Chapter 18

It's not that Hua Mi doesn't want to hoard food, the key is that Hua Mi doesn't need to buy the high-priced food and water at these stalls.

  And all the food and water, no matter how high the price was, had already been bought when she came out the first time.

  Among the couriers sent from other places to Xiangcheng, nine and a half out of ten are food and water. The continuous flow of food and water is pouring into Xiangcheng, but there is no food and water in the market.

  What does it represent? It means that everyone is hoarding food and water.

  In this case, if you want to find cheap food and water in this kind of place, you must be very lucky.

  Seeing Hua Mi say this, Ah Fu could only shake his head helplessly.

  Anyway, Hua Mi has Gong Yi as his backer, so she probably doesn't lack for food. He is a part-time worker, so he doesn't have to worry about the boss.

  Looking at the truck body, the barbed wire takes up the most space.

  The big man who sells barbed wire has a lot of barbed wire in his hand. After all, he is a person who is going to deliver goods to the construction site.

  When he loaded all his goods into Ah Fu's truck, the big man worried whether he sold too much to Hua Mi.

  After all, Hua Mi looks like a little girl with little experience in the world, what can she do with so many barbed wire?

  Hua Mi came over and swept the money to him, "If you still have barbed wire, you can take it to the evacuation center. I will come here every few days. I want as many goods as you have. I just want to use it to make a fence."

  After finishing speaking, she got into the car and let Ah Fu drive the car to pull her back to the ruins.

  But he didn't notice that Fang Xin was standing there in the distance of the truck, holding a mobile phone in her hand, taking pictures over and over.

  She took pictures while Hua Mi is talking to Ah Fu, and took pictures of Hua Mi getting on Ah Fu's truck.

  After the truck left, Fang Xin sent the photo on the phone to Qin Ziran, and then sent him a text message,

[Fang Xin: Brother Ziran, come quickly, I found my sister, if you don't come, she will leave. ]

  Qin Ziran over there didn't reply to the text message for a long time, Fang Xin looked at the top of the W letter dialog with satisfaction, Qin Ziran's [typing in progress.] line.

  She didn't even need to think about how shocked and uncomfortable Qin Ziran, who loves Hua Mi so much, would feel when he saw Hua Mi getting into an old man's van.

  Qin Ziran felt uncomfortable, so naturally he wouldn't give Hua Mi a good time.

  He would constantly quarrel with Hua Mi and try to control her.

  And Fang Xin just likes to watch Hua Mi has a hard time.

  She waited for a while, and Qin Ziran's text messages were deleted and deleted, and then a few words were sent,

  [Qin Ziran: Where are you? ]

  Fang Xin hurriedly told Qin Ziran the location of the stall area. Of course, by the time Qin Ziran came to find Hua Mi the big truck had already disappeared.

  Hua Mi also disappeared.

  Annoyed, Fang Xin stretched out her fingers and hooked the corner of Qin Ziran's clothes, with a grievance on her face, "Brother Ziran, I'm sorry. Last time my sister tried to avoid me. I didn't dare to go up and stop her this time."

As she spoke, Fang Xin had two tears in her eyes . "I swear, I really sent you a message the first time I saw my sister, brother Ziran, my sister has changed a lot, did she really fall in love with the man who drove the truck?"

  Presumably, Fang Xin had never seen that man driving a truck before.

  If Hua Mi either got close to the man driving the truck, or had some relationship with that man.

  Fang Xin dared to bet her toes.

  "What nonsense are you talking about?"

  Qin Ziran yelled at Fang Xin with a gloomy face, "How could Ah Mi fall in love with that kind of man?"

  He saw the old man in the photo, probably in his 50s, and he was not dressed well. He doesn't looks like a rich man and he drives a big truck.

  This is a job that only people who live at the bottom of society do.

  Hua Mi is beautiful and capable, even if she wants to find a man, she will definitely find someone who looks better than Qin Ziran.

  How could it be possible to find a truck driver?

And he is good enough, it is impossible for Hua Mi to know another man who is better than him.

  Qin Ziran's roar successfully made Fang Xin shed tears. Like a submissive little daughter-in-law, she lowered her head and cried silently, not daring to refute Qin Ziran's words.

  In fact, Fang Xin didn't agree with Qin Ziran's words, she felt that Hua Mi was just like herself, she could do anything just to make him angry.

  As for whether Hua Mi will find a truck driver as a lover.

  It's not necessarily false.

  The truck driver actually earns a lot, which is much higher than that of her poor salesman.

  If the truck driver can give Fang Xin a few thousand yuan a month, then Fang Xin doesn't mind finding a truck driver as the money backer.

  Use this thinking to deduce Hua Mi, if the money is given to Hua Mi, Huami will definitely do it.

  Qin Ziran looked at Fang Xin's innocent appearance, thinking that she loved him so much that she couldn't live without him, Qin Ziran's tone softened, "You continue to wait here for Ah Mi, I'll go back and deal with some work matters first."

  Yes, of course Qin Ziran has a job, and he works for a good company, and he is still in the probationary period.

  Although Xiangcheng experienced frequent earthquakes, it did not mean that the entire city was destroyed. A large area of ​​the city had not yet collapsed. For the most basic operation of the society, there must be people in the necessary positions to promote the operation of the society.

  And Qin Ziran's job is to purchase materials for the city administration. At this time, he is the busiest.

  The task of finding Hua Mi can only be pushed to Fang Xin.

  Fang Xin loves him to death.

  Fang Xin nodded as expected, looking very cute.

  Qin Ziran was about to leave, but Fang Xin reached out and grabbed Qin Ziran's clothes.

  She looked embarrassed, and her feet in silver-white fine-sand high-heeled shoes touched the ground little by little,

  "Brother Ziran, I, I didn't go to work these days to find my sister. My boss is very angry. And now The economy is not so good, we are in sales, and we don't have much business."

  Her salary was not high. After graduating from vocational high school, she found a job selling real estate and did it casually, anyway, if she have no money, she will ask Hua Mi for it.

  Of course, Qin Ziran is also very generous. Since Hua Mi fell in love with Qin Ziran, Fang Xin has also received a lot of benefits from Qin Ziran.

  After going to bed with Qin Ziran, the material benefits will be even more.

  When Qin Ziran saw Fang Xin like this, he immediately understood her difficulties. He expressed his understanding, took out his mobile phone, and directly transferred 30,000 yuan to Fang Xin, "Use these first, the order outside is a bit chaotic now, After you find your sister, I will give you money, and you don't have to go to work in the future, and you won't earn much money from that job anyway."