Hua Mi's appetite is not ordinary.

  When Ke Minghong heard Huami's conditions, he was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat, and said: "There are so many medical supplies for this matter."

  Because the injured and patients in several nearby cities affected by the disaster were all sent to Xiangcheng, so the aid and medical supplies from all walks of life, They were all sent to Xiangcheng.

  That number is unimaginable.

  With such a big appetite, Hua Mi wants them all?

  Or only part of it? If the quantity is exchanged for quantity, he can agree.

  Hua Mi said directly, "I want them all. I want all the medical supplies  squeezed outside the city. "

The types of medical supplies currently provided by Mi can only be used to treat trauma.

  All kinds of medical supplies are not limited to these.

  Hua Mi arranged the raincoats on the shelf,

  "Don't worry, you don't have choices now, and as time goes by, your choices will become less and less. In a few days, you won't think too much, because without my help, those medical supplies would have been piled up outside Xiangcheng, and you relied on Qin Ziran's trash to transport them into the city for you?"

  "Think about it for yourself, is it realistic?"

  After all, the root cause of the shortage of medical supplies in the emergency department is that the medical supplies that have been stranded outside Xiangcheng have not been transported into this city .

  Batch after batch, batch after batch, he don't know how many supplies are on the road.

  The more materials are pressed, the more difficult it is to walk, because there is no good road on the outskirts of Xiangcheng, which allows the large trailers transporting medical materials to pass.

  All the main roads are broken, and the small roads are only for a private car, and they are also congested. Even the small roads are at risk of breaking at any time.

  So those medical supplies were piled up outside the city, and they were of no use at all. Why not think about the current predicament and exchange these thousands of tons of medical supplies for these few medical supplies that Huami had.

  Ke Minghong was so heartbroken, he beat his heart, "How can I explain? With so many medical supplies, just a few respirators for you? How can I explain to the management commander?"

  Hua Mi smiled, with a pair of fox eyes that seemed to be as if to confuse people,

  "You have a way, don't worry about it, Mr. Ke, with your contacts in the medical field, this is a trivial matter."

After a pause, she patted Ke Minghong on the shoulder, appearing to trust him very much, "And I have more than one or two respirators. We will provide you with as many respirators, sterile gauze, hemostatic gel, and ethanol as the value of your thousands of tons of medical supplies. These are all clearly marked. For your choice today, don't be blind when standing in the team, but keep your eyes open to see who is the most reliable."

  Obviously, compared to trash like Qin Ziran, Hua Mi is more reliable.

  Ke Minghong was moved.

  Indeed, as Hua Mi said, no matter how many tens of thousands of tons of medical supplies are in use, they are just numbers.

  What's more, Huami's price is also clearly marked here. The medical supplies that are backlogged outside the city are worth as much as the medical supplies that can be obtained from Huami.


Human life is a matter of heaven and earth, can you still be cowardly! ?

 "However, Qin Ziran and I can't transport so many medical supplies into the city. How are you going to transport them?"

  Ke Minghong began to think about this issue. Before his affairs were resolved, he began to worry about Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi smiled and said,

  "This is not something you are worried about, Uncle Ke. You just need to complete the procedures for me."

  Others, such as the transportation of medical supplies, she naturally has a way.

  Seeing the confident smile on her face, Ke Minghong naturally thought of the unusual relationship between Hua Mi and Gong Yi.

  That's right, the Xiangcheng garrison is several thousand large, and one of those garrisons helped carry a bundle of medical supplies, trekking through the ruins on foot, didn't they transport them in properly?

 Without wasting any time, he immediately returned to the emergency room, found all the medical supplies backlogged outside the city, and signed a document himself, entrusting Huami to receive these medical supplies.

  Ke Minghong has authority over all medical matters. Holding a thick stack of documents, when he came out of the office, Ke Minghong happened to see Fang Xin, who was showing a deep Y, walking into Qin Ziran's office with a twisted waist.

  The two drew the curtains, and didn't know what they were doing in the office.

 Ke Minghong didn't have time to care about these two immoral things, so he hurriedly found Huami and gave her all the formalities in his hand.

  Hua Mi had already prepared X50000 respirator, X5000 sterile gauze, X800 hemostatic gel, and X10000 ethanol for him.

   Huami  medical supplies from level 7 factories are enough for the emergency department for a long time.

  After the two completed the transaction, Hua Mi turned around and got on the bus, and found Ah Fu again.

  Because Ah Fu can drive a big trailer, she asked Ah Fu to drive out the piles of medical supplies piled up outside the city one by one.

  After hearing the reason, Ah Fu asked with a dazed expression:

  "But, where do we put it after driving out?"

  Just look at the vegetable trailers that are hauled to the garrison supplies every day. A big trailer is basically Can fill up a road.

  It's not easy to turn around, and it's not easy to put it anywhere.

  Because it will block traffic wherever it is placed.

  Even if Hua Mi asks Ah Fu to drive out the large trailers one by one and put them in other places, if there is too much accumulation, it will still cause blockage.

  "I'll go out of the city with you, just drive as you come out, drive slowly, find a secluded place and leave it, and I'll think of a way."

  She was ready to go out of town.

  While talking, Hua Mi's cell phone rang, she picked it up and saw that it was Huo Jing calling her. "Miss Hua, do you need to pick the fruit trees you transplanted? "

The oranges, apples and grapefruits on the other three square meters of black soil were forgotten.

  After a few days passed, the orange, apple, and pomelo trees on the other three square meters of black land were full of fruit, which was seen by Huo Jing who came over.

  Fortunately, Huo Jing didn't think too much about it, he just thought that the orange, apple and grapefruit trees that popped up were transplanted by Huami.

  "It's like this, Miss Hua, I know you are capable. Some relatives in our family have been suffering from coronary heart disease, and some relatives have heart disease. Some relatives drove out of the city to pick up the express delivery. The road was slippery due to rain, and the car was hit. It's gone."

  He also wanted to work for Huami, to see if he could get some medical supplies.