his easy banter. A grin sliding onto her own features. Though Edward didn't take kindly to the perceived insult. "Watch yourself, mongrel." He growled low in his throat.

The wind blew through the trees and Bella took a quick but deep breath of the fresh air. "No, he's right. The eyes are really something, aren't they?"

"Super creepy. But ... it's not as bad as I thought it would be."

"Gee – thanks for the amazing compliment." Bella replied dryly but humor laced her tone.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean! You still look like you – sort of. Maybe It's not the look so much as ... you are Bella. I didn't think it would feel like you were still here." There was no resentment or bitterness in his smile. The imprint had erased all the complications from their friendship. He cared for her as Bella, now. Not as the girl he loved. Bella's rising confusion was actually pretty comical. "Anyway, I guess I'll get used to the eyes soon enough."

"You will?" Bella mumbled, skepticism and dubiety lacing her tone.

Jacob's smile faded slowly, a somewhat guilty look replacing it. "Thanks." He directed toward Edward. "I didn't know if you'd be able to keep anything from her, promise or not. Usually, you just give her everything she wants."

"Maybe I'm hoping she'll get irritated and rip your head off." Edward suggested and while he had kept his tone light – his eyes were hard, even as they swept over the window once before returning to Jacob; who snorted in exasperation.

"What's going on? Are you two keeping secrets from me?" Bella demanded, looking incredulous.

"I'll explain later." Jacob deflected with a clearing of his throat. "First, let's get this show on the road." He was challenging her now as he took slow steps forward.

There was a whine of protest and finally, Leah's gray wolf slid out of the trees behind him. Seth's sandy colored wolf right behind her. Their ears were flat against their head. Tails swaying anxiously between their legs as they watched the scene unfolding before their eyes.

"Cool it, guys," Jacob huffed. "Stay out of this." I had to agree. It was his decision. They didn't truly listen though they did slow so they were several paces behind him. "C'mon, Bells. Do your worst."

Leah snarled. Teeth bared and hackles raised. Seth seemed to brace himself, his legs tense and his body angled slightly forward; reminding me that he had jumped directly in front of Jacob when Bella attacks him for the imprint. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm getting older here, Bella." Jacob taunted her, still taking slow steps forward. "Okay, not technically, but you get the idea. Go on, take a whiff."

"Hold on to me." Bella pleaded with Edward who nodded, his hands tightening around her arms as if he could truly hold her should she decide to attack. She locked her muscles in place, face contorted in perseverance. She took a small, delicate breath in through her nose. Her chest barely lifting with the action.

Three seconds passed by. And then she took another. Relaxing her tense position. "Huh. I can see what everyone's been going on about. You stink, Jacob."

Edward burst into laughter, his hands moving to wrap around her waist instead. Seth barked a low chortle as he came a little closer. Tongue peaking out and his tail now wagging more freely. Leah on the other hand retreated several paces, still eyeing the newborn with all the hostility of a vampire hating shifter.

Dad, unable to hold it in any longer chuckled low in his chest. Most of my family looked rather amused but I assumed they were too stressed to join in on the carefree moment.

"Look who's talking." Jacob theatrically plugged his nose, his grin ever present – even when Bella eyed him warily while Edward whispered 'I love you' in her ear.

"Okay, so I passed, right? Now are you going to tell me what this big secret is?"

Jacob's expression morphed into obvious apprehension. His voice strained. "It's nothing you need to worry about this second..."

And Mom gently slapped Dad's arm when his chuckle was more expectant than amused. "I'm winning that bet." He whispered in her ear. She shook her head with a fond eye roll.

And then Bella's attention shifted to the window. Her eyes unfocused as she listened but didn't see. Even knowing she couldn't see me, when her blood red eyes scanned over where I was watching from moms arms; I shuddered and both her and Dad pulled me tighter against her.

"Renesmee..." Bella whispered, so low I nearly missed it though I was sure my family had heard it as if she spoke at a normal volume.

"Come and see," Edward murmured. "I know you can handle this."

"You'll help me?" She near whimpered.

"Of course, I will."

"And Emmett and Jasper – just in case?"

"We'll take care of you, Bella. Don't worry, we'll be ready. None of us would risk it. I think you'll be surprised at how entirely we're all wrapped around little fingers. It will be perfectly safe, no matter what."

Bella took a single step froward and Jacob was nearly toppling over her, his face contorted in his uncertainty. "Are you sure, bloodsucker?" He demanded, his voice almost pleading as he glanced between Bella and the house repeatedly. "I don't like this. We don't like this!" Was he including Mom in that? "Maybe she should wait –"

"Both of you had your test, Jacob."

"But – "

"But nothing." Edward interrupted. "Bella needs to see our daughter. Get out of the way."

Jacob continued to look, panic-stricken and frantic; between the bemused newborn and the window before he all but sprinted inside ahead of them. Edward growled his frustration before he took a deep breath. "Shall we?"

As they made their way toward the back door; my family moved, at once. Moving into a strategic position. Dad in front of mom and I. Uncle Jasper in front of Alice and Renesmee. Jacob was between mom and Alice. With Carlisle and Esme directly in front. I could see how uncomfortable it made Uncle Jasper to be behind them instead of in front of them. Mom tucked my face in her neck, obstructing my view but to my surprise as long as my hand was connected to her neck and my eyes were closed it was as if I could see through her eyes.

Renesmee was leaning forward in Alice's arms, thankfully drawing all of Bella's focus away from anyone else in the room.

"I was out just three days?" Bella's disbelief was written on her face. It was a genuine concern – as Carlisle said, Renesmee looked about three months old and she had grown even in our sleep. Her shiny bronze-colored hair fell in ringlets past her shoulders – just a hair longer than mine. Her chocolate brown eyes studied Bella with the awareness and intelligence our family had come to expect from us – though Bella looked more unnerved by it.

Renesmee lifted a hand toward Bella, before she let it drop onto Alice's neck. Alice, who patted that hand and muttered. "Yes, that's her."

Renesmee's eyes stayed locked on Bella's for several more seconds before she smiled a wide and dimpled smile toward her mother. Flashing her tiny white teeth that had also become more prominent while we slept. Bella took a slow hesitant step forward and Uncle Jasper was in front of her, prepared and ready to intervene. Jacob had taken his spot in front of Alice who backed up several steps along with Mom and Dad.

"I'm okay." Bella promised, patting Edward's hands that were again bracketed on her arms. "Keep close, though, just in case."

Uncle Jasper's eyes were tight and focused while he studied the newborns emotional climate. Renesmee, eager to meet her mother for the very first time, started to struggle a little in Alice's arms. Reaching out toward her eagerly and impatiently. It was the first time I really took the time to consider that I had my mom while she had been waiting for hers.

"Jazz, let us through, Bella's got this."

"Edward." Uncle Jaspers voice was tight and cutting. "The risk –"

"Minimal." Edward drawled in a bored tone, cutting off his concern. "Listen, on the hunt – she caught scent of some hikers who were in the wrong place at the wrong time..."

Several things happened at once.

Carlisle sucked in a shocked breath.

Esme's face was full of concern mingled with a compassionate understanding.

Uncle Jaspers eyes widened, and then he nodded as if he had expected it.

Jacob screwed his mouth up in a disgusted grimace.

Dad shrugged and Mom shrugged as well. Going for family solidarity, I also tried to shrug – but it came off more as an awkward twitch of the shoulders. Mom seemed to understand the gesture though and I felt a hint of her 'amusement.' before she could tamper it.

"Edward!" Carlisle chastened. "How could you be so irresponsible?"

"I know, I know. I was just plain stupid. I should have taken the time to make sure she was in the safe zone before I set her loose."

'Annoyance. Exasperation.' I felt moms 'curiosity' at my emotions but I chose to let her realize how much of a drama queen Edward was all on her own.

"Edward." Bella mumbled with chagrin, looking as if she would blush if she could.

"He's absolutely right to rebuke me, Bella." Edward grinned. "I made the mistake. The fact that you're stronger than anyone I've ever known doesn't change that."

That confused me. Sure, Bella ran away from human blood – but Mom never tasted human blood and Carlisle was literally standing right there.... Also never having drank from a human. Was it the love for his mate that allowed him to forget their achievement's or was it because Mom had killed even if she hadn't drank from them? But then what did that make Carlisle in his mind?

I chose to tune out the rest of their gushing; annoyed by the way that Smeyer had written Bella... to constantly be praised and 'special' – she had to stand out. Be more; even though her achievement was something that others in this very room had accomplished centuries before her.

I didn't replace it until I heard Renesmee let out a ringing wail that momentarily set my heart into overdrive. I sighed a breath of relief when I saw through moms' eyes she wasn't hurt – simply irritated that she couldn't be with her mom, that it was taking so long. I empathized with that.

"She's fine. She just wants' Bella." Alice told a nearly hysteric Jacob who reached for Renesmee and Alice surrendered her. The closer Bella and Edward got the more Jacobs hands shook; his face warped in consternation.

"Jake – I'm fine." She told him, though the trembling in his limbs did not stop. He frowned at her; his eyes tight as he scrutinized her every move.

Finally. Finally. Bella reached and pulled Renesmee gently toward her, Jacobs arms stretching so she could cradle my sister but he didn't let go. Everyone held their breath as Renesmee reached for Bella's face prepared to show her our combined 'gift'.

"What...was...that?" She choked out; eyes locked onto my sisters.

"What did you see?" Alice asked, leaning around Jacob. "What did she show you?"

"She showed me that?" Bella whispered, stunned.

"I told you it was hard to explain." Edward whispered in her ear though we all heard it. "But effective as means of communications go. It was the only memory she had of you. She's letting you know that she's made the connection, that she knows who you are."

"But... how did she do that?"

Renesmee reached up to pull on a lock on Bella's hair, her fingers twisting in it the way she had seen me do to mom right before I fell asleep. I felt 'guilty' that I hadn't taken the time to realize she may have felt sad not being able to be with her own mother while watching me with mine.

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future?" Edward asked rhetorically and shrugged lightly. "She's gifted."


It wasn't long after that the proverbial switch was flipped. I knew it was coming but it didn't stop my sense of foreboding. Was I actually worried for Jacob?

"Haven't we experimented enough for one day?" He asked, his voice filled with unmasked stress. He was still clutching Renesmee, ready to pull her out of Bella's arms at a moment's notice. "Okay, Bella's doing great, but let's not push it."

I held my breath when Bella glared at him; her red eyes seemed to blaze in her irritation.

"What's your problem, Jacob?" She nearly hissed, tugging lightly against his hold on Renesmee. He didn't relinquish said hold; he simply stepped in closer. If Bella wondered why Mom and Dad were the only ones not involved in the group huddle; ready and willing to restrain Bella and recuse Renesmee if need be – she didn't ask. Her awe over Renesmee thankfully blinding her to everything else ... except for the shifter who had chosen to piss off the newborn.

Edward joined in on the irritation, teeth baring slightly at the shifter while he hissed. "Just because I understand it, doesn't mean I won't throw you out, Jacob. Bella's doing extraordinarily well. Don't ruin the moment for her."

Jacob's expression twisted into something less anxious and more angry as he stared at Ness; but I chose to watch the newborn put the pieces of this puzzle together. Slowly her face morphed from a furrowed brow of bemusement and irritation to burning eyes alight in horror and accusation.

"No!" She gasped and suddenly she sounded like a vampire.

Uncle Jaspers body was as tight as a spring, the newborn meltdown he had anticipated was here. Edwards arms wrapped around her chest to restrain her while Jacob had nearly ripped Renesmee out of her arms.

"Rose." Bella spoke through grit teeth. Eyes finally locked onto Mom. Mom kept her face carefully blank, ensuring that my entire body was hidden behind my Dad who hadn't moved a single muscle from in front of us. She simply raised a curious eyebrow. "Take Renesmee."

If Bella noticed that Alice had been the one to grab Renesmee; she didn't mention it. Mom, Dad, and Alice took slow but deliberate steps away from the increasingly angry vampire.

"Edward, I don't want to hurt you – so please let go of me. Go stand in front of Renesmee." Edward hesitated for a microsecond and then he listened.

"You didn't." Bella snarled toward Jacob, her upper lip lifting to reveal bared teeth. Her hands curled into claws.

Jacob backed away, palms up, trying to reason with her. "You know it's not something I can control."

"You stupid mutt!" She snarled once more. "How could you? My baby!"

"It wasn't my idea, Bella!" She stalked toward him every bit the hunter in this moment and he half ran down the steps backward.

Dad, Esme, Carlisle, Uncle Jasper and Edward all followed them out into the front yard while Mom stayed with me instead, Alice and Renesmee right beside us.

"Well, that definitely could have gone better." Alice mused and Mom shot her an incredulous look before she sighed, shifting me in her arms so that I was now upright instead of cradled.

"It could have gone worse." She countered, smirking when Alice rolled her eyes.

"She didn't even smell her." Alice mumbled with a slightly bewildered furrow in her brow. Handing mom a pacifier I hadn't even seen her grab.

"Overstimulation, excitement, distractions. Renesmee was a focal point for her single-minded focus – newborns are hardly able to focus on multiple things at a time." Mom shrugged as she carried me into the kitchen while Alice followed. "We won't be able to keep her hidden for very long."


They were outside long enough for Mom and Alice to be able to make Renesmee and I a bottle. It was while she was sitting with me in the rocking chair, fingers running through my hair – eyes scanning me repeatedly as if I was the one in danger of being fought over by a shifter and a newborn that Dad came inside. My own fingers were curled around a golden lock of her silky hair as I basked in the feeling of our connection now that the 'tension' was once more gone... at least for now.

Alice had; most likely bought another Rocking chair. Placing it directly beside the one that was reserved for Mom and me. They were angled toward each other, a small table with a white cloth and a vanilla scented candle in the middle. Tucked away in the corner of the living room by the windows. From our position, I could either look at mom, look at the forest beyond the row of windows, or look around the living room.

Dad dragged a chair over by us; sitting by my head as he took to running his fingers through my hair. Did it feel as silky as moms did? Jacob ran inside next; easily taking Renesmee from Alice and taking her spot in the rocking chair. Again, Mom and Jacob exchanged a nod.

"I'm so sorry, Seth. I should have been closer." Edward apologized, while helping Seth into the house. Uncle Jasper led a distressed Bella into the dining room before she could even glance around.

"Seth, I – " She spoke from the other room. Uncle Jasper stood tensely in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. Apparently, he was on guard duty.

"Don't worry about it, Bella. I'm totally fine." Seth brushed her off at the same time Edward said. "Bella, love, no one is judging you. You're doing so well."

I watched as Carlisle came and began to secure a brace on Seth's arm. "You have a broken shoulder and collarbone." He informed the young shifter who winced when Carlisle tightened the brace.

"Sorry! I'm sorry!" Bella rushed out from the other room.

"Don't freak, Bella. I'll be back to normal in half an hour. Anyone would have done the same, what with Jake and Ness –" He broke off abruptly and changed the subject just as quick. "I mean at least you didn't bite me or anything. Now, that would've sucked."

"I'm a bad person." Bella sulked.

"Lucky thing Ness – Renesmee's not venomous." Seth mumbled after a slightly awkward silence. "Cause she bites Jake all the time." When his eyes roamed the room, I felt mom tense and I saw from the corner of my eye Jacob and Dad tense as well. Uncle Jaspers back was to Bella and he was suddenly watching the young shifter with a laser focus. My tiny heart beat even faster than it already did.

Not him. Not him. Please, not him! I chanted in my head. A low, so low I wasn't sure anyone could hear it growl started in mom's chest as his eyes slowly moved toward mine. He looked just as nervous as I felt. With a deep breath and a harsh swallow, he finally connected eyes with me – only to nearly collapse in relief against the couch when he didn't imprint.

He whined low in his throat when it jostled his arm. Carlisle who had been watching despite his busy hands, seemed to lose some of the tenseness in his shoulders at the assurance that I had not been imprinted on. "Well, Seth – I think that's as much as I can do. Try not to move for, oh, a few hours, I guess." He released a low chuckle. "I wish treating humans was this instantaneously gratifying."

"I can probably manage sitting still for a while." Seth agreed, a huge yawn leaving his mouth. Seconds later he was snoring away, oblivious to the world. I glanced out the windows now that everything had settled once more and saw Leah pacing anxiously along the river in human form. Her expression alternating between anxious glances and murderous glares – Could she see Bella from where she paced?

Alice skipped into the room; I hadn't even been aware she left and drew my curious gaze. "Rose, can I speak to you and Emmett for a second?"

Mom narrowed her eyes in slight suspicion but nodded – "you too, Jacob!" Alice called as she skipped her away up the stairs and into a guest room located on the opposite end of the house.

Carlisle, Esme, and Edward were already there when we walked in. Jacob following close behind with Renesmee drinking from her bottle in his arms.

"Adoption?" He questioned tensely the minute Alice closed the door. "Really, Alice?"

"Do you have any better Ideas?" She challenged back just as heatedly. Eyes alight with a fierce determination. "I promised I would do right by my niece. This is the only way."

"Care to share with the class?" Dad looked between the two of them, his eyes following their back and forth like a tennis match.

"Genius..." Carlisle breathed; apparently having caught on quicker than the rest of us.

"After what happened with Jacob – why take the risk of another Newborn meltdown?" Alice asked, "We tell her the truth hidden behind a crafty lie. Graciela was adopted by Emmett and Rosalie."

"Will that work?" Esme questioned.

"I can't see – "Alice directed an annoyed look toward Jacob who shrugged unapologetically. "But it's better than nothing."

"Or we could – "

But Jacob cut off Edward's reply. "No, shortie is right. It's better than the alternative. Why take the risk that Bella will attack Rosalie? Especially when we don't know how Gracie will react to that."

"And I doubt my angel will be very forgiving a second time." Emmett grinned, looking at me with his eyes alight in a new wave of anticipation. "I smell another bet." He rubbed his hands together.

"I'm inclined to agree, Edward." Carlisle nodded, shaking his head at Emmett's excitement. "We don't know the extent of Gracie's 'gifts' – do you want to take that risk with Bella for selfish curiosity?"

"It isn't – "

"But it is." Esme insisted firmly. "We've been over this, sweetheart. Please think of what's best for everyone."

"Bella can't miss what she never had." Mom finally joined in the conversation. "Graciela was never hers. She never knew her. Never met her. As far as she's concerned it was only Renesmee. The truth hidden behind a crafty lie is better than risking my baby over your continued delusions, Edward."