Huami, did not speak, but just walked along with the stretcher. The lifeguards carrying Ah Fu walked quickly, and put Ah Fu's family in the hall of the emergency department.

  Like Ah Fu, there were many people lying on the stretcher, and everyone cried out in pain, all of them were bloody.

  Hua Mi glanced at Ah Fu lying next to him. The two children in his family were only in their teens, and they all looked like they had been beaten to death.

  She turned to look at the doctors and nurses in the hall. There was only one doctor and two or three nurses, busy cleaning and suturing wounds in the hall, and they couldn't be too busy to come to Ah Fu.

  So Hua Mi reached into her large satchel, and took out a few clean towels, two bottles of ethanol, a few bottles of mineral water, and a few painkillers from the Level 5 storage.

  She helped Ah Fu to sit up and gave him the things in her hands,

  "The doctors and nurses here probably don't have time to take care of you. You should clean your wound first, and then give it to your wife and children to prevent the wound from becoming infected." Yes."

  "Thank you, Miss Hua, factory director?"

  Ah Fu was crying, holding a bunch of things Hua Mi gave him in his hand, and looked at the director of the water factory who was sitting across from him with a broken expression on his face. .

  Hua Mi hurriedly turned her head and looked at the factory manager in the hall. He was in a mess, his hair was covered in white ashes, and he leaned against the wall without even a stretcher.

  Taking a closer look, one of the factory manager's legs was covered in blood, blurry, and the glass shards on it hadn't been cleaned off.

  He was so painful that his consciousness was blurred, even when Hua Mi walked over and squatted in front of him, he didn't recognize Hua Mi.

  "How long have you been sitting here?"

  Hua Mi asked, seeing that the factory manager seemed unable to hear her, he didn't answer her.

  She stuffed a painkiller into the factory manager's mouth and gave him some water.

  The factory manager slowly came back to his senses, there was a thick layer of dust on the glasses, he stretched out his trembling hand, and tightly grasped the mineral water bottle in Hua Mi's hand, suddenly, he began to gulp down the water.

  "Rescue team, the rescue team's water hasn't been produced yet, the water can't be cut off, the water can't be cut off."

  He looked crazy, looked at Hua Mi, and murmured, "People can go without food for a few days, but they can't stop drinking water. There will be a big accident, and many people will die, Miss Hua, many people will die."

"I know, leave it to me, where did you get the diesel oil? You give me the way, and the water will not be cut off."

  Hua Mi comforted him, persuading him softly, her level 5 factory needs energy, as long as there is energy, she can produce water.

  The director of the factory was clearly unconscious due to the pain, and he didn't know what others asked him, but when Hua Mi told her that she could produce water as long as she was given diesel oil, the factory director seemed to have a flash of light, and his consciousness was extraordinarily clear.

  He gave Hua Mi a phone number. He was a person in charge of the Xiangcheng Petrol Station and was related to the factory manager.

  This person was the one who supplied diesel to the water plant and Hua Mi during this period.

  He is a very capable man who can obtain large quantities of oil legally.

  Hua Mi got the phone number, helped the factory manager who was sitting on the ground up, and went to Cao Feng's cubicle,

  "I'm going to find a way to get water for the rescue team now, factory manager, go and stay with a friend of mine first, If he dies, please remember to tell me."

  The whole emergency area was in a mess, Ah Fu saw Hua Mi and the factory manager left, he hurriedly called his wife, their heads were covered with blood, but they still staggered , each carrying a child, also followed behind Hua Mi.

  The couple and their two children were beaten by the crowd, and their injuries were much lighter than those of Cao Feng and the factory manager.

  As long as they take painkillers to cut off the pain, Ah Fu's family will have basic mobility.

  Cao Feng's cubicle is not big. Hua Mi brought the factory manager and Cao Feng together to take care of them both at the same time, and asked the factory manager to help watch over Cao Feng. If Cao Feng died, she would be notified as soon as possible. , can also notify Gong Yi as soon as possible.

  Putting the factory manager on a small bench, Hua Mi took out a pair of tweezers, three bottles of mineral water, and three bottles of ethanol, and handed them to the factory manager, "Director, please clean up the glass shards on your injured leg first. Get yourself some ethanol mixed with mineral water to disinfect, there is nothing you can do now, if you can do it yourself, don't wait."

The factory manager took the pile of things that Hua Mi handed over in a daze, slowly bowed his head, He started pulling the glass shards off his legs.

  It may be because he took Hua Mi's painkillers, but he has other sensations, but he doesn't feel pain.

  Seeing that the factory manager did what she said, Hua Mi turned her head again and saw that A Fu's family had also come, but there was no extra bench in this cubicle for A Fu's family to rest.

  Hua Mi casually touched under Cao Feng's bed, and actually swept out a large handful of mats and two quilts from the level 5 storage, "I can't find a bed, you sit on the mats first, I'll be back soon."

After finishing speaking, Hua Mi didn't have time to take care of Ah Fu's family, so she hurried out of the emergency room and called the factory manager's relatives at the gas station.

  The phone can still be connected, and it is very busy there. He only said that he has oil in his hand, but the price will triple, and he must buy it in units of tank trucks.

  Because he was also selling oil to Hua Mi at the risk, if the factory manager's line hadn't been cut off, he wouldn't have answered Hua Mi's call himself.

  Hua Mi hurriedly ordered oil for ten tankers, and she didn't bargain with the other party, as long as he wanted, Hua Mi transferred to him the amount.

  It is said that the oil tanker is used as the unit, but in fact the oil is packed in a large barrel, and one oil tanker can be divided into many oil barrels.

  The other party left an address of the gas station and asked Hua Mi to pick up the gas.

  Hua Mi called Chi Chuan and asked him to borrow a truck.

  She drove the truck to the gas station to pick up oil, and after loading the big barrels of oil into the truck, Hua Mi drove the truck around the gas station in a symbolic circle.

  After receiving the oil in the truck bucket into the fifth-level storage, she went back to refill the oil.

  After going back and forth many times, I finally finished transporting the diesel oil from the ten tankers.

  Level 5 storage has been successfully upgraded to level 6 storage.

  After the generator set was running smoothly, Hua Mi looked at the energy bar of the level 5 factory that was filling up a little bit, and she produced all the remaining painkiller X9000 without hesitation.

  Then upgrade the factory.

  [Level 6 factories: mineral water bottle (specification 550ML), mineral water bottle (specification 1.5L), mineral water bottle (specification 10L), mineral water (specification 350ML), mineral water (specification 550ML), mineral water (specification 1.5L), limited Production: self-priming filter anti-particulate respirator (specification: children) X50000, self-priming filter anti-particulate respirator (specification: adult) X40000, ethanol X30000, painkiller X20000, sterile gauze X10000]

Great, it can produce Limited production of sterile gauze.

  Hua Mi worked hard to fill up all the limited production, and then left a message to the relatives of the factory manager, saying that she still needs to buy oil, this time to buy oil for 20 tankers.