Look at this

" This place is .... " Rangga says as he sees a gigantic-yet humanoid skull and a giant lizard skull inside the room as he witnesses it.

" Those skulls ... are those? "

" The monsters that raid the earth when ChronoAxis attacks ... " Derrick says as he tells Rangga that during the Siege, the military from all nations experiences the 'Sudden Chaos', the sudden Gate openings that bring more Demonic Monster more powerful and newer than the once before.

As Derrick explains that, he then tells Rangga to look at those monsters as he wants to let Rangga see what kind of danger the world now is.

"( These monsters ... I haven't seen these before even from the previous monsters data that I know .... )" Rangga says to himself as he remembers to not see these kinds of monsters before even from his memories and data of the previous timelines.

Seeing that, Rangga then realizes that these monsters may be a new breed or a new evolution from the previous monsters as he relates it to the evolution of humans on earth these days.

"( Oh shit, I didn't just change the world of humans but also unknowingly change the world of monsters too ....!!!! )" Rangga says as he guesses that since the humans suddenly evolve, the monsters also have to evolve to balance the human evolution in order for them to survive.

"( Indeed that's what happened ... )" Rangga says as he remembers that the world concept is about Balance which everything that happened on one side always is happened on the other in order to maintain that very balance.

As Rangga thinks about it, Derrick comes to him as he then asks Rangga did he noticed something on these monsters' fossils since he thinks that Rangga may know something due to these monsters coming at the same time when Rangga was 'possessed' by that Titan.

" No not in particular at all ... " Rangga states as he thinks that he needs more observations and data regarding this matter as the System identifies the monster's fossil.

< Monster Name: Drakghoul (Legendary) >

< Level: 87 >

< Status: Deceased >


< Monster Name: Trigatran (Epic) >

< Level: 63 >

< Status: Deceased >


"( Damn these monsters are powerful .... )"

"( But sadly, I can't resurrect them right now ... )" Rangga says as he wonders if he can replicate them at least since his water magic has the ability to replicate any being that has lesser levels than him like the Trigatran.

"( I'm currently at level 67 right now, can I? )" he wonders if he can replicate the level 63 monster right now but he holds it since he doesn't want Derrick to know the full extent of his ability too quickly.

"( Derrick is a quite opportunistic person, I don't think showing off in front of him is a good idea right now ... )" Rangga says while looking at Derrick as he thinks of him while the person he thinks is asking the personals about their progress on examination the monsters' fossils.

After both of them see the fossils, Rangga begins to think that if the world had changed so drastically then this means that there are more types of monsters that now exist out there.

While Rangga thinks of the endless possibilities, he then stumbles upon the preparation room where the Heroes are preparing their suits as the HQ detects and opened the gate in the R District.

" Oh, it seems the team is here ... " Derrick says as he sees Road Rigger and some other Heroes had prepared their suits as they wait for Rangga the Substitute Hero as he was asked by Derrick to be Undefeated's substitute while he is doing his 'great' work.

" Road Hero, Road Rigger ready for duty sir ...!! " Road Rigger salutes Derrick as the others follow him.

" Substitute Hero, Klukio ready for duty ... !!! "

" Substitute Hero, Charlie Dion ready for duty ...!!! "

As the team salutes Derrick, Derrick then looks at Rangga as he stares at him like telling him using his gesture to follow them as he reminds Rangga that he is also under his wings.

Rangga sees them, as he then reacted quickly to salutes Derrick by repeating what the people before him say.

" Substitute Hero, Rangga ready for Duty !!!! " he says as he salutes Derrick in his position as the four of them were picked by a van to visit the detected gate which is a [Rare Gate].

" Is it just me? or the [Rare Gate] is getting increased in number these days? " Klukio asks the team as she wonders why did the [Rare Gate] is getting more opened than the usual [Normal Gate] (the White Gate).

" Who knows? " Charlie says while looking at Rangga as he stares at him, as he (since he's already P.N personnel years ago.) already know first that Rangga is the Titan monster that caused these 'changes'.

" Maybe these changes were caused intentionally ... " he says while staring at Rangga as he is still curious about how much potential could Rangga muster from his power as he and some others believe that Rangga must have powers beyond what he had shown to them right now.

" Enough Charlie, focus on the mission right now ... look!!!! " Road says as they arrived on the Gate's location as they prepare their armor.

As they get out of their vehicle, a P.N. Agent greets them as he tells them that the Gate has been like that for hours as he tells them that they had already evacuated the people in the area as they permit the Dungeon Heroes to do their mission as they see on Rangga.

" Road Rigger ... that boy ...? " he points at Rangga as Road then brush him off as they tell him that Rangga is with them as he tells them to think of Rangga as their 'special weapon' for 'this' case as the four Heroes enters the gate.

" It seems, the powerful ones are getting younger huh ...? " said the agent as he can feel Rangga's power from his mere presence.

" Even though that 'he' is on our special weapon due to his power, I had a pity on that boy ... "

" After knowing his age which shocked me to no avail. " said the agent as he sees Rangga's age on the data he has since he can't still believe it.

Name: Rangga Orion Miraikuru Kent

Age: 12



( Inside the Gate. )

< Location: Grave of Blades (Dungeon) >

< Type: Rare >

< Level Requirement: 40-49 >



" Wow it seems this is the place for the dead huh ...? " Klukio says as she then steps on the bones as it touches her feet which scares her as Rangga then strike it with his *[Water Tentacle] as he kills it instantly.

"( Well well ... look at this ... )"

"( Thank goodness these monster's Levels are at the 40s... )" Rangga says as he sees the monster's level.

< Monster: Grave Warriors>

< Level: 45 >

< Enemy Numbers: 1.000 >



*[Water Tentacle]

These water tendrils are created using the 'water' (sweat) in Rangga's body.