Hydraulic Depth (2)

" I must say, I'm impressed ... " the Siren Queen says to Rangga as she tells him that she is utterly impressed with how Rangga is able to defeat all of her spawns.

" I never thought that my girls would be attracted and killed so easily ... "

" Especially for a mortal man such as you ... " the Siren Queen says as she looks at Rangga as she finds him cute.

" Oh don't be like that ... " Rangga says to her as he tells her that he only sing a song just because he was bored and nothing else as he tries to tell her that his mere sing wasn't expected to attract many watchers at that time.

"( She's trying to seduce me, isn't she? )" Rangga thinks while talking as realizes that the Siren may use her Seduction ability to seduce him to approach her as he then thinks about his blessing that not only can attract any monsters with his charm but also.

< " Immune to any seduction from any lower level monsters. " >

As he says that, he then prepares his weapon while trying to attack the Siren Queen as he flirts her with his charm in order to make her more attracted.

" Oh my, it seems that you are more than just a mere man ... " the Siren Queen says as she fells prey to Rangga's blessing as she responded and receives every of Rangga's attacks.

" Your attacks, your magic .... that is .... "

" You're a Manahuman aren't you ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? " the Siren Queen says as she tells Rangga how she fights the likes of Rangga (Manahuman) before she devours them after defeating them completely.

" After I defeat you, I'll make sure you will help me father more of my girls !!!!!!!! " the Siren Queens says as she wants to forcefully made Rangga his groom as she battles him.

" Oh sorry, my Queen ....!!!!! "

" But it seems, I won't be accepting things on your terms .... " Rangga says as he denies the offer since he wants to be the one to uphold the very agreement since he doesn't want to be brutally 'tasted' by a woman anymore

" Cause I want no more abusive bonding for me .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Rangga shouts to the Siren Queen while inside the System Space, Illustria and all of the monsters from the Pit (Floor 6) laugh as they found it funny regarding that statement.

" Ahahaha .... abusive ..!!!! " she says as the System then shocks her due to Rangga's reaction regarding that very matter.

" Shut up .... " Rangga says in a voice as he communicates using the Interface to Illustria to shut her up before she spills the beans.

" Hey Illustria, everything that happened between us inside the Pit is only known to us and to us only, remember that !!!!!! " Rangga threatens her as Illustria agrees with him charmingly.

As Rangga fights the Siren Queen he then flatters her about how powerful she is and then babbles her about the thing that he seeks inside this Dungeon.

" You know my queen .... there's something that I've been wondering ... "

" Does this Dungeon still have the !!!??? " Rangga asks the Siren Queen as she reveals to Rangga that she had many of those while Rangga then swims below as he decided to strike her from below before she even does that.

" Now now my dear man .... "

" Why did you even need those bubbles now ...? " she asked.

" You're not even a Siren .... aren't you? " the queen asks Rangga about his race as she tells her that only the monsters that have her genetics could easily be entered there.

" You will never have our bubble ... " the Queen says as she responded to Rangga's question, she then rages telling Rangga that she won't give her kind's greatest asset.

The are the underwater restoration bubbles created from many aquatic organisms as it created a reef-like bubble as it has the ability to restore the Siren's aquatic body.

These bubbles (based on Rangga 69's memory) can be used as a healing pod in order to cure many fatal wounds as the pure water that the bubble produces heal its user's body.

"( The bubbles are also known to be so rare ... )"

"( That even the Siren species often battles to own such thing ... )" Rangga says as he then uses his Meta Transformation ability.

"( Guess I have to have it by force than... )" Rangga says as he transforms his body into a more aquatic reptile-like monster.

" < Full Transform: ... > "

" < Aquaboa > "

As he transforms, the Siren Queen was shocked as she sees Rangga's aura looked different now as she also senses something different from Rangga's Mana as her sweats drool out from her skin.

" What the ... what is that ..? " the Queen asks in her fear as she is finally aware that the 'man' before is her is literally not a mere 'man'.

" Grrhhhh ...!!!! " the Queen panics as she was very overwhelmed by this.

" Don't you threaten me Mortal ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " the queen says as she then uses her ability.

< Water Blast >


As the queen shoots the water, it blasts straight into Rangga as it then continues to blast the land behind him, destroying with its hydraulic speed.

" I got .. ukkkhhh !!!! " the queen shouts as Rangga immediately attacks her from behind as he touches her.

" How ...? the queen says as she then sees that the person she shot earlier was just a water clone.

" You're full of openings you know that ...!!! " the real Rangga says as he then uses his Meta Skill.

< Gene Extraction >

< "This skill allows the user to completely replicate the monsters traits and genes into the user's body" >

< "This skill can be fully done to the Lower Level monsters " >

As Rangga extracts her genes, he then immediately receives another gene that he can add to his arsenal.

< Gene Extracted >

< Gene: Siren Royalty >

When Rangga had successfully extracted the queen's gene, he then swims into the lake as he swims away from the queen to get what he wants.

" You're getting anywhere !!!!! " the queen says as she follows Rangga into the depths of water Rangga then quickly swims into the Siren's nest which the Queen quickly followed thanks to her experience in the lake's waters.

As the queen enters her nest, she then tries to look for Rangga while checking the nests as she founds Rangga is not there.

" Where could you be ...? " the queen says as she then tries to hear every movement in her nests using her hearing.

Meanwhile, the queen tries to concentrate. Rangga was hiding on the nest's walls as he used his transformation ability as he thinks to himself.

" I need to decide .... "

" Whether I should quickly enter one of those bubbles or ... "

" Kill the goddamn Siren Queen first ... " Rangga says as he waits for his time.