Okay! Hi, lol I have not dropped this! For anyone wondering - I explain in the story I just started that I just haven't been in the best place or frame of mind or anything to write in almost 2 years now. I do want to keep going with this but I don't want to jump back into it without getting a bit of practice in. 

It's Called "The Walking Dead: Fate's Favored" If you are interested in seeing Gracie in The Walking Dead Universe. There are four options for that story; so far there are 12 Votes for option 1. 9 for option 2. 1 for option 3. 0 for option 4. I will be changing the title, summary, and cover when an option is officially chosen. Voting is open til 9 tonight!

Im hoping its like riding a bike but I just wanna be sure. I started a new story with Gracie as my main character - its in a new universe, the walking dead if you want to read it. I have 4 different options for that story and if you're interested you can head over and comment and help me choose which one to start. 

After Ive written that one a little and got back in the swing of things and feel confident in my writing again, I will be picking this story back up! 

Thank you for anyone who has stuck with it and I'm still considering a patreon! I didn't make one before because I didn't feel it was fair if I wasn't holding up my end of the bargain by providing content. 

Also for anyone interested; I've literally found my Face Claims for Gracie!! 

And for anyone interested - pics of Rose and Gracie