Remember Dream

" Grandpa ... wake up ....!!!! " said a little girl as he woke Rangga up.

As Rangga wakes up, he sees his hand holding his shield as he looks at the girl who woke him up.

" Carla .... " Rangga says as he sees his granddaughter as he pats her in her soft hair.

"( She's always so beautiful isn't she ...? )" Rangga says as he always adored his granddaughter's soft black hair that looks a lot like her grandmother while patting her.

" Grandpa ... " Carla says as she looks at her grandfather.

Rangga then sees his granddaughter with a strange look as he then looks at the mirror only to see himself having white hair and beards.

"( This is Rangga Twelve's Memory huh ...? )" Rangga says as he recognizes his reflection in the mirror as he turns back to Carla who is looking at him.

" Grandpa ... why do look at me like that ..? "

" You're so ..... "

" I don't know .... "

" Scary ... " Carla says which shocks Rangga as the scene changes when he sees Carla who was already grown was beaten like shit as he sees the Diviners behind him.

" Witch ... "

" Whore ... "

" You dare call yourself a Divine Priest ... "

" Prostate yourself before the Divine ... "

" How dare she slay the Divine ... "

" A mortal should always know their place ... "

" A mortal should rot and die .... "

" Die ... "

" Die ... "

" Die ... "

As the Diviners say that while they approach her, Rangga then mutters and grins as he then prepares his shield to attack those Diviners before they take Carla away again.

" Be returned to the cycle .... "

" Be rebooted by the loop ... "

" NOOOO !!!!!!!!! " Rangga as his face was filled with pure anger which makes his face so scary.

"( GASP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )" Rangga awakens from his dream as he remembers it.

" What .... what is that? " Rangga asks himself as he looks at himself in the Pod's mirror as he sees that his Twelve Eyes doesn't glow this time.

" That dream just now ... "

" That was based on Rangga Twelve's memory for sure ... " Rangga says as he looks at Data Slot 1's reorganization progress.

< 49.95% / 100.00% >

" That's ..... odd ..... " Rangga says as he wonders why did he suddenly have Twelve's random memories while the person himself doesn't available in his current Data Slot.

" How could I have Twelve's memories somehow ....? " he wonders.

" Was it some kind of a sign ...? " Rangga thinks.

" Or it is just Twelve's fears that still haunts him which he inherits to me now as himself in the current timeline ..... " Rangga feels like that as he swears about how natural it was.

" Or maybe .... "

" ..... " Rangga says as he calls one of his monsters inside the System Space.

< Calling .... >

< Calling Arachina .... >

< ..... >

< Arachina: .... >

" Yes, young lord .... !!! "

" How could I help you today ...? " she answers him with her calm, soothing voice.

"( Damn what a spider ... )" Rangga thinks to himself as he hears her very voice.

"( No wonder she's the monster I've found on the 6th Floor ..... )"

"( Her voice is very alluring ... )" Rangga thinks as he then asks Arachina about his dreams and asks her since he knows that she can see dreams and memories from other beings.

" So what do you think ....? " Rangga asks her.

" Based on your power ...., "

" What do you think of my dream ...? " Rangga asks her as he wonders what answers would she give him.

As soon as Arachina hears that question, she then hums since she wasn't sure how to answer Rangga.

" I'm not quite sure, my Lord .... " she answers.

" I may have experienced seeing many memories that have been altered or inherited due to some reasons ... "

" But I have never experienced seeing a memory inherited from the past lives like you, my young lord ... " Arachina says to Rangga as he explains fully based on her knowledge.

"( Oh yeah ... I forgot .... )" Rangga thinks to himself as he remembers that something, back when he first met Arachina as she tries to see his mind.

"( She has never seen a being with multiple memories like me ... )" Rangga says in his mind as he remembers how overwhelmed Arachina is when she sees his memory during their fight back then.

As Arachina tells everything that she knows regarding her knowledge, Rangga then thanks her as he dismissed her by shutting off his communication.

"( It seems, there is no one that could understand my situation right now, isn't it? )" Rangga says as he looks at the Pods Mirror.

"( Right Twelve ....? )" Rangga says as he thinks of Twelve since he remembers what he told him regarding the mission to break the Universal Reboot for good.



( Back then .. )

< Location: 6th Floor of Lust >

" Feeling Lonely you said? " Rangga asks Twelve as Twelve asked him about did Rangga feel lonely on doing the mission.

" What the hell are you talking about? " Rangga teases him as he tells Twelve that he's been lonely in his teenage life as there is no person in the world who wants an Unpowered kid like him back then.

" I've been like this all the time ..... lonely surviving in this crazy world, hoping to let my dreams come true .... " Rangga says as he talks to Twelve at the moment.

" At first, I thought the world was just a crazy world that has many wonders in it ... "

" But ... after you awakened me .... "

" I realize that the world, the universe, and the reality itself was just a fricking endless dream that was created by the Diviners lie .... " Rangga says to Twelve.

" Don't you get it what I feel now Twelve ...? " Rangga asks Twelve.

" I do .... " Twelve tells the current timeline Rangga as he tells him how very frustrating it is like the only person who knows the whole truth but is branded as a liar by the people he once know.

" Even my wife (Carla's grandmother) divorced me .... " Twelve says as he tells Rangga how his wife divorced him as he reveals the Diviners' lies to her back then.

" You're wife ...? " Rangga says as he remembers the black-haired girl he bumped back in the Ravagers gang assault.

" You mean that girl ....? " Rangga asks Twelve.

" Uhuh ... "

" Yukino Fubuki ... "

" That Japanese *Nadeshiko .... " Twelve tells Rangga as he tells Rangga how beautiful she is even in this timeline.

" You're right .... "

" No wonder our 'granddaughter' Carla looks so beautiful too ... "

" She takes that thing from her ... " Rangga says as he checks his .



" Yukino ... " Rangga says as he remembers her as he then wonders what will 'Yukino' do after knowing that he...

*" I hope I can tell her the very reason I have to kill her 'friend' .... " Rangga says as he remembers his time while using ChronoAxis's body.

" But now ... " Rangga says to himself as he continues his sleep since he had to return to the academy ....

Tomorrow ....



* Nadeshiko:

A Japanese term meaning the " personification of an idealized Japanese woman", or "the epitome of pure".

* This happens in chapter 28