Chapter 3

   Hua Mi reached out and clicked on one of the buildings, and a small dialog box popped up immediately,

[To activate a level 1 factory, 10,000 yuan is required. ]

  So expensive?

  She thought that she still had hundreds of thousands of dollars lying in her bank account, so she wanted to deposit 10,000 yuan to try it out and see what kind of factory she could build.

  The result prompts: [It is not a source of money for supermarket profits, and it does not meet the specifications. ]

  It means that you have to sell the things in the supermarket to unlock this strange building?

  Hua Mi has a headache, money in the last days is waste paper, who would buy things with money?

  In the beginning, everyone wanted supplies by robbing them. In the later stage, they would use the crystal nuclei in the brains of mutant beasts and zombies as currency for circulation.

  Hua Mi didn't have time to think about it, and soon, her cell phone rang.

  Call reminder: Fang Xin.

  The bitch! Hua Mi directly hung up Fang Xin's call.

  As a result, Fang Xin hit again, several times in a row.

  Hua Mi picked it up impatiently, before she could say anything, she heard Fang Xin's artificial cry, "Sister, sister, are you okay? I read the news that your community collapsed in the earthquake because of the bean curd project, so I'm so worried."

"Ah, Sister, brother Ziran and I have been calling you, but your cell phone can't get through, are you okay, you talk."

Immediately afterwards, a male voice rang on the phone, "Ami, are you okay? Mi, we are all worried about you, listen to me, I really have no other woman behind your back."

  These words reminded Hua Mi of a long time ago.

  At this time in her previous life, Qin Ziran was her boyfriend, and once in a while, she found out the records of Qin Ziran having sex with other women.

  Records are quite frequent.

  So Hua Mi proposed to break up, went out and spent money to get drunk, and spent a lot of money to find a man.

  At that time, she didn't know that Qin Ziran's cheating partner was Fang Xin, and she told Fang Xin about her sufferings for more than half a month.

  As a result, several years after the end of the world, she met a friend of Qin Ziran's, who told her that Qin Ziran and Fang Xin had been together for a long time.

  After saying this, during a mission, Fang Xin pushed Hua Mi into the wave of zombies.

  But at this moment, Qin Ziran is still in the period when he refuses to accept the breakup.

  Hua Mi said coldly into the phone:

  "Haven't we already broken up? Do you have any other women? I don't even have feelings for you anymore. Don't call me anymore. I'm busy now."

After finishing speaking, she Just hang up Fang Xin's phone, and block it.

  After a while, Hua Mi began to browse the shopping website on her mobile phone. When she was in the ruins, there was no network signal or communication signal.

  Now the network should be being restored one after another. Hua Mi swiped her phone, and the speed of the network became faster and faster.

  She made several phone calls to the supplier and ordered 20,000 bottles of mineral water.

  The supplier smiled and asked:

  "I heard that your community collapsed after a slight shock. Did you put in so much mineral water for disaster relief?" "

  No, I'm going to sell it."

  Hua Mi After thinking about it, she said to the supplier: "You see, we are in this inactive plate, and we can encounter earthquakes. No one can say what will happen next. Maybe the earthquake will become more and more serious. More, the weather will be getting colder and colder, so stock up more goods in your hands, sell them slowly, and if you can't sell them, you can still use them."

  She tried her best to say this calmly, but it served as a reminder .

  After all, today it is just a house in such a community, but tomorrow it may not be so.

  The supplier of the other party was thoughtful, and responded with his mouth. He didn't know whether he believed Huami's words, but only followed the usual supply process. After an hour, he got a big truck and shipped 20,000 bottles of mineral water to Huami

  The community behind Hua Mi was in ruins. The rescue team sealed off the entire collapsed community, and everyone who was rescued was sent to a park near the community as a shelter.

  For a moment, there was no one in the large area of ​​ruins except Huami's small supermarket.

  The roads are rotten, high-rise buildings have collapsed, gravel, messy furniture, and broken daily necessities are everywhere. The truck cannot drive directly to the entrance of Huami's supermarket.

  So the supplier thoughtfully assigned a team of workers to Hua Mi, and directly carried the 20,000 bottles of mineral water into the ruins of the supermarket.

  After the workers left, Hua Mi gradually moved the mineral water piled up in front of the supermarket to the first-level storage.

  While moving, she complained about this [Doomsday Supermarket].

  Why did she read novels in the past, when people had a space, she just waved her hand and the goods were automatically stored in the space, and she had to work hard to move it herself.

  As soon as this thought came up, the heavy box of mineral water in her hand just disappeared.

  The transparent panel resurfaced again,

  [Level 1 Storage: Mineral Water X52]

  Hua Mi: "???"

  So she spent more than ten hours working hard to move all the things in the supermarket into the Level 1 storage. Is it a waste of effort?

  Hua Mi beat her chest and stomped her feet for a while, but continued to pull herself together, and began to quickly put the mineral water accumulated at the entrance of the supermarket into the first-level storage.

  At this time, the sky was already dark, and several men in the costumes of the rescue team came over.

  One of the men pointed to Huami's small supermarket,

  "Captain, the supermarket I'm talking about is right there."

  The leader of the team nodded and led the lifeguards forward. Just as he was about to speak, Hua Mi turned back with a box of mineral water in her hand.

  Seeing Hua Mi's face, the rescue captain froze for a moment.

  It was the woman from last night.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, took off the helmet on his head, stood there and said to Hua Mi with a half-smile,

  "What a coincidence."

  Hua Mi looked at the lifeguard captain inexplicably, she just feel that this person looks very familiar, but she can't remember where she met him.

  Probably someone who met once in the previous life, because the time is too long, she has forgotten in the ocean of memory.

  The man waited for a while, after confirming that Hua Mi had no other reaction, his eyebrows frowned slightly, with one arm holding the helmet, he took two steps towards Hua Mi, and asked, "You don't remember me?"

Hua Mi was very honest . Nodding, she really don't remember.

  So, what's the matter now? Can he tell her something serious?

  The bronze-colored handsome face of the captain of the rescue team began to stink, he snorted, and looked at the small pile of mineral water left beside Hua Mi, "Let's buy some water, the logistics supplies haven't arrived yet, The teammates are all very thirsty."

  There are too many people buried in this community, and they have always purchased fast rescue team logistics, but for some reason, this time they lost the chain.

  Therefore, the mineral water that was supposed to be supplied to the rescue team and the survivors was not supplied.