Extra 1.4

[ 09:20 P.M. ]

[ Location: ]

[ Supernova City, District N ]

Some random people is walking in the alley as they were drunk from the beer they've got.

" Hey .... shouldn't we get home right now ....? "

" It's already nine past .... " said one of them.

" Why .... ? "

" Are you scared that the Demonic Monsters would come to this place or something ..? "

" No .... not that ...!!! " the person disagrees.

" I'm not scarred about that ... "

" So what are you scared of? "

" I don't know it's just ... " the person shivers as the street light then fades.

" We ... ssshould go back .... " he says as he then tries to run away, leaving his other friends who were still drunk.

" Goddammit ... why are you running? "

" This place is a Neutral District remember, .... there's no way that will be dangerous here ... "

" In this place; Metapunks, Villains, and Monsters will never appear thanks to many powerful Heroes that protect this district. " said the guy as he then hears something crashing behind him as he then sees where the voice came from while opening his phone to turn on its flashlight.

" Who's there ....? " he says while his friends follow him as the flashlight then reveals a humanoid woman who is in the middle of her feast.

When the men see her, they then see the very thing she eats, which is a human body covered in blood as the humanoid woman then sees them.

" Aaahhh it seems I have more on my hands .... " she says to them as the men try to run but suddenly.

STAB ...

STAB ....

STAB .....

All of them were stabbed by the woman, as the woman reveals that she can transform her hands to be more monster-like.

" Delicious humans .... " she says to the dead men as she feasts on them quickly.

" Too bad one of you escapes .... " the woman says as she then unleashes her wings that look like a mosquito where she then transforms a part of her body.

" But not to worry .... "

" With my very wings, I could easily hunt the remaining ones ..."

" For I am one of the Demonic Monster who achieves the last evolution, the evolutionary stage of sentience .... "

" The Sentient Monster, Arbyss ..... " the Arbyss woman says as she hunts the remaining man as he runs and tries to run from her, but sadly.

" I got you .... the last one !!!! " she says as she stabs the man.

( Minutes later. )

" This one is my favorite ... " said the Arbyss as she says that she want to make him stay in the world of living longer as she wanted his heart to produce more blood.

" But sadly, all things must come to an end .... for the Deviant Sakes ... " she says to herself.

" I see ... so you wanted the man to live longer huh ...? " a voice suddenly greets her as it shows the Black Armored Man coming with a Blue haired guy out of the dark.

" Who the hell are you? " the Arbyss woman asks.

" My name is not important for now .... " the Black Armored Man says as he then points to the last man she eats.

" That man that you eat just now. "

" He's a Metahuman, isn't he ...? " asks the Black Armored Man.

" A Metahuman, ohhh .... ohohohoho .... "

" NO wonder he tastes different from the others ... "

" This one is what you humans called a Metahuman huh ..... "

" You weaklings .... "

As she says that, the Blue Haired guy then prepares his fist as he unleashes his but the Black Armored Man stops him.

" Not now .... " he says to him, which the Blue Haired guy disagrees as he tells the Black Armored man that this woman that calls herself a monster Arbyss is unacceptable.

" Her blasphemous mouth is irritable .... "

" We should end her malicious existence right now ... " the Blue Haired guy.

" O thank you blue-haired one ... "

" I must say that is the greatest compliment that a 'human' ever gave me ... " she says which made the Blue-haired boy attack her but the Arbyss woman dodges it and then pins the boy down as she tries to feast on him but sadly.

" What the .... "

" I can't .... "

" Move ... " the Arbyss says as she felt that her body is being pressed by something.

" This power .... "

" NO way ... "

" This is impossible ..... "

" How can a so-called Metahuman like you can use .... "

" Use ..... "

" Gravity .... " the Arbyss woman says as she baffles that only a Manahuman that is able to conjure such abilities as the Manahumans are naturally meant to have powers that are beyond every being's logic.

Hearing that, the Black Armored Man laughs as he tells the Arbyss that he is different and tells that he is still a pure Metahuman, but....

" My Metahuman powers had increased thanks to the Titan, ChronoAxis ... "

" If it weren't for the Siege, I wouldn't have this kind of powers before. " the Black-armored man says as she presses the Arbyss.

" GGaarggghhhh !!!!!! " the Arbyss screams.

" Ah yes, the monster screams .... how delightful .... " the Black-armored man says.

" You know Mrs.Arbyss, from I was little I was already very font about the monster that comes out of the portal and then hunts human and a Metahuman like me.

" Woman and child screams, and the agony of being stabbed by claws ... "

" I remember it all, as I was very defenseless as a Metahuman too back then. "


" But now ... "

" After the Siege, my power increases very fast as my power was suddenly boosted by something. "

" And after that, I tried to Raid a Dungeon alone illegally as I destroy every monster there and return the screams from every killed Metahuman from this very earth," he says while crushing the Arbyss' body.

As he crushed her, the Black-Armored man says that his goal is to totally rid every monster from the earth as he then immediately crushes the Arbyss woman in the present.

" No ... not like this ... " the Arbyss woman says.

" I just recently received evolutionary stage, the Arbyss stage ... "

" There's no way a human could do this to me, no way !!!! " the woman tries to attack the Black Armored Man, but to her dismay, the Black Armored Man then immediately kills her by crushing her with his gravity.

Like that, he hears that his phone is ringing as he then prepares to leave the scene to discuss things with his benefactor

As the Black-armored man finish the Arbyss, he then tells the blue-haired guy to leave as they both leave the Arbyss lady on the ground as the light then turns down, ending that very night.