Dreams of the Future

( Weeks after the previous chapter.)

Outside the Pit, in the Temple of Chronus. ChronoAxis (in his Soul Form) sleeps on his altar as he dreams about the scene from his past.

*" So it is true that's what I'll be in the future times. " ChronoAxis says as he looks at the humanoid being in both of his eyes as with his two 'Supreme Eyes' help looks at the being that reveals himself as the [Chrono Ghost, the Survivor of the Future] while the Chrono Ghost gives him the Vision of his future form as he tells him what to do.

" Wait ... what .... hey tell me what is that ...? "

" Wait ..... " ChronoAxis says as his eyes were suddenly closed.



" Gasp ...!!!!! " ChronoAxis (in his Soul Form) awakened from his dream as he remembers the Vision that he sees back in the Primordial Age.

" Just a dream ....? " he says to himself as the administrator Overseer approaches him, asking him what happened and ChronoAxis tells him that everything is alright as he tells them that things are still according to plan.

" Are you dreaming about the Vision again My Liege ...? " Overseer asked him while ChronoAxis nods as he tells him how absurd that the Vision was as he followed it until now.

" Even though I still doubt that Vision but thanks to that I, I can still survive until now in this very age. " ChronoAxis tells his administrator as he tells him that thanks to that mysterious vision he now knows the things that the Diviners did to the world.

" Those pesky offsprings, it seems they think highly of themselves !!!!!! " ChronoAxis says as he remembers the Thunder that his son Zeus gives to him back in his battle as he also remembers his 'other' offspring that strikes him with his dragon breath.

" Grrhhh ... I knew that I should've killed them when they were little ... " ChronoAxis says as he regrets not killing his offspring before they rebelled against him.

" And now, I and my brothers have to pay the price of our ignorance over those offsprings (Diviners and Deviants) as these little pests had the balls to even the Creator in order to enact their ways over the Cosmos. "

" Those meddling little deceivers, instead of nurturing the nature we created they created other beings (Mortals and Monsters) that in the end destroys our very creation itself. " ChronoAxis says as he tells Overseer all about the things he regretted doing in the past but also praising the Vision of the Future that he received back then as it helps him survive.

As he says that, he then asks Overseer about the current condition inside the Pit as Overseer tells him that there are four candidates that had been assumingly getting closer to becoming his perfect Vessel.

But as he says that, one of the administrators comes in and informs them that one of the Big Four Candidates have been killed as she tells them, and currently there's a war in the Third Floor as the administrators inside the Pit reported that one of the Candidates is also killing the administrators as riot happened in that certain Floor.

"( What is this? )" ChronoAxis asks himself as he then sees the [Chrono Ghost] again as he looks at him as he then shows ChronoAxis something as it affected him.

" My Liege ... what's wrong? " Overseer asked him as ChronoAxis tells them to prepare as he sees that an army is coming towards the Sub-Realm they're at as the [Chrono Ghost] gives him the visions of the incoming danger.

"( How did they even know about this place? )" ChronoAxis asks himself as he looks at the [Chrono Ghost] that had already disappeared from his sight.

"( Did he tell them? ... why ...? )" ChronoAxis says as he wonders how could this happen as he quickly recognizes that this is just a vision, a vision of the future as the residents of the Main Realm (Earth) may realize the growing power inside this Sub-Realm he created.

" I see .... so many of our apostles had been caught ...!!! " ChronoAxis says as the Visions gives them the foresight of his apostles that tried to find more candidates in Earth.

As he sees that, he then orders his apostles to prepare themselves as he will prepare his Corpse Body to move while Overseer objects him, telling him that the Candidate Selection is not complete but ChronoAxis rejects it, as he tells him that the Candidate will be safe since the inner parts of his body have been hardly layered in order to prevent outside attacks to enter his inner parts.




( Back to Supernova City.)

" Interesting .... a realm within a realm ... " Andro the android says as Demigod shows him the trace of a Sub-Realm that he found using the Diviners Radar.

" Indeed, based on what Truthseeker and Memoir find out as they gaze upon the 'Apostles' mind they had confirmed that these 'Sentient' Demonic Monsters and Half-Deviants are all responsible for the recent 'Disturbance' that the Diviners in Valhalla sensed weeks ago. " Demigod says as he assures that the Valhalla residences won't be interfering with this problem as they are doing their 'Sacred Procession' or some sort.

" No just that ... " Valkyrie adds.

" From the apostles that we captured, after we analyzed based on what we see on their minds we saw a very detailed thing about what is happening in this Sub-Realm. " Valkyrie says as she opens her record of one of the [Memory Projection] that Memoir and Truthseeker does back in the interrogation section as she shows them the scene of many monsters with black goops on their chest battling each other to the death as in that scene, they can also see a particular 'human' boy using his Shield as he bursts every monster that attacks him.

"( No way is that ....? ) " Undefeated says as he looks at the boy as he was certain of who that is.

As Undefeated looks at it, Heracles then looks at the boy in the scene as he asks Undefeated if that's him which Undefeated replies with a yes as he sees Rangga defeating many monsters with his Shield and Wand.

While they were all looking at the recording, they all begin to wonder if Rangga was that strong before he was abducted which Undefeated denies as he remembers how vulnerable Rangga was back then.

" His powers must have been awakened back then ... " Undefeated realizes as he then tells all of the heroes inside the room to prepare themselves as he asks Derrick to pick the date as Undefeated tells him to order them all to do the 'Siege Protocol'.



* This scene happens after chapter 1 after Rangga Twelve does his Time Travel before the scene changes into the current Timeline.