Black Shadow

" Where am I? " Rangga opens his eyes as he sees that he is inside a black world as he was on the black lands.

As he wakes up, he sees his surroundings filled with Black Plants and rocks as he then calls for 101 since he wants to ask him about all of this.

" Rangga 101 can you hear me? " Rangga calls him which 101 then comes out from him as he shows his soul form.

" Yes, I hear ya ... " 101 comes out as he tells Rangga that he is analyzing the whole place while he is asleep since he wonders if ...

" If what .....? " Rangga asks 101 as he tells Rangga that this place must be the place where every object that the Boss swallowed was stored 101 then hypothesized that based on what he has seen, the Boss must be some type of a primordial ancestor of modern-day slimes.

" You can say that .... hmmm " Rangga also agrees but he thinks that the Boss is not as easy to figure as it seems as the two then journeyed into the very land.





"( Even the System had a hard time, figuring this place out ... )" Rangga says as he still walks forward while hearing some movement.

" 101 .... you hear that ... "

" Of course ... " he answers as both of them see enemies, coming out from the ground as it shows themselves like black creatures.

" Okay ... that is scary ... " Rangga says as he then decides to unequip his blade as he equips his < Thorn Horn Hand Rifle >


< Thorn Horn Hand Rifle (Legendary) >

< " This Weapon can be imbued by the User's magic as it will create bullets that will be increased its DMG to 87% by the Rifle's magic reaction system. " >

< " The weapon's form can also be altered by the User for many types of shooting." >


" !!!! " Rangga says as he switches the mode of the riffle as it shoots the self-produced bullets that the weapon had as it was its special feature.

< Special Feature: Self-Made Bullets >

As it shoots the monster, Rangga then checks the System if he does receive EXP from the monsters but somehow he doesn't which makes him curious as he wonders if the monsters were only some type of Tutorial Opponent or some sort of an NPC based on the System's label.

"( From what I know, the System only gives me an EXP if it labels the monster as an Opponent/enemy )"

"( So technically, if my enemy happens just to be a passerby like a game NPC or ... my enemy happens to be just want to have a friendly match like a PVP then ... )" Rangga thinks to himself as the System then shows that the System Identification labeled the monsters as an NPC inside this very world as the System then shows Rangga needs to find the highest place in the realm as Rangga did so by using his to fly above.

As he flies he then sees some of the black monsters that had wings following him Rangga then sees a high tower in his sight which he then flies directly to that place.

" Rangga wait ...!!!! " 101 tells him.

" You don't want to have me examine those monsters ....? " 101 asks.

" It's no use ..... "

" Even though those NPC-like monsters may have some good information but the real objective right now is not them but .... " Rangga flies to the top as he is now able to scan the whole realm,

< Scanning Complete >

< Organizing Map >

As the Map appears, Rangga then flies in a direction as he then destroyed everything that hinders his path as he already knows his goal which is ...


As Rangga burst out upon the top floor of the tower, he then comes into a place where the Boss' core resides.

" The Core ... " Rangga says as he then touches it to let the System scan it and add it into its database.





" What the ... Object's Memory ...?"

" Whoa whoa whoa !!!! " Rangga shouts as the System reacts to it and then the Twelve Eyes also react as the two things that empower Rangga then shows Rangga a vision of a humanoid being covered in black shadows of space as the being then unleashes many black hands as he bestows something to its followers.

"( Whoa the visions are crazier this time .... )" Rangga says as the vision rushes into him like a CG Cutscenene.

As he sees that, the scene changes as Rangga then sees that the being is fighting both the Diviners and the Deviants as he slaughtered them all with his black substance he can hear his followers that seem to be humans, cheering for him as Rangga praises him with these words.

" Yeetz ..... Hooo .... Veee .... Heelll..... "

As Rangga hears the words, he then sees that the humanoid being filled in black is watching him as he shows his mask and eyes as he stares at Rangga when their eyes are met, Rangga was then shocked as the vision stops and the System then had scanned all of the Core's data as it then shows Rangga the Core's HP and a quest.

< New Quest (!) >

< Destroy the Black Core (1) >

< Black Core HP: 75.000.000/75.000.000 >

" Oh my god ... the System had finished scanning already ....? " Rangga asks as he closes his eyes to make his vision be focused first as he then decides to attack the core continuously.

" I don't know what vision I had this time .... "

" But it is sure that it must have happened in the long past ..... "

" The long past before the even started .... " Rangga says as he continuously hits the core with his blasts from his hand riffle and then changes back into his saw sword while releasing all of his skills.

< Sawing Slash >

< Rampaging Barrage >

< Sawing Slash: Unstoppable Wave >

< Sawing Strike: Heavy Burst >

< Sawing Spin: Crushing Twister >

As he attacks the Core, he then sees that the Core's HP is only a bit as he decides to land the final blow.

< Sawing Slash: Execution >

With his slash, the Black Core then cracks as the power inside it then bursts into Rangga's body which the System then had to scan and identified it while eliminating the power's potential threats and absorbing its beneficial traits.

< Congratulations You Completed the Quest >

< You received additional EXP >

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

< Congratulations You Leveled Up >

< You are now Level 74 >

< additional points had been gifted >

< Accept Rewards? >

As Rangga accepted it, he then sees that he got a new transformation skill for his Metahuman ability which is when it happens, the world crumbles as Rangga then was somehow transported out again into the Dungeon as he bursts out from the Boss's body while the Boss slowly disintegrates as its powers and core had been taken by Rangga.

" (GASP) ... " When Rangga comes out from the Boss' inner realm, he then calls for 101 as he wants to ask him what that vision is and wonders if he sees that too.

" 101 ... 101 .... "

" Can you hear me? " Rangga calls his previous timeline self as he then hears nothing from him as if he had gone for good.

" Dammit ...!!!! "

" Where are you right now? " Rangga says while managing his inventory as he is glad that rewards are not that much in giving him the inventory as for instead it gives him many EXP and some points for him to upgrade his many set of skills.

( At the same time. )

[ Location: Inside the Data Slot 1's Dimensional System Space Room ]

" Do ya see the vision clearly, Twelve? " Rangga 101 calls Rangga Twelve as he looks at the vision.

" It can't be .... " he says as he wonders how could that being had remained in this very age.

" I thought he completely perished in this Timeline's Second Holy War ... " Rangga Twelve says as he sees the humanoid being in black.

" Grrhhhh ..... " Rangga Twelve expresses his discomfort of seeing that being but decided to let it slip since he decided to order Rangga 101 to tell the Current Timeline Rangga that the vision is nothing important right now as he orders 101 to tell Rangga that he needs to reach level 100 even before the Data Slot 1's reorganization process is completed.

" As ya wish, old Twelve .... !!! " Rangga 101 says as he leaves the place and decided to meet Rangga back in the Dungeon to do what he was ordered while Twelve looks at the vision as he devises a new strategy for Rangga to follow.