"Okay, okay, don't report it, You will give it to me as much as you have."

  Hua Mi felt a headache when she heard that, so much rice, she couldn't tell if it was good or bad. Yes, as long as it is rice, you can eat it.

  Of course, she bought most of them for the rescue team, and bought a little for herself.

  She won't stock up too much, maybe 10,000 to 20,000 bags.

  This rice is bought too much, and it is easy to spoil if it is left outside, so it will be put in her level 6 storage together at that time.

  While confirming the delivery with the agricultural trade giant in Xiangcheng, a series of reminders floated in front of Huami's eyes:

[Start security scan.]

  [Complete security defense project]

  [Defense project rating: Complete 360° monitoring with no dead angle, and the monitoring range is 100 meters away. m]

  [Get 3 square meters of black land, please choose a site for the black land. ]

  Is this Huo Jing setting up the surveillance? As long as the monitoring installation without dead ends is completed, a security defense can be achieved.

  Hua Mi laughed, and immediately asked the giant on the phone, "Do you have any seeds? I want all the seeds, such as fruit and vegetable seeds, and so on."

  She no longer has the ability to spawn a forest , but she has a brand new 3 square black land.

  Immediately after her rebirth, Hua Mi rushed to the farmer's market to buy a batch of seeds after finishing her visit to the supermarket.

  But the plan changed. The few seeds I bought at the beginning were obviously not enough.

  If she really wants to take care of a rescue team, it is best to organize these rescue teams to produce.bThen everyone has to plant the land, so naturally they need many seeds! ! !

  The giant also echoed  and the smile over there, "What a coincidence, I not only have coarse grain seeds, but also fruit and vegetable seeds."

  After finishing speaking, he reported again, and he had all the seeds: corn, millet, red rice, Black rice, purple rice, sorghum, barley, oats, buckwheat, soybean, mung bean, red bean, black bean, broad bean, pea, sweet potato, yam, potato Hua Mi wanted to vomit, and hurriedly interrupted the giant's broadcast, "I want all of them, You can bring it together, and there is food, you see that Xiangcheng is like this now, if you have a way, you can bring some more to Xiangcheng, as much as our rescue team needs."

The giant smiled, Afraid that Hua Mi would go back on her word, he said: "Okay, it's settled, you are the boss, just wait for me for a few days, and I will find a way to bring food from other places."

   Growing up in an era of excess supplies, human beings are not extinct. This earthquake is shocking. As long as human beings are not wiped out, there will always be human beings still working and factories still operating.

  It's just that the logistics channels are not smooth, so a large number of materials cannot be dispatched, resulting in a local shortage of materials.

  There are materials, as long as there are outlets, sales, and smooth logistics, you can still find large quantities of goods.

  Didn't the giants hoard a large amount of vegetables in their hands, and they can't sell them at all?

  As Hua Mi said, this world has become like this, everyone is thinking of stockpiling goods, even the rescue team is no exception, the food business will definitely be easy to do.

  In the Supermarket, Hua Mi hung up the phone of the agricultural trade giant, and then called the garrison of the rescue center to guard the supplies, saying that a large amount of vegetables, grains and seeds would come in a while, and asked them to move the oil drum to another place .

  First receive these hundreds of tons of vegetables, tens of thousands of bags of rice, and thousands of bags of seeds.

  The garrison who answered the phone was very surprised, and asked, "Sister Hua, it's starting to rain now, where are those vegetables, grains and seeds kept? Outside?"

  No one knew why Hua Mi bought so many supplies.

  At present, in fact, neither Xiangcheng nor the neighboring cities have caused a shortage of supplies. Although in the first few days after the earthquake, supplies seemed a little tight, and mineral water was also very scarce.

  But soon, donations from all walks of life flew to Xiangcheng and neighboring cities like snowflakes.

  In the other cities that were also hit by the earthquake in the news, a lot of supplies were also donated.

  So there is no shortage of food.

  Xiangcheng is just short of drinkable water.

  But after the only water plant was knocked down, the price of water did not rise.

  The price of mineral water in the relief center has been stabilized between 5 and 8 yuan.

  The price of mineral water in the neighboring city has been stabilized at 10 yuan a bottle.

  There is a bottle of mineral water for 30 yuan. They sell it for 30 yuan, and they sell a few bottles when they are exhausted.

  Huami sells for 5 yuan a bottle, and she sells 1,000,000 bottles.

  How can someone be able to increase the price of mineral water?

  Hua Mi said "hmm, Don't worry about the drizzle, you just do as I said, I'll come over tomorrow to solve it."

  After hanging up the phone at the garrison, Hua Mi glanced outside the supermarket door, and it was indeed drizzling.

  She didn't take it to heart at all. According to the end of the world in her previous life, the extreme cold weather appeared first.

  Now there is only a little accident. The earthquake that should have appeared later has been moved to the very beginning.

  After that, it must be extremely cold weather.

  Didn't the news also say that there will be a cold wave sweeping from the northern hemisphere, but it will take a month or two to reach Xiangcheng.

  Enough to prepare her for the rescue team.

  After hanging up the phone at the garrison, Hua Mi called Chi Chuan again, "I need to order unlimited rescue equipment, do you have any supply?"

  During the call, Chi Chuan's background sound was noisy, and he said loudly:

"There is no source of rescue equipment, but I can find it for you. I have a friend whose friend owns a sweater factory. Sister Hua, would you like to work with me?"

He also received a message saying that there was a cold current .It's time to sweep from the North Pole, so lots of people are snapping up winter coats.

  Chi Chuan happened to have this resource in his hands, but his friend's friend only produced sweaters and nothing else.

  Sitting in the supermarket, Huami took out a bag of spicy duck necks from the level 6 warehouse and gnawed,

  "Then order me 1,000,000 men's sweaters of various sizes, and 10,000 women's sweaters of M size in various styles."

  M is her size, and 10,000 sweaters are enough for her to wear to old age.

  Chi Chuan was taken aback by Hua Mi's handwriting, he smiled awkwardly,

  "Sister, can you be my own sister, my friend's friend is just a small factory, you broke their hands, and they can't weave  and Come out with 1,000,000 sweaters."

  "Then let them do their best. At this time, you can get as much as you can get." Huami, who

was eating spicy duck neck, looked very Buddhist, and she was about to hang Chi Chuan's. The phone, over there called again.

  Chi Chuan: "Sister, sister, do you still have mineral water? I want 200,000 bottles. The city next door lacks everything except drinking water. The business here is very good."

After finishing speaking, Chi Chuan was afraid of Hua Mi  condemning him for making a fortune, he hastily added, "I only sell a 550ML bottle of water for 10 yuan, which is not too much."

  "It's not too much, I have so much water, you just name it."