Extra 0.3: Grandmother ... I ...

" Grandma will come .....? " Rangga asks Derrick as he tells Rangga that Mrs.Rory and Undefeated will come in the future hours as he told Rangga to take shower before he meeting her.

As Derrick tells that, Rangga then says goodbye to Andro's test subjects as he went into his room in order to take the bath before meeting his grandma again ...

"( I wonder if grandma brings me the food I like to this place ... )" Rangga says as he then tries to activate his Twelve Eyes but sadly the eye won't activate as Rangga deems it having insufficient energy to trigger.

"( Gosh ... this eye's activation is so random ... )" Rangga says.

"( Especially after I switch my Data Slot .... )" Rangga adds as he remembers that he's been so troubled in activating the [Twelve Eyes of Time].

Saying that Rangga then take bath for hours as he not only just do mere bathing in the bathroom since he also decided to poop while seeing his status on the System as he looks at his current level.

< Level: 55 >

" Hmmmpphhh ... no other reward besides status increase huh ...? " Rangga says as he sees nothing special from this Level Up.


( At another place.)

" Welcome Mrs.Kent, we've been expecting you ..? )" Derrick says as he greets Grandma Rory as she was brought here by Undefeated in order to visit her grandson as she missed him.

As she was brought inside, she then was guided to a room where she then sees her grandson return which fills her with joy.

" Rangga !!!! " Rory says as he quickly hugs him after she sees him as she pats him and touches his body in order to check if it was really Rangga since he looked so different which she couldn't even believe when she first saw him.

" Oh my god, you've grown !!!!!! " she says in disbelief as Rangga looked like his age has been accelerated into four or five years older than he was now (12 Years Old) ...

" What happened to you ....? " Rory asked as Rangga tells her that is a long story as he tells her that he's been abducted to do some kind of tournament as he fights warriors and monsters in that place.

" But gladly I survived !!! " Rangga says as he tells his grandmother that with his power, there is nothing that he can't do now.

" Your power ...? you mean 'Magic' ..? " Rory says which made Rangga go silent as he averts his eyes into another direction.

"( Oh shoot, I forgot that I told her in 'that' letter about my power .....!!! )" Rangg says as he realizes that he screwed up by revealing bluntly to his grandmother that he just acquired a power that is very forbidden on his religion.

While Rangga is being awkward, Rory then suddenly stares at him as she sits on the chair after hugging him as she prepares her words which makes Rangga feel uncomfortable.

"( Oh my God .... )" Rangga says as he instantly realizes what will his grandmother say to him.

"( There it is .... based on my memory, a grandma is very a strict person in terms of maintaining out our religion's religious rules in our lives ... )" Rangga says as he remembers that 'Magic' is categorized as a Sin in his religion (Monotheism).

"( I forget about why is it forbidden, but I think I kinda once read the verse about it in our Holy Book. )" Rangga says as he thinks to himself as he sees his grandmother staring at him.

" Rangga .. " Grandma Rory calls him softly but with a heavy voice.

" I know you maybe think that you're already old enough to decide on your own.."

" And I am also really proud of you as you now have power like all other kids at your age ... " Rory tells him.

After saying that word, Rangga begins to droll much sweats from his head as he already knows what will his grandmother say as he suddenly remembers his grandma often punished him for reading, watching, and searching for everything that is related to magic.

" Grandma ... don't say that .... I .... " Rangga stutters as he remembers every punishment he had when he was little.

Rangga then talks in stutter due to his guilt, as he had now disobeyed the rule of his Religion as he then tells grandma that his power is purely awakened through his efforts as he assures her that he hadn't done anything further with it that the Religion forbids.

" Are you sure ...? " Rory asks him as she went into tears as she can't believe that her grandson will do such a thing that is so astray from the religion.

" Are you sure that your 'magic' power awakens ... 'magically' ...? not by force ..? " Rory says as she tells him what she fears regarding how Rangga had acquired the magic that now he possessed.

As she tells that, Rangga tells her that everything is done very miraculously as his power awakens on the brink of death as he was somehow gifted with strength that he had never imagined before in his life.

" You don't lie to me Rangga? " Rory tells Rangga as she went into tears as Rangga tries so hard to assure her about everything for many hours.




( After a long chat ...)

Rangga then says goodbye to his grandmother as he bods her farewell since she will return to her home with Undefeated while he will continue his test for an unspecified time that he will stop to be returned to the society.

" So how's the talk ...? " Derrick asks Rangga as Rangga tells him that it was hard as he had to carefully choose his words to calm his grandmother down before she swears again in the name of God.

" My grandmother is very religious Derrick ... " Rangga tells him as to how religious his grandmother is to the 'God' (Creator) as he only gives her faith only to him.

" I know ... " Derrick answers him as he sees how faithful his grandmother is to her religions as she always evades to see every monument in the facility that is related to the Diviners.

As both of them talked, Derrick then tells Rangga to be prepared as he will do something for him in the future days before being returned.