The person who said that he took the short video of Qin Ziran and Fang Xin's naked buttocks secretly and excitedly took out his mobile phone.

  Take out the video where the two of them were lying on the stretcher and the hair on their buttocks could be seen clearly.

  "Tsk tsk, share it with me."

  "Give me a copy too."

  But all the conscious patients took out their mobile phones one after another, demanding to have a copy of Qin Ziran's black material.

  Their opinions on Qin Ziran were vast, and they would not let go of any opportunity to ridicule Qin Ziran.

  But Qin Ziran didn't notice it.

  He still looked affectionate, and once again shouted at Hua Mi's back: "Why, Ah Mi, give me a reason, why did you do this to me?"

  Because you cheated!

 The wounded and injured around help shout in their hearts.

  With a big bag in front of her, Hua Mi, who looked like she was going to work in a distant place, turned her head and looked at Qin Ziran who was behind him with a sad expression on her face, "Didn't you ask us to go? You stopped us when we were about to leave? Just manage and command like you, you didn't use your brain on the right way, so it's strange that you can manage the emergency area well."

  Mmmmmmm! The beauty is right!

The wounded around nodded desperately.

  Hua Mi and the others walked forward.

  Qin Ziran behind her was extremely unwilling, he angrily scolded the only few administrators around him, "Get her back, hurry up!"

  Those administrators were a little hesitant, to be honest, they had seen with their own eyes how Hua Mi behaved when fighting.

  At this time, let them go forward to stop people, they are a little afraid.

  Seeing that the administrators were not moving, Qin Ziran, who felt deeply that his majesty had been provoked, looked back at the chief medical officer of the emergency department.

  His eyes were full of strength, which meant that the chief medical officer should send medical staff out to stop them.

  The chief medical officer stomped anxiously,

  "I have no one on hand, thehry all busy!"

  There was no other way, Qin Ziran had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it himself.

  He took two steps forward.

  He saw Hua Mi in front of him leading the people in the cubicle, and just walked to the gate exit of the gymnasium, a group of bloody lifeguards rushed over from the opposite side.

  They put down the stretcher in their hands, and Gong Yi, the leader, was soaked in blood and mud, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Call the doctors and nurses in the emergency department."

  He looked at Hua Mi, who had a large and small bag.

  Gong Yi frowned at Hua Mi and asked,

  "Where are you going? It's like fleeing famine."

  "Wherever ,the sky is big and the earth is big, there's no place for us yet?" Hua Mi said, looking up and down at the wet Gong Yi, digging and digging out from her bulging satchel, too bad, there is no raincoat suitable for Gong Yi in the level 7 warehouse.

  Gong Yi couldn't wear the lady's raincoat, the size was too small, not to mention the disposable raincoat. Gong Yi and the others were going to move rocks, and the disposable raincoat would break if pulled.

  There are also a lot of umbrellas, which are even more useless for the lifeguards.

  She took out a few times, took out a neatly folded tarpaulin from the big satchel, put it on Gong Yi's body directly, grabbed the two corners of the tarpaulin, and tied a knot around his neck, "Very good, turn around.

  " Make some raincoats for you out of this tarpaulin."

  It looks like a cape, but it's a tarpaulin anyway.

  Gong Yi let Hua Mi toss him around, raised his eyes, and happened to see Qin Ziran behind Hua Mi.

  No need to guess, Qin Ziran's eyes are very obvious, full of stubbornness towards Hua Mi.

  Gong Yi let out a "ha", and held Hua Mi's wrist, as if he was deliberately doing it for Qin Ziran to see.

  "What happened?"

  He pulled Hua Mi's body behind him.

  Seeing Gong Yi grabbing Hua Mi's wrist, Qin Ziran's expression was gloomy.

  He only held his wounded hand tightly.

  The back of his hand was slapped by Hua Mi, and now it started to bleed.

  His eyes caught sight of the garrison badge pinned to Gong Yi's hat, he pursed his lips tightly and did not speak.

  Dafu pushed Cao Feng forward, and Cao Feng hurriedly told about the clearing of people in the emergency department.

  After listening, Gong Yi sneered, and scolded Qin Ziran: "I dug people out of the ruins with all my might, and then you treated them like this. If you dare to try again, I will peel you like a potato"

. Difficulties? shouldn't all difficulties be eliminated?

 The man who came out of the trash dump was indeed a trash.

  Qin Ziran moved his lips, his eyes became colder, "This is a matter for our management, you are just a garrison, you should obey orders." "

 " I obey your mother's orders, what kind of thing are you?"

  Gong Yi pulled her wrist, protecting her behind him, he took out his mobile phone, and with his bloodstained hands, he called the garrison headquarters in Xiangcheng.

  How did a little trash like Qin Ziran become the management director of the emergency department?

 Do people in management eat shit?

 However, after calling for a long time, the garrison headquarters in Xiangcheng did not answer the phone.

  Qin Ziran looked slightly satisfied, looked at Gong Yi, and said, "I'm the new manager of the emergency department, I'm in charge of everything here, even you have to cooperate with me."

  His eyes fell behind Gong Yi, in fact, Gong Yi was taller and stronger than him, Qin Ziran couldn't see Hua Mi behind Gong Yi at all.

  But Qin Ziran's intention is very obvious, let Gong Yi know more about current affairs, and hand over Hua Mi.

  Cao Feng in the wheelchair looked at Gong Yi worriedly.

  Compared with the management level, the garrison system is much weaker. If there is an order from above, the garrison must obey the deployment of the management level.

  But there is no command above.

  Gong Yi sneered and hung up the phone that no one answered. He put the phone away, looked at Qin Ziran and spat, "My superior didn't answer the phone, and now I'm announcing that  a state of wartime emergency has officially entered, and I'm going to take over the temporary rescue. All order maintenance work in the center, including, but not limited to, your emergency room!"

  This is clearly stipulated. In the garrison system, if it is in the same environment, the level of management and command is far lower than that of the garrison command level.

  And there is no higher level of garrison instructions.

  The garrison command has the right to declare a wartime emergency and take over the command of the management.

  At this time, violence trumps everything.

  As soon as Gong Yi finished speaking, a group of guards rushed out from outside the emergency room and stood against the wall of the emergency room.

  Just like that, the entire emergency room was surrounded.

  In extraordinary times, all injured patients should remain stable, do not toss, and do not arouse the resistance of the injured. This is what  management should do more.

  Although Gong Yi doesn't care about the emergency area, logically speaking, he doesn't care about the temporary rescue center now.

  But he has lifeguards and garrisons in his hands.

  The survivors in the relief center were transferred by the garrison in his hands, and the injured in the emergency area were dug out of the rubble by the lifeguards in his hands.

  His prestige is much greater than that of Qin Ziran.

  In a wartime emergency, Qin Ziran dared to disobey Gong Yi's words, and any garrison would dare to kill Qin Ziran.