Chapter 11

  The man with the backpack kicked open the supermarket door that Hua Mi had just locked, walked in, and then turned around and shouted at Hua Mi: "Come in, let me see what you've been doing since something was taken from my friend's store."

  He wanted to search.

  Hua Mi curled her lips, and walked into the supermarket generously,

  "I'm going in."

  Just as the man kicked the door and entered the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket, a red triangle popped up in front of Hua Mi's eyes,

 [Lotus Shengxing Supermarket found an intrusion] , Turn on intruder scanning: 1 person, carrying controlled knives, the S-level security risk in Lotus Shengxing Supermarket has been upgraded to SS-level security risk. ]

  There have been a lot of things going on recently, Hua Mi just remembered that her supermarket has always been in the S-level security risk, and there is no protection at all.

  An intruder will upgrade the security risk to SS level.

  This is a security risk that spans a whole level.

  As Hua Mi, a foxy girl, entered the supermarket, the man in the supermarket put down his backpack and walked up to Hua Mi,

  "There are so few things in this supermarket, did you steal it? I'm going to search now."

  That look was even more wretched than the man in the leather jacket he met last night.

  It's not hard to imagine what he wants to do to Hua Mi by doing a body search.

  It's so chaotic outside, it doesn't matter what you do.

  Hua Mi stood there without moving, "No, there are only so few things in here, because..."

her hand was behind her back, five fingers opened, and a scrap of steel bar appeared in the palm of her hand.

  That's right, it was the one she picked up outside the water plant.

  Now it is finally time to realize its value as scrap.

  Just when the man's hand was about to touch her, Hua Mi tilted her head and smiled coquettishly, "I've put away  all the things in this supermarket ,because, I'm ,the, owner, of, this,shop." every word, she beat the man with a half-meter-long iron rod.

  There is no garrison here, every time Hua Mi swings out, it hits the man's head.

  The man looked tall, but he passed out without being hit a few times.

  "Hey! You just fainted."

  Before Hua Mi could warmed up, she dropped the iron rod in her hand and it flew out, but suddenly disappeared in mid-air, and flew back to the corner of the third-level storage.

  With the corner of her mouth curled, Hua Mi naturally picked up the backpack that the man put in her supermarket, flipped it over, turned the bulging backpack upside down, and emptied all the contents on the ground.  They are all brand new laptops, mobile phones, and tablets, most of which are orange brands, and there are also quite a few brands like a certain Wei, a certain Mi, a certain O, and a certain V.  

 "It turned out to be a small fortune."  

 Hua Mi naturally put all these things into storage, then took them out again, and put a few in the glass cabinet under her cash register.   Then she found a hemp rope, tied up the fainted man on the ground, dragged him out of the supermarket by his feet, and threw it into some abandoned pit that had been dug out.   Whether he is dead or alive depends on the man's fortune.  

 The beautiful and kind-hearted Hua Mi stood by the bottomless pit, clapped her hands, and turned to look at her supermarket.

This SS-level safety hazard reminder is not over yet.  Prove that if the first person can break in, there will be a second person. There was no other way, Hua Mi could only call Cao Feng and ask him to look after her truck, so that no one would pick it up.  

Then she rolled up her sleeves, found a shovel in the ruins, and started digging along her own little supermarket.

 Digging and digging, digging and digging.

When she was hungry, she went back to the supermarket to find snacks. When she was tired, she went to sleep on the second floor of the supermarket.

  This supermarket used to have quite a lot of goods. Although the quantity is not large, there are some goods related to all walks of life.

  There are also several beds with poor-quality and rough quilts.

  The supermarket is not big, but Hua Mi also spent a whole day digging a shallow ditch beside the supermarket.

  She called this small ditch just below the knee a ditch!

  In the small trench, she placed a row of thumbtacks, which are the so-called ground spikes!

  On top of the "trench", spread some scraps of paper or something, this is called concealment!

  [Start the security scan.]

  [Complete the security defense project]

  [Defense project rating: tofu level trench]

  [Activate 1 square meter of black land in the backyard of the supermarket. Please select a site for the black land. ]

  Immediately afterwards, small red and green squares appeared in front of Hua Mi's eyes.

  Her eyes saw small red squares where the rubble was piled up, and small green squares when she saw a slightly flat place.

  Meaning, you can't choose the red one, but you can choose the green one?

  But the green one is far away from Huami's supermarket. If she comes out at night and wants to urinate and fertilize the black soil, she has to run dozens of meters.

  Unless she does it now and clears out a square of flat land near the supermarket.

  Hua Mi felt that she didn't want to move a single finger.

  She finally decided to place the 1 square meter of black land 20 meters away from the supermarket.

  I don't know what's in this black earth.

  As soon as this thought changed, her people stood on the black ground.

  Hua Mi: "....."

  She looked back blankly at the supermarket 20 meters behind her.

  So she couldn't teleport away from the supermarket before, is it because of her location and there is no black land in the distance?

  Hua Mi is rarely hungry.

  She has always had a low appetite, but she ate some snacks just now, and now she is hungry and panicking.

  These two meals are like this, probably because she have done some physical work, so she's very hungry.

  Hua Mi, who didn't care, took out a piece of bread from the level 3 storage and ate it. As soon as she took a bite, the 1 square meter of black ground under her feet trembled.

  As if she had a premonition, sure enough, Hua Mi turned her head to look, and there was a faint puff of smoke rising from the direction of the airport in the suburbs.

  There was another earthquake, this time it seemed to affect the airport.

  Hua Mi was still looking at the thick smoke in the sky when her cell phone rang, and it was the director of the water factory who called, "Xiao Hua, we have finished making your 100,000 bottles of mineral water, how much more bottles can you get from there? The situation here is very serious, and everyone in the society has to buy water

  Unable to waste any more time, Hua Mi hurriedly said, "Come here."

  She threw a handful of mat seeds into the black soil, stuffed bread into her mouth, and ran to the emergency center.

  She didn't have time to think about what would happen when the mat seeds were sown, she just wanted to hurry to get her big truck.

  Hua Mi walked out of the ruins very smoothly, and picked up a fully charged flatbed truck on the way, which is 90% new, good!

  She rode this flatbed truck all the way to the temporary ambulance center to pick up a large truck.

  Before she had time to say anything to Cao Feng, Hua Mi got into the truck and ran to the water factory. On the way, she made another 100,000 bottles of 550ML and 50,000 of 1.5L mineral water bottles in the second-level factory.

  The green blood bars are almost bottoming out.