First Class

" So you have already completed your basic training? " Twelve asks Rangga as he enters the System Space again after so long.

In reality, Rangga had been training in his cell for three days to reach level 12 as he does it by making loud noises which give the other residents discomfort as Twelves tells him to beware since he thinks that the other residents might have some hatred for Rangga since he deliberately disrupts their night.

" So it seems ... " Rangga answers him as he then asks twelve about his location now.

" Hey Twelve, I want to ask you about something .. " Rangga asks him as he shows the System's interface to Twelve revealing his Current Location.

< Current Location: Temple of Chronus >

As Twelve sees that, he then reveals that he knows about this place but it seems the place had some differences unlike the one he sees in his timeline which he reveals to be an empty place.

"( Well it seems my intervention makes it full after all ... )" Rangga Twelve says as tells Rangga that this place is the temple for the ancient titan of time, ChronoAxis as this place was meant to be his grave.

" This place is also meant for the still remaining Deviants to awaken the Titan himself since the Titan has been feeding Candidates that will battle inside his body as the Candidate will be filled with his Mana. " Twelve explains to Rangga which makes him disgusted while Twelve tells him that the reason he did that is that he wants to find a perfect Vessel in order to transfer his Soul to it.

" But ... in order to that, ChronoAxis must first find the 'Perfect Vessel' whose body can withstand his Mana ... "

" Which is why the Candidates are put inside his body in order for them to get used to his power as the failed Candidates will be dead by the monsters inside him or by ChronoAxis's primordial Mana that is too strong for mere beings. " Twelve explains to Rangga as he tells him that the reason why the System creates those quests regarding his physical training is to prepare Rangga's body in order to hold the Titan's Mana.

" For example, think that ChronoAxis's Mana is some sort of large water in a large bucket ... "

" And think your body before training is a normal cup ... "

" Now tell me, if the large water is transferred to the cup .. "

" What would happen to the cup ... ? " Twelve asks him as Rangga thinks for a bit and asks back.

" Is the cup is made of glass or plastic? " Rangga asks as Twelve tells him that it can be both.

" Well, for me is ... " Rangga says as he then finds the answers thanks for him being a quite smart boy.

" I think the cup will be overrun by the water and the water could probably break it if the cup is made from glass. " Rangga answers him.

" BINGO !!!! " Twelve tells him as he says that if Rangga was put into ChronoAxis's body before completing his training then he will be likely overrun by the Mana inside it which could kill him before he starts entering it.

But since Rangga already trained his body a bit, it increases the chance of Rangga to hold the amount of Mana that ChronoAxis could give to him as his body grows from being a normal cup to a large water bottle.

" But still, it won't be enough ..!!! " Twelve tells him as Rangga needs to Level Up further first as the System then gives him another quest which is.

< New Quest !!!! >

< Fight Rangga Twelve >


" Wha ... " Rangga says as he then was immediately attacked by Twelve without even realizing it.

" What the hell Twelve? " Rangga asked him as he tells Rangga that since he is now physically ready, now he must learn his Techniques as he then equips his Shield as he then attacks Rangga that blocks him with his arms.

< HP - 100 >

" Damn it !!! " Rangga says as he then fleas from Twelve's front as he went to his back in order to attack him with his kick.

" Eat this Twelve !!! " Rangga says as he kicks him with his skill that he acquired after training.

< Hard Kick >

< This skill is a physical skill that doesn't need a Mana on the normal use but could be empowered by Mana which can enhance the kick even more. >

" How about that Twelve !!!?? " Rangga asks him as he kicks his back which could be fatal for an old man like him but.

" What the .. you? " Rangga says as Twelve blocks it with his [Shield Magic]

" !!! " Twelve says as the shield bumps Rangga away as he attacks him again with his Shield which Rangga has to dodge in order to maintain his HP since he has no weapon to defend himself.

" What's wrong !!!!!?? " Twelve asks him, asking him if he is really such a coward since he had no weapon which infuriates Rangga as he then attacks Twelve with but was blocked by his shield that hurts his arms.

< HP -10 >

" Grrhhh ... " Rangga says as Rangga Twelve then attacks him again with his Shield as Rangga has no choice but to block his attacks with his own bare hands.

"( Mmhh ... I had no choice but to defend it with my own hands .. )" Rangga says as Rangga Twelve's memories come to him.

In that memory, Rangga sees himself as Twelve as he becomes a Knight, a Shield Knight that uses Shield to protect innocent lives whereas he sees him fighting monsters and villains in order to protect the people he cared about.

But to that avail, after he receives his good long life in his old age, fate betrays him as his granddaughter Carla was sentenced to death by the Diviners for an unreasonable crime which infuriates him as he tries to free her from her cell and then ....

"(No .... I can't fail her again like him ...!!!)" Rangga says after receiving some of Twelve's memories and then grabs Twelve's Shield as he pulls it from his hand which he then attacks Twelve with his own Shield.

"< User Rangga STOP !!!!! > " System says as he then stops their battle as the System declares Rangga to be the winner as he gives Rangga his reward.

< Congratulations User Rangga >

< You've completed the quest >


As the System says that, the Shield begins to disappear as the Shield then turns into a light and then enters his chest as now Rangga can summon it independently.

< Congratulations User Rangga >

< You have now received your first class >

< First Class: Shielder >