This is the Young Master's Power (1)

( Meanwhile.)

[ Sunday, May 1st, 2022 ]

[ Location: Prudence Hospital, Eastern Wing ]

" How can you girls be so powerful ...? " said an Arbyss member as he then asks how can Illustria and the others are more powerful than him, even though the femmes are technically smaller than him.

" Huh ... of you Level 30 pig !!!!! " Illustria says as she sees the sentient monster's level with the help of the System Interface.

" Just because you're body is bigger than me, doesn't mean that you had the chance to even stand against me ..!!!!!! " Illustria teases the monster while he still vomits blood as he sees that he's the only one that remains.

" So I'm the last one huh ... "

" And it seems that lord Arbyss has left the battle .... " he says.

" Feeling abandoned now? " Arachina teases him as she and the whole girls laugh.

As the girl laugh, the male monster then silently brings out a bottle inside his remaining clothes as he then drinks it in front of the still laughing girls as the liquid substance inside the bottle effects suddenly kicked his nerves.

" GAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " the male monster screams as his roar can be heard around the hospital which shocks the female monsters inside this wing and the other monsters, including their young master Rangga and Yukino as both of them also hear that roar.

" What the hell was that? " both of them ask at the same time as Yukino decides to go but Rangga stops her as he tells her to go home and give this night up to him as he will clear things first without her interference.

" No ... I have to look !!!!! " Yukino says.

" I have to witness this fully as I want to know how many monsters that are actually under our nose for a very long time. " Yukino says as she tells Rangga that her eyes are now open thanks to his underclassman's words as she tells her that her underclassman may be known about this fact since he's the one who reveals this very fact before her back then. (Chapter 59)

" You're underclassman, you mean you're Kouhai (Since she's Japanese). "

" Yes ....!!!!! " Yukino says as she tells Rangga who is behind the mask item he's wearing as she tells that the reason she comes to this very hospital is that she is wondering if what Rangga says back then was true and the answer is.

" He was telling the truth all along ... " Yukino says to Rangga as she tells him that she just recently checked some things about her deceased friend and realizes how foolish she is for being manipulated by the girl whom she thought would bring joy to her cold life after those many things she had to do in her family as her family is a very strict one which is a contrast to her who had her own dreams to become a Divine Heroes like Undefeated.

"( She sounds just like her ... )" Rangga remembers his granddaughter Carla as he sees her words again that currently comes out from her grandmother (Yukino) that he sees right now.

"( No wonder my .. I mean 'our' granddaughter ... )"

"( In every timeline ... had this kind of attitude ... )" Rangga says as he remembers Yukino in the previous Timelines as she was always very hot-headed like this about becoming a Divine Hero which in that previous Timelines, this very attitude is always be inherited to Carla as in fact always become the strongest Divine Hero in every timeline.

As he remembers that, Rangga then decides to stun Yukino for now as he knocks her out, making her faint as he knew that if he lets this happen then ....

"( She would likely be killed ... )" Rangga says as the Twelve Eyes shows what happened if Yukino continues her current action.

"( And this desire of hers .... this very desire ... hmmppphhh .... )"

"( Guess, Twelve was right after all ... )"

"( The Universal Reboot only manages to change minor things but not the possible outcomes .... )"

"( For example, is this very fact that even now, she still wanted to become a Divine Hero even ... )" Rangga holds for a bit as he then hears the roar.

"( Goddamit seriously, what are my female monsters doing? )" Rangga says as he then decided to contact Illustria.

" Illustria ... what is going on !!!!??? "

" YOUNG MASTER !!!!!!! "

" THIS IS AN EMERGENCY !!!!! " Illustria shouts as she and the other girls are fighting the big monster that is now transformed into a more monstrous form as the big monster's body grows bigger and bigger.

As it happens, the System interface then tells Rangga about the situation Rangga then sees the monster's level is increasing as it shows that the monster level is.

< Level: 90 (+60) >

" The hell .....!!!!!? " Rangga says as he then asks the girls if the thing that is currently transforming right now recently consumes something that made it stronger Illustria then says that she sees the monster is drinking something from some sort of bottle which makes Rangga so furious at the time as she burst out at Illustria on why did she and the others let that happen which Illustria then replies that she is sorry on behalf of the others which Rangga then says that they need to take care of this themselves this time as he is very tired to have to directly solve their problem every time as Rangga recounts everything that happened inside the Pit back then.

" Of course, young master ....!!!! "

" We will do our best !!!! " Illustria says as Rangga then decides to support them with his Bond Skill which is , a skill that enables him to empower his familiars with his power as he shares some portion of his MP to them.

" That is some portion of my MP !!!! "

" Use it well !!!!! "Rangga says as he not just empowers the femmes, but also increased their Stats and Buffs them like hell as he then orders them to do things on their own this time as he tells them that he is going to take Yukino out from here as Rangga then also calls the other monsters that he summoned in the other places of the hospital to aid the female monsters while he does his thing first.

" Everyone !!! "

" If you already cleared the enemies in your place, then go help Illustria and the girls while I do my things first!!! " Rangga orders them as the male monsters then ask where is he going which Rangga plainly responds that he will go for now to deal with some things and tells them to do things on their own for now as he tells them to fight the monster without knowing him to return again while he then uses his on them which costs him a lot of MP.

< MP is decreasing >

< MP: 1.000.000/88.888.888 >

" Shit it almost reached zero !!!! " Rangga says as he stops the skill since he already empowered his familiars enough to fight the monster while he then saves some energy to take his 'future wife' out of the hospital before bad things happened to her.

"( I need to get her out from this Magical Curtain as far as I can .. )" Rangga says as he then uses a great amount of power to kick the magical curtain which lets him out of there.


( Meanwhile.)

" You filthy giant, how dare you to attack me !!!!!!! " Illustria says as she uses her to burn the now transforming monster which didn't give him any effect as she and the other femmes then use their full power (since they are being buffed by ) to attack at the monster which did the trick for short, but sadly...

" He's still growing !!! " Arachina says as, in their stupor, the other monsters came as they arrived in order to save the femmes.

" Hello there, do you girls need any help? "