On the ruins, Hua Mi opened the photo sent by Ah Fu, and there was a large stretch of medical supplies that seemed to be endless, towering on the back of each trailer.

  All were tightly wrapped in white tarpaulins.

  Not to mention this, the key point is that the area where hundreds of large trailers are congested is in a concave shape.

  There are ruins all around, just want to drive the car out, that won't work.

  Ah Fu then sent another video to Hua Mi, in which a group of survivors who don't know where they came from were stealing medical supplies.

  They cut open the tarpaulin of a trailer, and took out boxes of tightly packed medicines from inside. They just opened the foam medicine boxes in the rain, and began to rummage on the spot.

  Some unwanted medicines were hastily and casually thrown on the ground, and a large piece of unknown pills was scattered.

  Hua Mi's heart aches when she sees it.

  The drivers who drove these trailers no longer knew where they had gone.

  It may feel hopeless to get out of this hole, so each of them went to do their own things first, just like Ah Fu back then.

  Wearing a raincoat, Hua Mi trudged through the ruins. By the way, she took out her mobile phone and prepared to call Huo Jing.

  Judging from the photos sent by Ah Fu, her level 7 storage must not be able to hold so many medical supplies.

  The delivery used to store those vegetables and hers had almost filled up the level 7 storage.

  If so many medical supplies are to be swallowed, the storage will definitely be upgraded, but the supporting facilities are a limitation.

  I am afraid that due to the limitation of supporting facilities, so many medical supplies will not be collected in the end.

  That would be a real pain in the ass.

  So Hua Mi wanted Huo Jing to build her a protective infrastructure.

  It was such a coincidence that the phone was just taken out.

  [Start security scan.]

  [Complete the security defense project]

  [Defense project rating: complete the narrow path]

  [Get 4 square meters of black land, please choose a location for the black land. ]

  Huo Jing repaired the road? so fast?

Hmm. Building a road is considered a defense project?

 What can a road defend against? Encountered a siege of zombies, can you drive back to the supermarket quickly from this [sheep trail]?

  Well, Hua Mi thinks about it this way, then this path can be regarded as a security project.

  She's such a logical genius, she can justify herself too well, yes!

  Just as she applauded herself in her heart and voted three times in a row, she received a call from Huo Jing.

  "Miss Hua, I have something here. I need to tell you. We have repaired the road for you. But something went wrong. There are too many people here." Huo Jing, everyone knows him as a nice guy.

  But there were too many relatives in the family, and it was just a small road to be built. He called a large group of people casually.

  Not many, about two or three hundred.

  Because there is something wrong now, he specially called Hua Mi to explain, but in fact he only planned to call his relatives.

  But there was a relative in his family who worked as a foreman before the earthquake, and he heard that there are still projects to be done now.

  The reward is that Huami distributes so many medical supplies to each person every day.

  This is a great thing.

  Immediately without notifying Huo Jing, he called all the migrant workers under him over.

  How easy it is for this person to do things. A road built by a few people in a few days is absolutely different from a road built by a few hundred people in a few days.

  Huo Jing didn't think there was anything wrong with it, so just fix it, it's easier to do things with more people, right?

  Then this narrow path was completed as quickly as possible.

  As a result, Huo Jing played a big role in this vote. After these migrant workers finished building the road, they were a little reluctant to leave.

  There are too many monks and too little meat, so they only earn two days of medical supplies, which they feel is not enough.

  They still want to work for Huami and continue to earn medical supplies.

  Halfway through the phone call, in the dense rain, before Hua Mi could speak, the relative of the contractor on the other end snatched Huo Jing's phone.

  The relative on the other end of the phone, wearing a dirty hard hat, nodded and said to Hua Mi, "Miss Hua, please help. Although we have a large number of people, we can do our work quickly. These migrant workers can't help it. They are thinking about stocking up some medical supplies for their homes. What do you want us to do? We can do it, how about we build you a Forbidden City?"

  The shortage of medical supplies has caused the panic in the hearts of the people, which cannot be summed up in a simple sentence or two.

  Although in fact, everyone did not suffer serious injuries, and there was no need to use sterile gauze.

  But when everyone knew that such materials were in short supply, they couldn't help but try their best to stock up some for their own homes.

  Being prepared is not.

  Hua Mi expresses her understanding.

  What she didn't understand was, what could she do with a Forbidden City?

 After thinking for a while, Hua Mi said to Huo Jing's relatives, "The Forbidden City is not very good. You can build me a blockhouse, bigger, according to the specifications of the community, and the wall is higher, the kind of quality is that it can withstand the bombardment of cannons. Since you are here to help me with the work, then do it well, and you won't lose." "

 " After finishing the work, you can go to the garrison material department of the relief center in the city to settle the bill, and the garrison will settle the bill for you It will take a few days before I can go back there."

  She explained in detail that before leaving, she dumped tens of thousands of medical supplies for the garrison supplies department.

  Temporarily enough for a few days.

  In fact, this engineering team is a good thing .A team of hundreds of people consume the medicines hoarding in the garrison, It will free up some space. Isn't it good?

  Also professionals do professional things.

  Since the engineering team relied on her, she would make the best out of it.

  Therefore, if building a bunker, Huami's requirements are naturally high.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that the quality of the wall that can defend the bombardment of the cannon is not exaggerated at all.

  After all, in the late apocalypse, animals and plants mutated, and some strange things emerged, and the power produced casually was comparable to the bombardment of cannons.

  "Okay, you are a good person."

  Huo Jing's relative, the contractor, agreed happily.

  After hanging up the phone, he turned around and shouted to a group of migrant workers behind him:

  "It's done, there is work to do, Miss Hua wants to build a bunker, let's build her a solid one, and ask for the quality that can withstand the bombardment of cannons, everyone Come on..."

  This is a big project, and it can last for a long time.

  If they do a good job, with Hua Mi's background, they might be able to find more work for them.

  Cheers erupted from the engineering team. Everyone carried their professional tools and worked hard to clean up the gravel near the Supermarket in the rainy ruins.

  At this time, after Hua Mi finished making the phone call, she glanced over and saw that she had already arrived at the medical supplies storage place.

  She happened to see a group of survivors who stole medical supplies fighting around Ah Fu.

  Well, how dare you hit Ah Fu!

 Her fighting spirit was aroused, and she grabbed her steel bar from the level 7 storage  in the drizzle.

 Hua Mi: "Actually, I'm really just a weak, tender, innocent, beautiful girl who needs protection~"