Extra 1.2

[ Watson's Residence ]

Max is using his computer as he searches for what Rangga asked him.

" That damned Rangga ....!!!! "

" He really did overthink this, didn't he? " Max asks himself as he searches the internet that Rangga needs right now.

As he scrolls the page down, he sees that the news had already confirmed the thing that Rangga had suspected while Max immediately calls Rangga for that with his phone.

" Guess you foreseen it right after all .... " Max texts on his phone as he sees the title of the news.

[ Son of Enegero Abducted ]

" It seems that the great Tier V Metapunk had been defeated at long last ... "

" It seems also that the one who defeats him is also a ... "

" Tier V ...? " Rangga answers from the phone as he looks at the scene while hiding in the shadows.

" No ... " Rangga texts while on the scene waiting for the remaining officers to leave.

" From this kind of Damage .... "

" Whoever defeats Ardan, he or she must be above Tier V ....!!! " Rangga texts as he sees the big hole as he can see the police lines as it shows the word [Ardan's Blood] when Rangga then sees that there's a blood print of Ardan's hand which indicates that he must have been pinned down during the fight.

When he texts that, Rangga then decides to order to monitor everything on the scene while the guards are preparing to leave for dinner in the restaurant nearby.

While looking through the Hornet's eye, suddenly max texts him that it is preposterous since a normal Metahuman can only ascend to Tier V only thanks to the Divine Limitations that the Diviners on Valhalla gave them.

" Yes I know that ... " Rangga texts him back.

" But do you know that ... " Rangga texts as he then adds another text while thinking further about it.

"( Should I spoil him ...? )"

"( About this personal secret that I hold for long to myself... )" Rangga wonders to himself.

" There's actually .... a way to ascend your Metagene beyond Tier V " Rangga texts while exhaling his breath.

Reading that, Max was shocked since he never knew things like that existed he then replies with his assumptions if the enemy uses the Mirakuru Drug just like in the news or uses some Items and Materials from the Dungeons or...

" No .... " Rangga replied.

" Based on my , those things only able to awaken someone's Metagene and also buffed them with another ability or some sort of that ... " Rangga texts.

" But sadly, those things that you just said earlier, don't count as an EXP Potion. " Rangga says while scanning the Mirakuru Drug remains from the Hornet's eye.




< Name: Mirakuru Drug (Tier V) >

< Type: Item >

< " This very Drug increases the Tier V Metahuman's usage of the Metagene as it also increased the power produced by it. " >

< Effect: *AP (Ability Point) +55% >

"( See .... )" Rangga says to himself as he knew that the only thing that he suspects could increase the Metahuman level is *that fruit that he sees from this Twelve Eyes, a monstrous-looking fruit that Rangga suspects come from some kind of Dungeon or monsters that the Metapunks, Hunters and all those guys outside the Dungeon Heroes jurisdiction brought from the Dungeons.

"( This is my only assumption ... )" Rangga says to himself as he wonders if this fruit can also enable the Metagene inside every Metahuman to finally absorb Mana from Nature.

When Rangga thinks of that, he then decides to leave while reclaiming the as the guards' return from their Dinner.

"( But from this scene .... )"

"( I can only assume some things of what kind of person that defeated Ardan based on my visions ... )"

"( One, a literally Tier VI Metahuman .... )"

"( This is the most logical assumption but knowing that most Metahuman can only Reach Tier V due to the Maximum Divine Limitations that the Diviners put on us mortals .. )" Rangga thinks as he knows that the Diviners only limit normal Metahumans to ascend their Tier to Tier V maximum.

But despite that, there are some Metahumans that can ascend their Tier beyond that. First, the Diviners must permit them to be excluded from the Divine Limitations due to some type of blessing or contract, and Second, the Metahuman that wants to ascend beyond Tier V must automatically become the Divine Avatar since the Diviners that possess them will control how much power growth that a Metahuman have.

"( This Divine Avatar title, has also been bestowed to many people such as the well-known Divine Champion, the one that will marry grandmother, the No.1 Hero Undefeated .. "

"( The Divine Warrioress, Valkyrie .... but I didn't know if she's a total Meta or not since she was so dependent on her Divine Weapon ... )"

"( Still, based on what people say ... Valkyrie is known to be a human once, even though I didn't know if that's really true ... )"

"( And then, beside the Divine Avatar .... there also some type of Metahumans who receives this kind of exclusion which is ... )"

"( *The Meta Trinity Clans ...., )"

"( The Clan that consists of powerful metahumans who somehow had their powers inherited by their ancestors ... the very first Metahumans ... )"

"( These Metahumans can also increase their Tier with constant training as their inherited strong Metagenes will handle the rest. )"

"( Also, Based on the common knowledge, it is said each Clan inside the Trinity Clans is also supported by a group of Diviners that will become their clan's gods.)"

"( These gods came from various pantheons as they will rule over the families within the Clan inside the Trinity Clans. )" Rangga remembers that the gods that will rule them will be chosen by the Leaders of Valhalla as the families will be those gods apostles.

As Rangga remembers that common knowledge among *'himselves' from the previous timelines. Rangga then rushes to a high building as he summons a so he can return back some before grandma Rory and Undefeated comes back.

At that moment, Rangga ends his texts with Max, telling him that his grandmother is coming and then he tells him to talk about those things tomorrow as he cleans his home.


( At the same time.)

" It seems both of you show me a good promise based on the power I've bestowed upon you ... " said the black-armored man as he tells both Ardan and Charlie while seeing their new look which makes them half-monstrous to be seen by normal people's eyes.



*AP (Ability Point):

A point that shows how much of Metagene a Metahuman has, just like the MP that shows how much of Mana a Manahuman has.

*that fruit that he sees from this Twelve Eyes

This fruit comes in Chapter 56: In the Morning

*The Meta Trinity Clans:

This Trinity consists of the three most powerful Metahuman Clans from the earth such as:

1) The Blue Blood Clan

2) The Uberman Clan

3) The Powerhouse Clan


This phrase means all Ranggas that exist, both the Current Timeline Rangga and his previous timeline selves.