Twelve Eyes

[ Monday, January 21, 2022 ] (Earth Time)

[ 07:02 A.M ]

" So that's the thing that will happen? " Rangga says as his 'own' left eye turned into a clock-like which is similar to the one that Twelve has.

< Permanent Skill: Twelve Eyes of Time >

< " Since this Skill is permanent, even if something bad happened to the System then this skill will never be deleted since this Skill is belong solely to the User himself. " >

As Rangga gazes upon Time, he peeks at everything that he needs to know even if that could be wrong since the eye only gives him visions that he needs to filter first.

" Jeezz there's too much information regarding the Timeline that this eye gives ... " Rangga says as he deactivates it.

" Are you sure this eye could help do my future tasks? " Rangga asks Twelve as he defeated the monster before him which is the Floor Guardian of the 1st Floor.

" You could say that ... " Twelve tells him as he explains to Rangga that the Twelve Eyes is incomplete due to its pair being held by someone far away.

" Far away ... you mean 'her' didn't you? " Rangga asks him as he absorbs the Floor Guardian's soul.

" You seem so confident that you will defeat them once more after acquiring the full extent of ChronoAxis's power in this Timeline. " Rangga says in his curiosity.

" Are you sure that the future you see with this 'eye' is 100% Correct? " Rangga asks him as he doubts Twelve's plan as he sees the visions that Twelve also sees.

" Actually, based on my experience, ... that eye's accuracy in peeking over the time is almost 83.40% which is a good percentage. " Twelve tells the Current Rangga as he arrives on completely absorbed the Soul into his body.

" I hope you're right ... " Rangga says to Twelve as he continues his task as he has one Candidate to kill before becoming the Vessel.



( Above the Pit. )

[ Location: Chronus Temple ]

" My Liege they're coming .... !!!!! the enemies are coming !!!! " said one of the apostles as he calls the other administrators in there as he was immediately destroyed by the Heroes that decided to attack the Sub-Realm as they do the *' Siege Protocol'.

As the Heroes do their siege, they began to take fire on many locations that Andro the android analyzed as it will destroy the Sub-Realm for good as Undefeated himself also comes there to destroy the Barrier and fend off many armies in order to charge to the temple.

" MOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Undefeated tells the apostles as he leaps towards their place to search for Rangga as he swears it to his grandmother before doing the Siege.

While he bash around the enemy lines, Undefeated was then smacked by a Titanic hand as he was slammed into the ground.

" What the ...? " Undefeated says as he sees the hand coming out from the ground.

Inside the Chronus Temple, ChronoAxis (the soul) uses his magic and power to move his corpse body (The Pit) in order to fight off the no.1 Hero and the champion of Earth's Diviners as the body slowly comes out from the ground.

" There's no use ... Undefeated .... " ChronoAxis as he uses his incomplete Twelve Eyes of Time in his left eye.

" I already predicted your move in every time I use my Twelve Eyes ... " ChronoAxis says as he controls his Titanic Body within the Chronus Temple while the Titanic Corpse destroys everything in its path in order to defeat Undefeated.

" Die Undefeated ...!!!!!! " ChronoAxis tells him as controls his hand to punch Undefeated which Undefeated counters by giving him a greater punch.

" "

At that moment, ChronoAxis's Titan hand was immediately obliterated while his Soul inside the Temple could feel the pain as he growls.

" Grrhhh ..... how dare you, Mortal ...? " ChronoAxis says as he summons more hands from his Corpse Body as he waits for the 'Candidate' to come.

"( Currently inside that body, there are two Candidates left that are still fighting .. )" he says as he uses his eyes to 'peek' the situation on the First Floor as he peeks on the final battle as he then sees the victor which is.

"( So you're the winner huh ..? )" ChronoAxis says as he looks at Rangga after he successfully defeated his final opponent and was granted the right to become his Candidate.



( Back to the Pit [ ChronoAxis's Corpse Body ] )

[ Location: 1st Floor of Wrath ]

" You defeated me .... you uugghhhh " the opponent says to Rangga as he defeated him with the Transformation that makes him have a Black Dragonic Jet-like Armor as he uses [Lance Saber] as he stabs his opponent while he uses the [Twelve Eyes of Time].

" It's no use .... at the moment I use this eye as my guide, your fate has been sealed. " Rangga tells him as he says that he already knew his fate before the battle even started.

" You .... bastard ...., you .... see my ..... fate ..... "

" Is that the power that ChronoAxis's Mana energy in the Pit ..... blessed you with?" he asked as he tries to use his Telepathy to see on Rangga's mind which baffles him, telling himself how unlucky he is as he sees his own fate that Rangga has foreseen with his eye.

" So all of this is all destined for me ...? " he asked as he sees another thing in Rangga's mind.

" And all of this ... all of this blood and tears ... "

" Are all just a ... game .... for you? aha ... " he laughs as he tears.

" Damn .... me .... aha ... ahaha ... ahaahahahahaha ... " the final opponent says as he disappears as his body and soul was destroyed thanks to Rangga's Ultimate Skill.

< Boss Oponnent has been defeated >

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

< Congratulations You reached Max Level >

< Level 100 >



As the System says that, Rangga looks at the System as he clicks it which summons the Candidate partners he acquired to become his companion as he already [Save] them all as a Data inside the System.

" So you did it? you've completed the Selection ...? " Hashra the Giant says as he talks to Rangga while his Mark and Black Goop have been disappeared from his body completely since Rangga somehow (with the power of his Past Versions) freed him from the Ritual's conditions, just like the other partners he freed.

" You can say that ... " Rangga answers him as he says that it is also thanks to [Asura] (the Deviant who sponsored Hashra) as he helps him with his final attack.

" Grrhhh ... you are just so lucky that you managed to hold my power and contract .. " Asura says as Rangga managed to do a 50:50 contract with him.

" But next time, you and Jormungandr will not be so lucky next time if we meet again .. " Asura tells Rangga and his sponsor.

" Shut up you Kishin ...!!!! " Rangga mocks him as he teases him with a slur that he used to say to Asura whenever he meet him.

" Kishin ... Kishin ... stop it will ya ... what's the deal with calling me that ...? " Asura asks Rangga while Rangga remembers an old anime he used to watch that has a villain named Asura in it while Asura angrily objects to him while Rangga opens his inventory to search for the item he wants to use.

" Ah there it is ... " Rangga says as he picks the item.

< Origin Teleportation Scroll ... >

< " Can only be used once ... " >

Rangga then uses the item he acquired from Twelve to create a portal that will transport his partners to their homes as he forbids them farewell, Hashra told Rangga as he wants to meet Rangga again someday if he can which Rangga nods while waving his hand as he lets them leave.

As they all were transported to where they all belong, Rangga then looks up as somehow a voice tells him.

" So you took them under your wing in order to fool me ... hmmm " the voice tells him.

" Impressive .... "

" Maybe your such a great Candidate for my Vessel after all ... " the voice says as Rangga tells the voice to open the portal since he will come there to the ceremonial place as the voice agrees with it while opening the portal for Rangga to leave the Pit for good.

" Goodbye Pit ... " Rangga says as he looks back for the last time as he already scourged the entire pit by looting every item and material in it.

" It has been fun ... " Rangga says as his Twelve Eyes show him what happened next and also the memories he has during his time inside the Pit as he enters the Portal.

"( In this Timeline, I'll make sure that I will change things and make a difference ... )" the Current Rangga says as he sees the memories of his 'granddaughter'.

" Wait for me .... my 'future' granddaughter ... "

" I'll make sure that I will save you this time ... "

" From every threat that will kill you in the future ... " Rangga says as he sees his 'granddaughter' in each of his past memories.



Skill: Twelve Eyes of Time (Active)

Owner: All Rangga that the system has on its data

Type: Permanent Skill

note: this skill will be permanent, even if the System will experience updates and reboots.

Special Fact:

The Twelve Eyes is the eye that Rangga Twelve obtained in the First Chapter after he touched ChronoAxis's Core as the Titan's Power gives him a Miraculous eye that could peek at everything within the Timeline itself.

This eye actually had a pair, as this pair is held by one of the Diviners, this pair is the thing he needs in order for all Ranggas to be certain on which visions the Twelve Eyes of Time he should follow.