Dark Matter (1)

While Rangga is having his time with Max, some of his servants (the girls) are led by Illustria (his mistress who we could say is his primary concubine after she made that female child clone of him, Ranggia) to present him something before he gets home as they leave some of the girls in the home on camouflage to guard it against thieves while Illustria, Arachina, Sirene and some elite female monsters that Rangga had summoned outside the System Space using his Water Summoning goes to search for some random gate since they wanted to bring something for their young master.

" Lustlady Illustria, are you sure it is wise to leave the house to the lower ranks? "

" And the males? " Arachina asks while the lustlady herself brushes her since she already calculated it all as she brings up the System interface upon Arachina's face.

" Lustlady, isn't that? "

" The System Interface, of course ... "

" I have it thanks to me and the young master's deep bond ... " Illustria gloats to the other girls as they jumped over the roof.

" Deep .... Bond .... ? ? ? " Arachina says as she blushes over it, while Sirene then gives Illustria an angry look, staring at her as she was very jealous of Illustria for being such a great servant to the young master.

"( It's not fair .... )"

"( Why an old woman like her, has such a deep relationship with the young master? )" Sirene slowly screeches in anger while Arachina imagines the bonding between Rangga and Illustria in her mind as her nose bleeding further.

" Oh my .... I never ... thought ... " Arachina covers her nose, as she closes the nosebleeds flow while following the Lustlady to the nearest portal.

< Dungeon: Dark Shadow Cave (Legendary) >

< Location: Supernova City, Sector D >

< Level Requirement: 60-89 >

As Illustria comes to the Golden Legendary Gate, she then creates a barrier with her ability which is and which makes the area the Gate's in will be blurred with fog and definitely will confuse every passing person there if possible.

After that, the girls then enter the Gate while Rangga who was still having fun training with Max then realizes something odd as the System tells him that Illustria had left the house as she had given him a Memo in the System's Chatbox between him and her.

< Chatbox: >

< From Illustria >

<" Young Master, I some trusted female monsters, decides to hunt a while in the nearest Gate. ">

<" If you ask if the house is completely empty with monsters or not, then don't worry that I have assigned some of the best girls in camouflage and transparency to guard your house. " >


"( The hell ....!!!!??? ) " Rangga says as he sees that his elite female monsters have entered a Legendary Gate which literally shocks him as he tracks their location.

"( Dammit, did she use that mist ability again !!!!??? )" Rangga curses in his mind but decided to take relax for a bit after the training as he also decided to take a poop in the Shop's toilet before going there.

"( Guess I need only to come to that place after those girls are really in trouble.)" Rangga says to himself as he releases those dumps from his very inner body.

" GGGGRRRRAAAHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Rangga shouts in the toilet while Max trains himself outside while hearing music with his headphone that he brought within his jacket.


( Back into the Dungeon. )

" It seems they are quite large beings hmmm ... for to be called, shadow tribe ... " Arachina says as she stabs one of the shadow tribe members as she sees the tribesman's black blood which makes her disgusted.

"( No ... no way I would feast on that .... )" she says while continuing to attack more tribesmen.

"( Let's just stab at them and bring their important remains like usual .. )" she says while covering her nose as Sirene and Illustria continue to attack the shadow tribesmen with Illustria being crazy as usual as she uses her strength, agility, and speed to make quick work to those black monsters.

< Enemies: 130/2.700 >

" After these guys are destroyed, then we have to figure it out on how to beat the Boss of this Dungeon .... " Illustria says as she looks at the System's Interface while swinging her blade, slicing the shadow tribesmen up as blood starts bursting in the skies as it quickly comes down, creating a blood rain above those female monster's area.

" Tsk ... still disgusting .... " Arachina says as she decides to create a Web Umbrella to avoid her skin from getting tainted by those black blood rain.

" Seriously, in my whole life as a monster ... I never thought I would disgusting blood like this ... " she states while cursing the situation as for Sirene, she then sings in midst of the Black Blood Rain as she unleashes her voice in the Dungeon, hypnotizing and stunned the remaining Shadow Tribe as Illustria with the other female monsters then kills them without a second thought.

" It seems your voice has been improved huh ... Sirene ... " Illustria says as she thanks Sirene for the help, while Sirene continues to sing.

< Skill: Siren's Song >

< Song I: Beauty of the Water Depths >

" Seriously, this song again ...? " Arachina comments on Sirene as she tells her that she is not in the deep water so she asks Sirene to shut that song up while Illustria then orders them to cut the crap off as they went into the Boss's room.

" We're here .... " Illustria says as they went inside the Shadow Tribe's tomb all of them then see a big statue of a horned like skeleton warrior, as the statue shows the warrior is holding a Tusky Club which makes them think that the statue must be some kind of a Shadow Oni or some sort.

" Lustlady, don't think such nonsense .... "

" There's no way that an Oni is capable to use shadow magic or ability ... " Arachina says since she is also a descendant of a Jorogumo but her spider's ancestry is more from the Alke side.

" I believe that this statue belongs to a Tengu or I don't know ... a Tengu wearing an Oni Armor I guess ... " Arachina says as she tells everyone that only the Tengu who is able to use and wear a black armor like that.

While Arachina tells Illustria that information, Illustria then adds it to her mind while seeing the System's Interface Window as it scans the statue but it reveals that it's not a Boss, but a Treasure.

< Object Identified ... >

< Object: Dungeon Treasure ... >

"( Wait a minute ... )" Illustria thinks to herself.

"( If the statue turns out to be the Dungeon's Treasure ... )"

"( Then ... where's the Boss? ) " she asks herself as behind them, a group of black liquid assembles as it slowly make the shape into a black-like being, made from the black shadow liquids inside the very tomb, as it's eyes opens.