The Ravagers Gang

" Everyone don't move !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

" This shopping area is now under our control !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' shouted the criminals loudly while shooting some bullets.

As chaos erupts, the people with superpowers there tried to stop them but they were all rained with gunshots from the criminal's anti-power weapons.

Rangga and his grandmother saw that could only stand still because around them there was no good place to hide. Rangga also saw the criminals and immediately recognized the jackets they were wearing and the logo in them.

" (Wait a moment this jacket and logo!!!!!)" Rangga thought to himself.

"( Isn't that? )" Rangga says as he recognized the logo on the jackets that the criminals are wearing.

"( The [Ravagers Gang] logo !!!! )" Rangga shouts in his mind as he immediately recognized the unique logo of the Ravagers Gang on the criminals' jackets.

The "Ravagers" gang, is a gang of criminals who often create chaos in every city. This gang is one of the remainings from the old generation Metapunks that currently still exists in Supernova City before Undefeated comes into this planet.

This gang is known for making every riot in this city ever since their leaders are known to be ruthless and crazy. Their leaders are also known to be High-Ranking Meta Tiers (From Tier IV to Tier V) that making the gang very ferocious and powerful.

As he knows what he faces right now, Rangga then thinks to himself as the situation grows more uncertain. He even asked himself the question like why are those criminals here, it is some heist or something. As he saw the boss of the criminals come out with a robed guy while the criminals then creates a barrier surrounding them.

"( What's that? some kind of barrier? )" Rangga says as the barrier then covers the scene as we can see that girls he bumped earlier have already gone far away as they evade the closing barrier.

" That was close ... " the girl says as she goes with her friend since she had something to do.

As the barrier closes, Rangga begins to feel something in his left eye as he suddenly felt a migraine in his left head since a vision or memories rushing through him as he sees it with his left eye.

"( What ... the .... )" Rangga says as he sees it, seeing his grandma's death.

"( Grandma .... sacrificed? )" Rangga says in his mind as he sees probably a vision or a memory that probably from the future or from the previous timeline.

"( No ..... )" he says as tears come from his left eye as he sees his grandmother who told him to lay low as the criminals begin to surround them.

"( Is this ... the 'event' that 'Twelve' told me about? )" Rangga asks while in reality, Rangga (12)'s soul is looking at him with the other souls as the Chrono Ghosts then witness what is going to happen in this very moment of this current timeline.

" Let's see what will he decide to do shall we? " Twelve tells them as they will witness what will the Current Timeline Rangga do in this situation as the vision shows him about what he had to do while in that very moment, the Leader of the Ravagers Gang comes out.

" It's him ... Berserker .... " Rangga says as he looks at his grandma.

" Grandma .... " Rangga calls her with a faint voice as his grandma looks at him as she then pats his head.

" It's alright grandson .... " she calms him.

" I'll make sure that I will protect you, 'cause I already swear it in your parents' grave," she tells him as Berserker then shows himself with his armor since he is getting closer to their direction.

" It's really him, ... " the people say as they see the leader.

" I thought he was still in prison ... "

" How did he escape? I thought Undefeated defeated him last week right? " the person says as she was immediately shot by one of the gangster criminals.

" Shut up you blabbering hostage, our Boss is free now and so what !!!?? " the shooter says after shooting the woman.

As it happens, the people there begin to panic until Berserker decides to shut them up by shooting his gun in the air telling them to shut up as he begins his speech.

" Good .... do any of you have anything to say? or want to make a call? " he asked while the people there went silent as Berserker then put his gun back in his pocket as he speaks again.

" Well do it, since you people are going to do something for me ..!!! " he tells everyone that after being prisoned by Undefeated, he begins to develop a sense of revenge against him as he then trains his Meta abilities in order to defeat him as he tells everyone that he is now a Tier V after doing some [Genetical Breakthrough].

Hearing that the people whisper their faces gone pale while Berserker continues as he tells them the reason for him coming here is to draw Undefeated into this place since he wanted to exact his revenge.

" And ... in order for me to meet him again, I want you ... all of you to viral this scene using your phones or every gadget you have now !!!! " Berserker orders them as he asked them to also bring the hashtag #savemeundefeated in order to make him come to this place quickly.

As they were given the chance to, people then do what Berserker orders them to as they do just that which makes the authorities who see that on social media immediately react as they prepare themselves for the scene as soon as they see Berserker in those Live, Story and Postings.

" All units, prepare now we have a Villain on a rampage !!! " the authority officer says as he then orders the officers to move as they bring their equipment in order to capture Berserker again.

" Wanted Villain, Berserker has been seen at the Culinary District, I repeat ... "

" Wanted Villain, Berserker has been seen at the Culinary District ..!!!! "

As the thing happens, the evening in that turns very troublesome as no one ever expects that a Villain like Berserker will suddenly come in front of the public despite him being wanted by every authority.

And what's bothering people at that time, is Berserker's bravery as he says on the video as he challenged Undefeated the strongest Hero in Supernova City.



[ Name: Violent Villain, Berserker ]

[ Tier: V ]

[ Ability: ..... ]