Outside the RV supermarket, Huami is packing her things.

  Since dragging a flatbed truck of oranges to the caravan supermarket yesterday, Huami has collected oranges several times in a row.

  Those oranges were harvested more and more each time, and the few people in the RV couldn't finish them all. They piled up like a hill in the tarpaulin tent.

  So Hua Mi asked Cao Feng to send two oranges to each of the garrisons standing guard nearby, and asked the garrisons to also supplement vitamin C.

  There are still more to eat, and she plans to sell them for 19.9 yuan each.

  After finishing the orange matter, Hua Mi jumped into the jeep that the garrison had found for her, waved to the friends in the caravan supermarket, and went out of the city to receive supplies.

  Halfway through the drive, Hua Mi realized that she was being followed before she got out of the garrison management area.

  Mother, it was the first time in her life that someone was following her, Hua Mi felt so scared~

 She glanced in the rearview mirror, and look who followed her car, that red car.

  Hua Mi parked her off-road vehicle on the side of the ruined road.

  In the red car behind her, Dai Fang was driving the car, seeing Hua Mi stop the car, and jumped out of the SUV.

  She also stopped the car, and got out of the car with Fang Xin.

  Although it was raining, Fang Xin was wearing a golf jacket today, paired with a golf skirt, a peaked cap, and a transparent raincoat that he got from somewhere.

  Her fingernails were also newly manicured, and the fake diamonds on them were shining, looking like a senior secretary who was going to play golf with her boss.

  It was dawn, Hua Mi stopped the colorful flashes on the goggles, otherwise she really wanted to compare with Fang Xin who is the most shining little fairy on this street.


  Fang Xin blinked her big eyes wearing false eyelashes and colored contact lenses, and walked towards Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi, who was wearing a dark green raincoat, leaned against the door of the off-road vehicle and asked, "What are you doing with me? Going out of the city to die?"

  She said this very badly, and Dai Fang immediately became angry.

  Dai Fang took two steps forward and yelled at Hua Mi:

  "Do you have any conscience? Xinxin only cares about you, why are you cursing us?"

  While yelling, the rain poured into Dai Fang's mouth, Her eyes fluttered, she was angry for a while, and then gasped.

  It's hard to breathe. It's so uncomfortable.

  There was a hint of sarcasm in Hua Mi's eyes, she stood up straight, walked towards Dai Fang and Fang Xin, and said to Dai Fang, "Don't follow me, the outside of the city is not a good place, at this time, you'd better not leave the line of sight of the garrison."

  Did they read the news on the Internet? Although Hua Mi seldom surfs the Internet, she occasionally hears Ye Rong talk about it, saying that all kinds of chaos are overwhelming the Internet.

  And those messy things happened more outside the city.

  That is, there are no guards stationed.

  Every city is the same, even outside the cities that are not affected by the disaster, there are different degrees of commotion.

  That's why Gong Yi insisted on not allowing the garrison to be mobilized. At this time, the garrison must not be dispersed. If it is possible to keep the order of the group, keep it together.

  For other things, such as disaster relief and material transportation, the garrison in Xiangcheng can't be controlled.

  If you control the outside, you can't control the inside, and the chaos will be even worse.

  However, due to Hua Mi's sincere persuasion, Dai Fang believed that she was hiding a traitor in her heart.

  Only Dai Fang said angrily:

  "If you are willing to have a good talk with us in the relief center, we will not chase you here."

  "What do you want to talk about?"

  Hua Mi covered her hands in the cuff of her raincoat , fingers stretched and closed, wondering whether the surrounding garrisons would turn a blind eye and close their eyes when she took out her fragile little steel bar to hit people at this time.

  At this time, Fang Xin cried and said,

  "Sister, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have fallen in love with Brother Ziran, I shouldn't have robbed your boyfriend, I, I didn't come to break up the two of you, I just couldn't control myself, I fell in love with a man I shouldn't love~~~"

  "Okay, okay, let me let you."

  Hua Mi hurriedly pushed her hands, as if she wanted to push Qin Ziran into Fang Xin's arms,

  "You want me to let go? You, it's all yours, okay?"

  It's terrible, isn't it, Hua Mi looks like someone who can't let go of Qin Ziran? What point did she show that she couldn't let go?

 No matter in her previous life or this life, she has never been unable to let go.

  When Dai Fang saw her attitude, she became even angrier. She immediately took two steps forward and shouted at Hua Mi, " How can you do this? What's the use of talking out of anger?"

  Before she finished speaking, Hua Mi kicked her up, kicked Dai Fang into the mud, and slipped two meters backwards in embarrassment.


  Fang Xin screamed in horror, and rushed over to help Dai Fang up.

  Hua Mi grabbed Fang Xin by the back collar, lifted Fang Xin up, and threw it into the mud on the other side.

  When Dai Fang sat up in panic, Hua Mi stepped forward and stepped on Dai Fang again,

  "Dai Fang, have I told you that I don't like your way of talking to me, please , when you see me from now on, please be polite to me."

  "Also, I'm warning you again, it's very dangerous outside the city, if you want to die, go outside the city, but don't follow me, or I won't save you when the time comes , and won't be condemned by conscience."

  This time she made a big move, throwing Dai Fang and Fang Xin out directly, which is absolutely unacceptable commotion according to the rules of the garrison.

  Just forget it if you don't see it, but if you see it, it's hard to pretend you didn't see it.

  The garrison on the ruins in the distance took two steps towards Hua Mi with a gun on his back, and looked at Hua Mi in embarrassment.

  Hua Mi raised her hand to say hello to him, but she didn't want to make it difficult for them, so she stopped the foot that was on Dai Fang's heart, turned and walked towards her off-road vehicle.

  She drove away, and the garrison on the ruins returned to its original position, ignoring the two women in the mud.

  Dai Fang and Fang Xin struggled to get up, Fang Xin cried and looked at Dai Fang, "What should we do? We haven't finished what brother Ziran told us, wooooo!"

The raincoats were dirty and full of mud, and a lot of mud got into their poor quality raincoats.

  At this time, Dai Fang already wanted to go back to the city.

  But before she could say anything, Fang Xin cried and said, "Ah Fang, we still have to keep up with my sister. What is my sister doing out of town? Are you going to find the garrison boss? I didn't make it clear. After returning ,Brother Ziran will say that we don't know how to handle things."

  In fact, Fang Xin was also very embarrassed, she was hit by Hua Mi on the ground, her whole body hurt, and at this time, she didn't dare to approach Hua Mi anymore.

  But everyone else ran to the place where the guards were stationed in the city, so why did Hua Mi go out of the city?

 She heard that the medical supplies in the relief center are all received by Huami.

  So who will she meet out of town?