Chapter 7

  Hua Mi:? ? ?

  Not quite understanding, she called up the control panel and looked at it again and again. Why is her cash register interface still only 7 yuan?

  After pondering for a long time, she still couldn't figure out what happened, when suddenly she heard someone calling her from behind.

  When Hua Mi turned around, it was Fang Xin?

  Fang Xin at this time, compared to the Fang Xin who survived by Hua Mi in the last days, looks much younger and more beautiful.

  She was wearing a pink woolen coat with a rhinestone brooch pinned to the collar of the coat, her long hair was permed into big waves, and she walked over with a happy face, "Ah, sister, you are really make me  worried , I knew I would find you if I came here."

  From the collapsed communities and factories in Xiangcheng, the rescued survivors were all placed here.

  All kinds of people have come here these two days, either looking for relatives, or doing interviews.

  So Fang Xin entered the medical emergency center directly.

  The expression on Hua Mi's face turned cold in an instant,

  "What are you doing here?"

  She didn't go to find Fang Xin, but Fang Xin came to the door by herself.

  Fang Xin didn't feel that the danger was approaching at all, she held Hua Mi's hand with her freshly manicured hands, and put on a pitiful look, "Sister, you hung up my call last time, I... I've been calling you all the time and I can't get through, don't be like this, we are good sisters, aren't we? How much did our ancestral house sell for? Sister, just tell me."

  "Sister, remember what I told you last time, I said I want to buy a house in Xiangcheng, so you can buy it for me."

  The tone is coquettish, as if as long as she puts on such a posture, no matter how excessive her request is, Hua Mi will agree.

  Hua Mi looked at Fang Xin carefully.

  She is delicate and exquisite, and she is the one that men love most when she acts coquettishly.

  However, Hua Mi saw the kind of ugliness in her body. "Ha."

  Hua Mi couldn't help laughing at herself, she didn't know if she was mentally retarded or blind in her previous life? Why can't she see the strong stench emanating from Fang Xin's soul?

  Seeing Fang Xin stunned, Hua Mi asked,

  "What is our family's ancestral house? Your surname is Fang, and my surname is Hua. My Hua family's ancestral house has a half-money relationship with you? Why should I spend money? Buy you a house?"

  She was quite strange, really, what kind of logic  Fang Xin have?

  Fang Xin also thinks that Hua Mi is very strange. Since she was a child, she ate and wore Hua Mi's clothes, and also received more than half of the Hua Mi's scholarship. Isn't this justified?

  Why can't Huami buy her a house with the money she got from selling her ancestral house?

Fang Xin pouted, "Humph, sister, I'm going to get angry when you say that, how can you say such a thing? From childhood to adulthood, every time you give me what I want."

"It's because I'm so stupid every time, that's why I raised you , This kind of lazy vampire, how much money have you taken from me for so many years? Is it enough for a flat? Tell me!"

  Hua Mi interrupted Fang Xin directly, she shook Fang Xin's hand away, and looked around . The quarrel between the two of them has already attracted the attention of the garrison.

  Because there are thousands of survivors here, in order to maintain law and order and maintain stability, the garrison is the one maintaining order at the scene.

  Hua Mi didn't want to kill anyone at this juncture of hoarding supplies, so she could only raise her eyebrows and look at Fang Xin, "Go away, don't let me see you again, otherwise next time, you won't be able to go back with your whole body intact."

  She will definitely always ask Fang Xin to pay back what Fang Xin owed her, either with money or with a part of her body.

  However, Fang Xin did not feel the killing intent on Hua Mi. It is difficult for people living in a stable world to have that kind of wild intuition.

  She just cried and stepped forward, wanting to hold Hua Mi's hand, "Sister, don't be like this, sister."

  Hua Mi turned and left, leaving Fang Xin with a heartless back of the head.

  Seeing that Fang Xin was about to chase, Hua Mi suddenly turned around, pursed her pink lips, and pointed at Fang Xin with a slender white finger.

  The meaning in that gesture was full of a sense of anger.

  If Fang Xin has the ability, dare to catch up with her.

  Such posture, no matter how dull Fang Xin is, she can still feel it. At this time, she'd better stop provoking Hua Mi.

  Otherwise, the end will be very bad.

  So Fang Xin stomped her foot and stopped in place.

  After Hua Mi turned around and got into the truck and drove the truck away, Fang Xin who stayed where she was, suddenly her eyes that had tears turned ferocious.

  She looked unwillingly at the big truck leaving in the dust, took out her mobile phone, and found Qin Ziran's number, her voice was as sweet as possible, "Brother Ziran, I found my sister just now, but my sister is so vicious and fierce, and she said that she will never give up. She will never forgive you,  she probably doesn't want to see you now."

  "And I don't know where she get a big truck to drive, it doesn't look like hers, is she paying someone outside? What kind of bad friend she have?"

  "Brother Ziran, I'm so worried about my sister."

  Fang Xin was hinting to Qin Ziran that Hua Mi drives a big truck, and usually men drive this kind of big truck.

  So maybe Hua Mi met a wild man outside, she is not as good as Qin Ziran imagined.

  But Qin Ziran didn't hear the hint in Fang Xin's words.

  He even completely ignored the fact that Hua Mi was driving a big truck.

  On the other end of the phone, Qin Ziran was silent for a long time before he said in great pain,

"Is she in a temporary rescue center? I'll come to her right now."

  After a pause, he seemed to have made up his mind,"Fang Xin,  Thank you for being with me during this time, but I think we should not continue in the future."

  He really likes Hua Mi, and with a heart, he wants to wait to marry Hua Mi.

  But he and Hua Mi have been together for such a long time, and he has never touched Hua Mi. At this time, Fang Xin, who is somewhat similar to Hua Mi, approached him very actively, showed her favor to him frequently, and sent him a message with some kind of unsolicited invitation.

  Qin Ziran was also a young man, and he couldn't hold it back for a while. Then there was the first time they collided with each other.

  After that time, Qin Ziran regretted it very much, but Fang Xin said that she didn't mind, she liked him and had a secret crush on him for a long time.

  May he ask, which man in the world can resist such a temptation?

  So there was the second collision, the third collision, and countless times after that.

  It was not until his cheating was discovered by Hua Mi.

  Now Hua Mi wants to break up with Qin Ziran.

  Of course he didn't want to, so he broke up with Fang Xin for the nth time,

  "You also know, Fang Xin, you are Ah Mi's younger sister. In fact, I have always only regarded you as my younger sister."