Just as Fang Xin and Qin Ziran were entangled on the sofa, the lights above their heads flickered.

  The next moment, the whole world seemed to shake.

  "Ah, Brother Ziran, help."

  Fang Xin only felt a sense of weightlessness. Neither she nor Qin Ziran was wearing pants, so they just fell down.

  Qin Ziran's mansion was destroyed by the earthquake. At this time, Hua Mi, who was hated by Fang Xin, was riding her second-hand flatbed truck full of goods, shuttling through the long stall area.

  She has no time to hunt down Fang Xin, because there are too many things to be busy now, these cats and dogs have to stand aside.

  What's more, it's Qin Ziran. After the end of the last life, Qin Ziran disappeared completely and got out of the life of Hua Mi and Fang Xin.

  So for Qin Ziran's memory, Hua Mi also took a lifetime so long, many things in her mind only left a little trace, and if she didn't think about it deliberately, she couldn't remember it at all.

  [Start security scan.]

  [Complete security defense project]

  [Defense project rating: primary wire fence]

  [Get 2 square meters of black land in the backyard of the supermarket, please choose a site for the black land. ]

  A series of reminders appeared in front of Hua Mi's eyes, and she came to an emergency stop.

  Unexpectedly, Huo Jing was working late today, so he just finished the wire fence project for her.

  Hua Mi stopped in front of a stall, before she could recover her thoughts, she saw a red patch and a green patch in front of her, and the red ones could not be used to place the black soil, but the green ones could.

  But this place is so far away from her Lotus Shengxing Supermarket, can the black land be built here?

  Hua Mi was a little puzzled.

  Her eyes flicked to a fountain ahead.

  Because the relief center temporarily requisitioned a park, and there happened to be a large flat land in this park, and there was a musical fountain on this flat land.

  Naturally, the fountain stopped at this time, and she don't know if it can still spray water.

  "Miss Hua!"

  Cao Feng stood behind Hua Mi and shouted.

  Hua Mi shivered, looking at the musical fountain in front of her, and when she turned around, she almost kicked Cao Feng in the face.

  [Obtain: Water Source X2]

  A prompt popped up suddenly, saving Cao Feng's face.

  Hua Mi was stunned on the spot in surprise, slowly looking at the flat music fountain.

  Two square meters of black land just fell on a musical fountain.

  Although the area is not enough to cover the entire musical fountain, but looking around, her black soil fell on the fountain, and the ground did not change in any way.

  In other words, the floor tiles that should be there still exist.

  Hard ones won't grow anything either.

  If she wanted to plant the pile of fruit seeds she bought before, she would have to dig up the floor tiles on the black soil.

  Will that destroy the water pipes in the ground?

  Hua Mi was so entangled that she lost her mind, and only opened the control panel of the level 4 factory, clicking frantically to make 350ML mineral water, X1000000.

  The newspaper office wants to produce 1 million bottles of 350ML mineral water! In order to be able to balance the loss of 2 square meters of black land that can grow fruits.

  Seeing that Hua Mi had stopped in place, Cao Feng stepped forward.

  A lifeguard following him asked: "Cao   Feng, who is this?"

How to introduce.

Let me explain it this way first.

But his teammate understood in seconds, with a clear look, "Oh, I have heard it, I have heard it."

  As they all know, Gong Yi, the straight man of steel, personally told all the garrison and lifeguards in the relief center that he has a friend ,female! Her name is Hua Mi, and she will be active in the relief center from now on, and everyone will help take care of her.

  Didn't say anything else, just a few words.

  They know everything they need to know.

  Those who don't understand also understand a little bit.

  Cao Feng and his teammates came to Hua Mi, at this time Hua Mi had recovered.

  She looked at Cao Feng, as if watching a game screen, beside Cao Feng was the decreasing level 4 factory energy bar.

  Before Cao Feng could speak, Hua Mi asked,

 "What a coincidence, we met here, you don't need water anymore?"

  Gong Yi asked her to buy more than 100,000 bottles of water before, and he was in a hurry. In the past two days, she haven't heard of buying water.

  Cao Feng smiled and raised his hand to scratch the back of his head,

  "Some water has been transferred outside to support us, and the water plant in Xiangcheng has been producing water continuously. We have enough water. We haven't thanked Hua Mi for those few days. The lady is helping us."

  After he finished speaking, he told his teammates again that in the first few days after the earthquake, the logistics of the rescue team hadn't responded yet, and the mineral water in the rescue center could not be supplied.

  It was Hua Mi who managed to get them hundreds of thousands of bottles of mineral water.

  After saying this, Cao Feng's teammates looked at Hua Mi with a more sincere and friendly expression,

  "So it was Miss Hua who helped, if it wasn't for Miss Hua, we would have died of thirst in the ruins." A bit exaggeration, but the mineral water crisis in those days was real.

  "You're welcome. If you want mineral water, you can find me. Although there is enough mineral water now, I don't know when this ghostly earthquake will stop. There are many places to ask for water." Hua Mi probably knew, and

then With the more frequent earthquakes, the earthquake disaster in Xiangcheng has received widespread attention from the outside world, so the relief supplies sent by all parties have arrived in the past two days.

  However, this is not the end, this is just the beginning.

  Other cities also began to tremble, and soon all the cities will start to dance together, not only will there be a shortage of water, but many things will also be lacking.

  Cao Feng and his teammates all responded with a smile. No one took Hua Mi's words seriously, but thought she was just being polite.

  After two days, when all the mineral water in the ambulance center is distributed to individuals, presumably there will be no people selling mineral water at sky-high prices at the booth.

  Now, even if everyone has water in their hands, they are unwilling to take it out

  The high price of mineral water is entirely the result of free market regulation.

  Several people exchanged a few pleasantries, and there was a familiar shaking under their feet. At the same time, Cao Feng and his teammates received an urgent call for an idle rescue team.

  Another earthquake occurred inside and outside Xiangcheng, requiring immediate rescue.

  Looking at the backs of the two of them running away at high speed, Hua Mi shook her head, turned her head and forgot to take a look at the 2 square meters of black land she left on the musical fountain, reluctantly rode her flatbed truck, and went to a secluded and uninhabited place. There may be places to monitor.

  With one thought, she took her flatbed truck back to the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket in an instant.

  After returning to her place, Hua Mi felt very tired as soon as she relaxed, she had never been so tired before.

  Even in her previous life, when she hadn't aroused her abilities, she had never been so tired.

  The strange thing is that she didn't do anything particularly strenuous today, she just went out of the city to pick up a courier, went shopping in the stall area for a day, and even beat Fang Xin.