Condoms?! What is the use of this thing? Hua Mi couldn't figure it out either.

  Last time, X100000 was drawn in the lottery, and Huo Jing and the contractor got a big grievance, and one of them sold X10000.

  There are still X80000 condoms that have not been sold.

  This time, a limited production of X10000 was given to her.

  Is this to make human beings die?

 Hua Mi sent a message to Gong Yi indignantly,

  [Hua Mi: Do you want to drink orange juice? What do you think about giving your garrison 30 bottles of 1L orange juice every day? ]

  [Gong Yi: I have to turn it down, 100 oranges a day, and you have to support 30 bottles of orange juice, are you crazy? ]

  Said she was insane?

  When Hua Miqi arrived, she chose not to reply to the message!

  keep driving.

  After a while, the nanny's car drove for a while, and Gong Yi's message came again,

 [Gong Yi: I have a few more wounded here, and they will all be sent to your side to help take care of them? ]

  [Hua Mi: Add money! I want money. ]

  Hua Mi parked on the side of the road again to reply to Gong Yi's message.

  There's no way, if in case she gets pregnant, she will be two people now, it doesn't matter how they bump into each other, the little guy in her stomach is delicate.

  So she even drove carefully, and had to stop to send a message.

  [Gong Yi: How much money ,you have to transfer to the account yourself, just don't let us eat oranges. ]

  [Hua Mi: Hehe~]

  Hua Mi doesn't want to talk to him anymore, because her level 11 storage is about to be blown up by oranges.

  So Hua Mi hurriedly made orange juice X10000.

  To make orange juice, you need to consume oranges. If you can't sell these oranges externally, you can only consume some of them internally.

  Then, Huami now needs to find a place to resettle the 5 square meters of black land, otherwise the supporting facilities will not be complete, and there will be no way to upgrade after the 11th level storage is blown out.

  At that time, there is no place to put the oranges, and they will automatically ripen and fall, which will drown her Supermarket.

  Huami didn't dare to order the [Lucky Draw X1] for upgrading the level 9 factory, so she could only stay there for now.

  Otherwise, give her another [Orange tree growth rate X120, time limit: 30 days], she will probably go crazy.

  The car drove all the way, and encountered patrolling garrisons along the way, so Hua Mi stopped to say hello to them.

  Then, send a bag of oranges!

 Saying hello is secondary, sending oranges is primary.

  When they drove to the relief center, Hua Mi got out of the car, greeted Dafu and Xiaofu, and hurriedly carried down a nanny's car full of oranges.

  They are all sold outside the caravan supermarket.

  Seeing this, Ye Rong, who was weaving straw mats in the caravan, said with a sore tooth,

  "The oranges you got last time sold well, but this time you got a little too much? 19.9 each, if you can't sell What should I do if it rotten?"

  A few days ago when Huami left the emergency center, she dragged a flatbed of oranges.

  That sold pretty quickly, because there is no one else selling fruit in Xiangcheng.

  But no matter how fast they sell, they can't keep up with the saturation of the market. When the market is saturated, the oranges will rot if no one buys them. That's a pity.

  Hua Mi thinks about it,

  "Then let's cut the price, a 9.9, discount and promotion."

  As long as it lasts for a month, her storage pressure at level 11 will be less.

  The most urgent thing is to quickly consume the oranges.

  Thinking in this way, Hua Mi told Cao Feng again, asking Cao Feng to get a cart of oranges to give away. This is the temporary rescue center, and then send some to Ke Minghong.

  Cao Feng drove a van, carrying a cart full of oranges around the outside, and delivered a large bag of oranges to the doctors and nurses in the emergency area, and several guards on guard.

  Before Hua Mi left, this was something that Hua Mi had been reminded of. Each person in the garrison had to eat two oranges a day.

  Now that the plan has changed, Hua Mi said that each person has to eat 100 oranges a day, plus doctors and nurses.

  This is completely impossible.

  Because there is no way to count the 100 oranges distributed to individuals, and the amount of the project is too large, Cao Feng can't do it alone, so he can only give a bag whenever he sees someone.

  There is no way to count how many are in a pocket.

  The garrison accepted it with a bitter face, but the doctors and nurses were busy and didn't listen to what Cao Feng said. They were very happy to accept the oranges when they saw someone delivering them.

  When he came back, Cao Feng saw Huami and Dafu and Xiaofu pulling the tarpaulin in the drizzle.

  He hurried over and said,

  "Sister Hua, I'm here to help."

  Before Hua Mi could say no, Cao Feng quickly grabbed the tarpaulin, and together with Hua Mi, Da Fu, and Xiao Fu, unfolded the tarpaulin.

  Seeing that he was moving quickly, he didn't look like an injured person at all, so she stopped saying that she wanted him to rest.

  She only gestured to a few people to build a shed between the RV and the bus to form a temporary courtyard.

  "When I first came back, I felt that the visibility outside the city was getting lower and lower. When I drove into the city, I found that the air quality in our area is not good."

  Hua Mi got into the RV and pulled out a mat to play with.

  All the way into the city, she found that Xiangcheng seemed to be engulfed in water vapor.

  If she hadn't been wearing goggles, she wouldn't be able to see the road 5 meters ahead at all.

  But near the caravan, the visibility obviously improved again, and there was water vapor everywhere outside, but the caravan and the bus were very dry.

  "Yeah, that's why a lot of people have come to ask if we have goggles and respirators for sale." Ye Rong also felt that the water mist was too thick and exaggerated.

With the dehumidification function of the air conditioner, the earthquake finally subsided, and the drizzle continued, and the water mist was quite annoying.

  Cao Feng stood outside the awning of the RV, the film on his face was dry His skin was peeling, and he sighed,n"I don't know when it will end."

  "Where is this going to be? Take it slowly, and be prepared that the world will never be better."

  Hua Mi looked down and played with her hands . She wants to say a few words of encouragement, but feel like lying to them what to do?

Say you will get better soon after this period of time?

 No, this is just the beginning. If they are not mentally prepared for a long-term war of resistance, they will collapse within a few months.

  At the beginning of the end of the world, many people had psychological problems because of this. They felt that they could not see the hope of life at all, and finally chose death.

  You should not expect hope, straighten your mind, abandon the good life in the past, and strive to meet the end times, and adapt to the end times is the best.

  Silence, an oppressive silence, echoed in the caravan supermarket team.

  At this time, Hua Mi slowly raised her head, and said to Cao Feng, "Just now, your boss sent me a message, saying that two more lifeguards from the rescue team were injured, and this time they were crushed under the mudslide. , cheer up, we still have a lot of things to do."