When the Rain Falls

"( Damn it, it's raining !!!! )" Rangga says as he runs through the rains in order to get home as quickly as possible as he leaps through the roofs.


( Meanwhile.)

As Undefeated and Rory are bonding in the room, both of them then cuddles as if they were together for so long.

" The rain is very cold, isn't it? " Undefeated asks Rory as she answers by saying that it isn't as she hugs him.

As these two old people cuddled, they began to talk about the whole day from morning to night as they remembered everything that happened.

" Oh yes, this rain is also very big this night ... "

" It reminds me ... " Rory says as she tells Undefeated a bit of what happened to Rangga's parents in good detail which made Undefeated when into shock as he never thought such things happened to Rangga when he was a little.

" Are you sure about it? " Undefeated says as he gasped after hearing Rory's confession.

Even though she only confessed for a bit, Undefeated instantly knew the thing that happened based on Rory's description as he was also the hero that also investigate that case.

As he wonders about it, Undefeated then asks Rory about the wound in Rangga's chest he tells Rory that he just recently saw it as the wound looks like thunder as he asks her if it's....

" Yes Undefeated .... "

" The wound was inflicted upon him at that night .... on that rainy day .... " she tells him as Undefeated then analyzes that very situation.

"( Oh geez ..... if that's true then that means .... )" Undefeated says as if he remembered something.

When he went silent for a bit, he then tells Rory that the past is the past as he conforms to her to make her calm as he then remembers what happened based on his memories regarding the 'event' that Rory tells him.

"( Then Rangga must be the little one that I saved back then ... )" Undefeated says as he remembers Rangga from his wound as immediately reminds him.

"( During the recent training, I've accidentally seen that wound as I destroyed Rangga's armor with my fist .... )" he says as he remembers the day when he do that while cuddling Rory.


( Meanwhile, at Rangga's Room.)

" I've made it in time !!!!!! " Rangga says as he sees with his onto his grandmother's room as he still sees both of them still cuddling.

" Phewww !!!! " Rangga says as he then opens the System to see the .

" Geez it seems I have to combine or appraise some items ..." Rangga says as he quickly does his things.

" Here and here .... "

" Uummm .... "

As Rangga sees all of his items, he then quickly choose some of them and asks the system to give some recommendations in order to make this process quick since he had to wake up early tomorrow.



( Inside the System's space.)

" Damn you mortal !!!!! " The Siren Queen says as she was imprisoned in her cage.

Since her soul was sucked into this place, the Queen tries many times to free herself but failed which makes the other monsters inside their cells laugh as they told her that they already tried that too.

" It's useless newcomer ..... I already do that but failed miserably .... " one of the monsters says as he tells her to rest herself.

" No, I won't !!!! " she tells him.

" I will make him pay for killing me !!!!! " the Siren Queen tells the monster as she still tries to break free.

" It's useless you watered freak !!!! " Illustria says from her cage as she tells her that all of her efforts are useless and tells her to stop as she tells her that they all know are Rangga's servants as he's the holder of their souls.

As she tells her that, she explains that she can briefly be free if Rangga summons her into the earth using his water, but still .....

" You will still be bound to him ... forever ... " Illustria tells the Siren Queen to enjoy being Rangga's servant since she tells her that Rangga won't hurt her without a reason.



( Somewhere)

" That was an Epic Dungeon and we missed it !!!!!! " says the person as he holds the radar he then decides to break it due to his anger.

The person tantrums as he shouts that the Dungeon opens in a very empty area which isn't usually visited by people, gangsters, Metapunks, or even the Heroes themselves for that matter.

" Just how could someone gets better of us, it's not fair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " the man says as he then kicks the ground before him in front of his friends.

Seeing that, they all then looked at their leader as the leader then comes in and calms his brother who had just tantrum earlier as he tells his brother that everything is alright.

" How can you say that bro !!!!!???? " the brother asks him.

" If we didn't attain the Bubble then 'he' will be mad at us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " he tells him as he reminds the leader that he owes 'that person' some money and items which costs very high.

" Don't worry, it'll be fine ... " the brother says as he then opens his phone and shows the group a message from the person that hired them as he tells them that they had another important task to do.

As the group sees that message, they then ask the leader how the hell did he convinced that person as based on what they know, 'that person' they ordered them is known for being too perfectionist on this matter.

" You can say that my negotiation skill had increased our favor in his eyes. " said the leader as he tells the men that the person forgives them for now as he rethinks the use of that Epic Dungeon's Item that the Informants brings to him.

" Informants ... you mean the Dark Merchants ....!!!!??? " the brother asks him as he tells them that the person that hired them had made many contacts with many Dark Merchants that he can found.

" And thankfully, one of the Dark Merchants he contracted with is one of my suppliers .... "

" Which gives him the thought to rethink of my ... I mean ... "

" Our usefulness ... " the leader says as the men cheers in that place.

As they all cheered, outside someone is steadily watching them as he then calls someone.

" They are all in one place .... "

" What should I do ...? " said the mysterious person as he calls someone.

[ Calling .... ]

[ A.P ]