Arbyss's Last Days (2)

" You !!!!!! " Arbyss says as he transforms the parts of his body into a monstrous organic blade.

" Malice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " he calls the Black-Armored Man as the man's subordinates then try to attack Arbyss including the Blue-haired one.

As Arbyss attacks them, they all try their best to protect Malice from Arbyss's attacks as they all launch their abilities toward him.

" [Rampage Blast] "

" [Firebolt] "

" [Fire Purge] "

" [Electro Striker] "

" Move !!! " Arbyss says as he then uses his tentacle to throw the attackers away as they hit the nearby building as it crashes upon them.

" You bastard so-called Metas !!!! " Arbyss mocks them.

" Even though your body is mutated by birth thanks to the Diviners, you're power will never as par with us the monsters ...!!!!! "

" For our very genes had been mutated by the Deviants even before the Diviners gave you those Metagenes !!!!!!! " he says as he tells them some history.

When he does that, he then proceeds to charge his attacks with his [Flare Charge] as he attacks the remaining subordinates of the Malice gang Leader, Malice.

" Your subordinates' power are nothing, Malice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

" They are just a bunch of humans using their given power without no precision on using it !!!! " he mocks Malice while the guy seemed to be not fazed by his mockery as he still stands there and crosses his hand.

Seeing that, Arbyss felt angered as he never thought that he will be belittled by a human again after he was defeated by the other 'Black-Armored Man' (Rangga) as that guy defeat him with ease.

"( Fine then, Malice !!!! )" he says in his mind as he proceeds to kill another of Malice's subordinates as he then prepares to strike at Malice but was stopped by the Blue-Haired One as he uses his [Energy Blast] to attack Arbyss.

" What is this!!!?? is this the best you can give me !!!!?? " Arbyss says as he proceeds to attack the Blue-haired guy as he then uses his other ability which is.

" [Mutated Metaform: Greed Shark] " the Blue-haired guy says as his hand turns into a shark's head and eats Arbyss's tentacles.

" Garrrggghh!!!! " Arbyss shouts as he sees it.

" What the !!!????? " Arbyss shouts as he sees the Blue-haired guy's forehand, transformed into a shark's head.

As he looks at it, Arbyss then growls as he then looks at Malice who is still crossing his hand.

" Malice !!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

" What's the meaning of this !!!???? " he asks while wondering what happened to the Blue-haired guy's body.

As he asks that, the Blue-haired guy then finally opens his mouth and says.

" What happened to my body? "

" Don't you get it, you freak? " he asked Arbyss as the Shark Head eats the tentacles fully as it eats the tentacles.

When it eats it, suddenly the Blue-haired guy feel pain as a part of his back changes and at that very moment, tentacles come out from it as if he had the ability to do so for a long time which shocks' Arbyss as he also tries to summon his tentacles again but.

"( Wait ... why can't summon the tentacles again. )" Arbyss says as he can't transform his body parts into his monstrous tentacles again even though he can still transform them into his other monster parts since he's a Chimera.

While he wonders that, he sees the hand that used to be transformed as the tentacle earlier as he sees the bite mark. When he sees it, he notices the bite mark has a blue liquid inside it and he then notices what is it.

" You bastard !!!!!!! " he shouts to the Blue-haired guy.

" You stole my tentacles physique !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " he says as he then deems that the Blue-haired guys stole his monster ability, even though he still didn't know how he do it.

In his confusion, he then looks at Malice and when he does, he points at him telling him that he must be responsible for the Blue-haired guy's absurd ability Malice then responds by telling that it's a prototype which he asks the Blue-haired guy to test it on him.

" A test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? " Arbyss went angry as he decides to use his full transformation, slowly but steadily turning him into the chimera monster he was before.

As he transforms back, it can be seen that Arbyss monstrous body is made from Lion Feet, Lizard Wings, Crab Hands and Deer Horn.

As he unleash his full monster form, he begins to attack the Blue-haired guy first as he deems him dangerous rather than Malice right now.

" You shark brat !!!!! "

" Die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " he shouts in his anger telling the Blue-haired guy to die quickly as he then tries to use his powerful monster roar as the roar's wind destroys everything in front of him.

"( Dammit, they've killed all of my subordinates !!!! )" Arbyss thinks in his mind as he hoped to use one of his subordinates if one of them is still alive at the moment which sadly, he can't find one as it seems that he is now completely alone as in that moment he remembered something.

"( This battle ...., )"

"( It reminded me about something .... )" he says while remembering the past as he remembers always fighting monsters inside the Dungeon as he remembered to always be teleported with the Gate, Dungeon to Dungeon as he wants to feed more in order to increase his power.

In midst of his journey throughout many Dungeons, at that one day, he was defeated by a being that ones defeat him as his attack makes a large hole in his body which made Arbyss almost die because of it.

" Impossible .... " Arbyss says as he looks at the person before him.

" What monster are you ...? " he asked as the black hooded man looks at him and then shows his head, revealing a horn as Arbyss sees it with his own eyes.

" No way ... "

" You're a ... "

" Deviant .... " he says as the Deviant then approaches him, and offers him something that looks like a pil as Arbyss without thinking again immediately eats it as his eyes slowly closed.

While his eyes are closed, suddenly he sees a Gate is opened which he doesn't know how it happened but still he remembered that the Deviant is the one who did that as the Gate then transported him into this very place, into Supernova CIty as he sees himself naked with a human body.

" Where .. where am I? "

" What just happened...? " the chimera says as he sees that his body is now human and in his stomach, he see a scroll of paper as he sees it.

[ You are now named Arbyss, my Herald. ]

[ You're first task is to gather the other ones that we've teleported into this place as I've already inserted the ability into your new body. ]

When he sees it, his eyes suddenly changes into black since he now can see anything like a heat vision or something which he instinctively used it to find the ones like him, the ones who are stranded in the Supernova City.


( Back to the present. )

"( This Blue-haired person that I'm fighting right now. )" Arbyss says as he remember the past.

"( His body transformation, it reminds me of that Deviant especially his Shark Head Hand's teeth ... )" Arbyss says as the two hand something in common which are their hand that can transform into a monster or animal head that has sharp teeth which enables them to eat the opponents body and ability.

"( How is this possible...? )"

"( Don't tell me ... )" Arbyss says as he then uses his rampaging attack to knock the blue-haired guy out as quick as he can since he then looks at Malice since he now realizes something.

"( Malice you bastard .... )"

"( How did your henchmen get this ability from? )" Arbyss says as he then knocks the blue-haired guy out by muffling the Shark Head's mouth with a giant steel before knocking him out.

As he does that, Arbyss then looks at Malice again as he slowly approaches him and then comes into his face.

" Malice ... " he says with anger while Malice then claps him for defeating the Blue-haired guy.

" Congratulations, my friend .. "

" It seems that you've proven me that you monsters aren't just primitively brute after all. " he says.

" Of course we are ... "

" Unlike the rest that still stay in the Dungeon, waiting to be killed .. "

" We Sentients differ ourselves from them as we rather kill the humans in this place first before they kill us. "

" Especially you Metas, the ones who they-called as 'Superhumans' ... " Arbyss says while growling.

As he does that, Malice then smirks behind his black steel mask as he then tells Arbyss that he is impressed with his determination as he found that Arbyss and the so-called "Sentient Monsters" are very great and revolutionary, but sadly.

" Sadly, Arbyss ... "

" Even though I was very fascinated by you ... "

" But I'm sorry if I have to say .. "

" That you and your sentient monsters time in the city ... "

" Is over ... " Malice says calmly.