Explanation (1)

[ 09:30 a.m. ]

( In the Principal's Office.)

" I can explain .... principal Lensflare ... " Rangga tells the principal as he blunts all out some details that he had prepared to speak in order to convince principal Lensflare off.

" I see ... " Lensflare responds to it, as he understands that Yukino had a relation to the victim of the Titan's Siege which makes sense if she targets Rangga whom people thought to be the 'culprit' behind the Titan Monster, even though it's still debatable as Rangga could see the TV beside the principal as he sees reporter asking Undefeated and his grandmother about him.

"( Damn Rangga, you're so famous now, aren't you? )" Max asks him telepathically.

"( Yeah ...., even though this isn't the kind of 'famous' that I've been expecting too ... )" Rangga replies as he then looks away from the TV, talking back to principal Lensflare as he explains the whole thing that will happen to both of them.

" Okay you two, even though both of you should be punished but I will decrease the time as both of you also unintentionally saved a person's life at stake ... "

" Well I mean, not just 'a' person's life but 'the' person's life .... you know ... " Principal Lensflare baffles as he told the two of them that Yukino Senpai is one of the students that bring a good name and prestige to Ultima Academy which he vows to take care of her until she graduates.

" Since she was 'our academy's greatest student before you returned .... " Lensflare tells Rangga as he brags about Yukino's overachievements during his time away which makes Rangga respond by giving the most appropriate expression imaginable for a student in front of his principal as he gives him a straight fricking face, sharp eyes, mouth closed, eyes calmly winking and breathes slowly while listening to all of his principal's bragging about the past achievements of his 'future wife'.

" Yukino is the 1st Winner of the Metahuman Ranging Competition. "

" ..... the 1st Winner of the Metahuman Combat Competition. "

" ... the 1st Group Winner of the Pro-Meta Competition. "

" and etc etc etc .... " Principal Lensflare talks about her which makes Rangga more depressed as he was overwhelmed by that.

"( Dammit, stop it already ....!!!!!!!!!!!!! )" Rangga says as the Twelve Eyes glows, revealing to him the previous Timelines' achievements of Yukino Senpai as she always was being a royalty woman with lots of achievements.

"( You make me and Max look like an idiot you know that ...!!!!! )" Rangga says in his mind as Max then murmurs to him telepathically telling Rangga that they both should ask the principal to leave before he brags again about the other prestigious students which Rangga agreed as he wants to get out of this place before hearing more of it.

As they finished talking with their minds, Rangga then asked the principal if they can leave as the principal permitted them and told them that they can enter the class in the 2nd Session as he already ordered it with their homeroom teacher about that.

While they leave, Rangga then scratched his head as he still can't understand how the hell did he marry such a woman, even in the previous Timelines .....

"( This must be a mistake right ....? )" Rangga says as he sees the Data Slot 1 that still loads.

< Data Slot 1 >


< Reorganization Process: (49.47%/100.00%) >

"( Dammit !!!!! )" Rangga curses the loading process.

"( Why the hell the Data Slot's Reorganization Process is so slow ....? )" Rangga says as he curses on the loading process since he needs to talk with his previous Timelines selves right now (or his past versions).

"( No s**t, if can't talk to my previous selves, how I'm supposed to interpret what the Twelve Eyes shows me in the random times ....? )" Rangga asks in his mind.

"( Surely they can at least guide me on doing so ..... )" he grumbles which makes Max beside him feel bad as he tells Rangga that maybe he needs to train to interpret his visions based on his own knowledge, reference, hints, and instincts as he gives him some tips on how he trained his telepathy even without his parents beside him.

"( I see .... after all, your parents 'The Memory Couple' are known to be the busiest heroes right? )" Rangga asked Max as both of them decides to go to the Canteen as they buy some food before coming to the class on the hour that has been settled by the principal.

" Geeezz .... " Max says as he sits on the Canteen's chair.

" It would be better if the principal lets us enter our class right now, not for us to wait for what he says to be the 'Ordered Time' ... " Max says to Rangga as Rangga tells him that he should see the bright side, where Rangga says as he looks at Yukino senpai in the year who somehow healed her condition very fast as she shows her physical athletics.

Seeing her, the both of them slurped their drinks as they see her quickly back in action after the whole ordeal that morning.

"( Damn Rangga .... )" Max tells him as he sees Yukino do her thing in that training session as she defeats the released Robots and 'monsters' that the Academy has captured to be the students' training practice target.

"( You're such a lucky guy ... aren't you? )"

"( For having such a wife ....? )" Max asks him as he teases him for having Yukino senpai as his wife in the previous Timelines.

Hearing that, Rangga only looks at him with a mere glance as he looks at Yukino while remembering something as he looks at her every move.

"( I sure did ..... )" Rangga says as he tells Max that while his mind travels back into the past.



( Back then, inside the Pit.)

[ Location: 6th Floor ]

Rangga was seen beating up a winged-spider monster as he killed it.

< Monster: Insectinus Matriarch (Sub-Boss) >

< Race: Insectinus, Alke >

< Level: 62 >

< HP: 0/62.100.000 >

< Congratulations, you've captured her Soul >

< Adding Insectinus Matriarch into the Archive >

As Rangga sees it, he then sees the reward from it as he then uses it as a material for his Shield Weapon.

< Item: Unbreakable Web >

< note: this item can be used to upgrade the Shield weapon, to increase its indestructibility by 50%. >

" With this, my Shield may last longer in the Pit. " Rangga says to himself.

< Name: Rangga Orion Miraikuru Kent >

< Label: User >

< Level: 64 >

< Data Slot: 1 >

< Class: Shielder, Mage >

As he sees his status in the System, Rangga then summons both Rangga Twelve and 69 as he wanted to ask them something.

" Both of you, can I ask you something ...? " Rangga asks his past versions as he suddenly wanted an explanation.