The garrison with dripping water on the brim of his hat has been rejecting Huami's kindness.

  Hua Mi in the rain did not speak, just took out her mobile phone, called Gong Yi, and explained the situation in a simple and clear manner.

  Gong Yi's other end was quiet for a moment,

  "Press the phone to amplify."

  Hua Mi did as Gong Yi asked.

  She heard Gong Yi scolding on the other end of the phone, "You son of a bitch! Listen to her, you can wear whatever you want to wear, and take off whatever you want to take off. What are you doing at this time? Is there medicine for you when you catch a cold? Don't worry about discipline. If you are not disciplined, save me some food."


  The young grassroots garrison tensed up, as if a primary school student was reprimanded by his parents for fear of being beaten up, and quickly took it from Hua Mi's hand. He opened a pack of raincoats and put them on by himself self.

  Seeing that he had put on his raincoat, Hua Mi went to another garrison with an umbrella, and also took out a brand new men's raincoat from her large satchel.

  She walked slowly to the emergency area in the rain like this, and issued raincoats when she saw the patrolling garrison.

  She don't know how many raincoats were sent, and no one asked her how many raincoats could be contained in that satchel.

  After Huami sent it all the way to the door of the emergency room, she even handed the little nurse an umbrella.

  The little nurse looked at Hua Mi gratefully.

  My dear sister, gratefulness is in the air.

  Hua Mi entered the emergency room, and took out her mobile phone to send a message to Gong Yi,

[Hua Mi: I have sent you a total of 2,500 raincoats for the garrison, an umbrella for a nurse, 100 yuan for a raincoat, and 80 yuan for an umbrella. It's billed. ]

  [Gong Yi: Yes. ]

  He replied to Hua Mi concisely.

 He don't have any comments on Huami's sky-high priced rain gear.

  Hua Mi quickly drew up the tent, went into the emergency room, and went directly to Cao Feng's cubicle.

  Along the way, she felt that there were more and more seriously injured survivors, and many of them couldn't get a bed at all and could only lie on the ground.

  It was raining outside. Although the emergency room was located in a gymnasium, the ground quickly became wet under the influence of the weather.

  Hua Mi suddenly remembered the mats woven by Ye Rong. It would be nice for those people lying on the ground to have a mat.

  She just slapped her head and cursed herself for being a dog with a memory.

  After finally going back to the supermarket in the ruins, why did she forget to harvest the mat grass?

 Then go back to collect mat grass now?

  Hua Mi looked a little hopeless, she called up the control panel, and glanced out of the corner of her eye, and saw a row of small icons in the corner of the control panel of [Doomsday Supermarket]:

[Cash Register System]

[Level 7 Warehouse]

[Level 7 Factory]

[Black Land]

[Supermarket Lottery Pool]

Wait for a long row of shortcut keys on the secondary page.

  Hua Mi clicked [Black Land] out of boredom, and a piece of black land appeared on the screen. The magical black land was covered with lush mat grass, and the other two black lands were marked with [Water Source X1] [Water Source X1] ]The words.

  There are also three pieces of black land with patterns of oranges, apples, and grapefruits on them, but they are all black, and Huami can't touch them.

  For some unknown reason, she tickled the green mat.

  [Get Mat X1]

  Hey! Remote harvesting, that's great.

  Hua Mi felt that she had saved a lot of things.

  She clicked on the [Supermarket Lottery Pool] again, and there was actually a lottery chance for her every level up.

  That is to say, if her storage has been upgraded to level 7, her factory has also been upgraded to level 7, and the black land has been developed to level 3 with a total of 6 square meters, she has 17 chances to draw a lottery.

  She glanced at the interface, there were [1 lottery pool] and [17 lottery draws].

  Huami doesn't have any expectations for the lottery, because she has never won any prizes since she was a child.

  So she clicked [Draw 1 time] dispensable.

  [Gain mat grass growth speed X8, time limit: 24 hours]

  ? ? ?


  Hua Mi felt a little dizzy.

  Originally, her mat grass could be harvested once a day, but Hua Mi went to harvest it when she thought about it, and forgot it if she didn't think about it, so the mat grass had been planted for so long, and now the quantity in the level 7 storage is X8 mat grass.

  But now, the growth rate of mat grass has been increased by 8 times, which means that it can be harvested several times a day.

  So what does she need so many mats for?

The first lottery draw, this [Doomsday Supermarket] really did not surprise Hua Mi, and she did not have any expectations for the remaining 16 times, so she just kept the chances of lottery draw there for the time being.

  Waiting for her to bathe and burn incense one day, and then go to smoke after she consecrates her hands.

  At this time, in Cao Feng's cubicle, Ah Fu hurried into the cubicle with several lunch boxes in his arms.

  He looked at Ye Rong and the two children in a panic, "I just heard the news that there was a problem with the transportation of medicines in Xiangcheng, and the medicines that were supposed to arrive in Xiangcheng yesterday hadn't arrived this morning. "

  Ye Rong is taking her two children to help Tang You wipe the dilute ethanol.

  After hearing this, she panicked for a moment, then calmed down,

 "It's okay, Miss Hua will find a solution, she and Captain Gong are friends."

  Cao Feng, who was sitting on the single bed next to her right, had a look on his face. With new burn scars, he nodded with difficulty,

  "Captain and Sister Hua won't let us have trouble."

  There is no way, although Cao Feng can barely sit up now, but he can't move around. It is because he took the painkiller given by Hua Mi, so he cut off the burning pain all over his body.

  If he moves around now, the wound that has finally scabbed will be broken open again.

  So he nodded slowly and spoke slowly.

  Tang You on the side was unconscious, but judging by the expression on his face, he was still sleeping soundly.

  He heard Ah Fu anxiously say again:

  "No, the problem is not here, it is the newly appointed emergency department management commander who said that there are not enough beds, all those who are able to move and are conscious, and" he said, glanced at the man lying on the bed, Tang You, who was on the stretcher, said cryptically,"People like Tang You can't stay in the emergency room anymore."

  Just being conscious and dying, these two things, all the people in their small cubicle are occupied. .

  So what kind of injuries are left in the emergency department?

 Silence, silence is now in the compartment.

  Cao Feng, who was burned beyond recognition, slowly turned his head and looked at Tang You, who was lying beside him and wrapped in sterile gauze.

  In fact, since he and Tang You were sent to the emergency room, they have not received any medical resources in the emergency room at all.

  Their ethanol, water for cleaning, painkillers, and sterile gauze are all provided by Huami.

  "Then let's go."

  Cao Feng gritted his teeth, his eye sockets were dry, and there were no tears, as if the explosion had blown his lacrimal glands dry,

 "We don't take up the limited medical resources anymore, let's go now."

On the day when he was injured because of saving lives, He never thought he would be alive.

  He guessed that he would die, and he had never been afraid of death.

  He understands everyone's difficulties.

  It's just that he didn't expect that he didn't get any special care.