Inside the Curtain (2)

" Horda you fool !!!!! " Victor says as he tries to wake up.

When he tries to wake up, suddenly the room's walls are being shattered as Victor sees the Dark-Armored guy that he meets yesterday.

When he comes in, he then quickly acknowledges the person before him as he calls him with the name he introduced to him back then as the System scans him.

< Scanning Scanning >

< Identifying >


"( I see ... )" Rangga says in his mind.

"( It was really you ... or ... )"

" So we meet again ... " Rangga says as his voice is altered thanks to his mask. ( ).

" Arbyss !!!!! " Rangga calls Victor that as he then smiles as he now can stand up.

" So you realized ...? " Victor says as he then altered transforms his body into his monster form as he transforms it not only into a tentacle but also reveals some wings and claws.

< Identifying ... >

< Identification Complete >

< Name: Victor Crimson /Arbyss (Boss) >

< LVL: 81 >

< Race: Chimera >

< Affiliation: the Arbyss, the Arbyss gang. >


" So you're a chimera ....? " Rangga asks him as Arbyss then tells Rangga that being a hybrid is not an easy task as he had to deal with his different urges.

" Different urges ...? "

" It's not that important ... " Arbyss tells Rangga as he then attacks him but Rangga then uses his < Thorn Horn Tusk Shield > to block it as the now Ego weapon shocks Arbyss, depleting his HP so much.

< Arbyss HP- 27.000.900 >

" GGGaarrggghhhh !!!!!! "

" Why you !!!??? " Arbyss says as he then strikes Rangga again but sadly since the attack is not that critical or heavy, the Weapon's Skill doesn't have any effect on him.

< Weapon Skill: Critical Counter >

< This skill counters the opponent's CRIT and Heavy DMG back at them by 111% >

< note: This skill only applies to heavy and CRIT DMGs, not to normal DMG. >

"( He is quickly adaptive huh ...? )" Rangga realizes as he then into the < Thorn Horn Saw Sword > as he proceeds to attack Arbyss with it.

" I see that you are able to change your weapons !!!! " Arbyss praises Rangga.

" You seem to have a unique ability hmm ... "

" Or to my experience, seeing your attack just now tells me that you're not a Metahuman like that other Black-Armored Man who is the leader of the Malice Gang. "

"Those weapons, the different auras that I see from your whole body ... "

" You're a Manahuman, aren't you !!!!??? " Arbyss says as he proceeds to attack Rangga while Rangga managed to defeat him with his Berserker's ability that he copied from his past versions as his current class, only enables him to master the Berserker's ability only to 35% now.

< Sawing Slash: Unstoppable Wave >

< Sawing Strike: Heavy Burst >

< Sawing Spin: Crushing Twister >

As he uses the skills, Rangga then manages to pin down Arbyss as his HP is already at his 35% which means that Rangga now just needs to launch another skill,.

"( Twelve Eyes ... ) " Rangga shouts in his mind as the Twelve Eyes glows which means there is another vision that has been unfolded.

"( Dammit, she's really here .... )" Rangga says as he then realizes that Yukino Senpai is here as he sparred Arbyss for now, due to the Twelve Eyes visions.

" Go ... " Rangga spares Arbyss.

Seeing that, Arbyss wonders why would Rangga spare him as he was only just begun Rangga tells that duty calls and tells Arbyss that it seems that his gang is getting wiped out by someone other than himself as Rangga then goes out from his sight as he then runs to find Yukino senpai rather than dealing with the weakened Chimera.

" That guy .. " Arbyss says to himself.

" Why did he spare me? " Arbyss says as suddenly there's a call from his phone as he answers it and was shocked.

" What did you say ...? " Arbyss tries to wake up as he remembers what Rangga tells him recently as he then decides to abandon his wife because he failed to call her off.

" Grrhhh .... stupid woman ... "

" Guess I have no choice but to leave her and the other to die !!!! " Arbyss says as he then uses his wings to fly above.

( At the same time. )

Yukino is fighting Horda as she was hunting her, wanting her meat to increase her humanoid skin's beauty.

" Come here, young one "

" Let me taste you !!!!! "

" Oh really ...!!!?? " Yukino says to her as she uses her to freeze her off.

" You want to taste me, like your daughter Vera did !!!!??? " Yukino asks as she tells that Horda's daughter Vera also says that to her back then as she now understands what that means right now.

" You know, Vera ...? " Horda asks Yukino.

As she asks that, Yukino then explains her relationship with her which makes Horda now understand who she is.

" Oh ... I see ... "

" So you're that Fubuki girl that 'my daughter' talks about every day even after she comes home. " Horda says as she now realizes Yukino's identity.

" Yes, so you're daughter really told you many things about me, didn't she!!!?? " Yukino asks while Horda then tells that Vera did tell many things about her as she also remembers how Vera always talks about her, even in her dreams.

" Disgusting !!!! " Yukino says as she now realizes how stupid she is.

" How very monstrously disgusting ... " Yukinos says after hearing another detail from Horda as she adds what did Vera do back then while thinking about her.

" Do you even teach your daughter how to behave? " Yukino asks Horda asks Horda then asks Yukino about the word 'behave' since to her, Vera is a very good child as she was always bringing her more food than her other kids.

" Foods .... " Yukino says.

" Why are you making this as she worked for you or something? " Yukino wonders which makes her realize as she recognizes that Horda and Victor had different monster organs than Vera as she also remembers that their very shadow is different while recounting the words of they are all disguising to be human.

" I see now ... " Yukino says as she tries to freeze Horda more.

" You are all not a 'real' family, aren't you? "

" Miss Horda .... " Yukino says as he now realizes something while preparing her next move.