Ke Minghong helplessly sent a message to Huami,

  [Ke Minghong: Xiaohua, the money to buy dehumidifiers is gone, but the equipment has to be bought. I have a deposit of 1 million, Is it enough? ]

  Hua Mi received such a message inexplicably, and she could really feel the despair and collapse in Ke Minghong's heart through the screen.

  [Hua Mi: What do you think? A dehumidifier costs 10,000. To cover such a large emergency room, there are more than 100 dehumidifiers. I have to spread both the roof and the floor. Do you think 1 million is enough? ]

  [Ke Minghong: What should I do then? The higher-ups didn't approve the funds, and Qin Ziran disappeared again. Last time, he owed you hundreds of thousands of medical supplies for the garrison, and he transferred away without approval. ]

  Otherwise, Ke Minghong would not have personally come to the management headquarters to ask for money today.

  Qin Ziran didn't care about the head and the tail when doing things, and left as soon as he said, without even explaining anything.

  Not even responsible at all.

  If it wasn't for Ke Minghong's need for money to buy a dehumidifier, he wouldn't even know that Qin Ziran didn't report the hundreds of thousands owed to the garrison.

  Of course, even if Ke Minghong went to the management headquarters in person and explained what the hundreds of thousands of dollars were used for, the management headquarters still did not approve it.


  The reason is that Gong Yi raised 10 billion, and Gong Yi is rich.

  [Ke Minghong: I know that what I say now is useless. In the situation where there is no one to ask for help, the only one I can turn to is you, Xiaohua. The emergency room is full of injured patients. Fatal, what else do you want in exchange? To put it bluntly, as long as I can do it, I will cooperate. ]

  Hua Mi looked at the text messages on her phone, walked in the rain, thought for a while,

 [Hua Mi: I need a private doctor with a tight mouth, and the medical skills must be particularly good, especially with rich experience in obstetrics and gynecology. . ]

  [Hua Mi: After the dehumidification equipment is installed, the emergency area will be very dry. I have a batch of orange juice here, so I hope to set up a few vending machines to enter the emergency area. ]

  [Hua Mi: I don't have a source for vending machines, you can find this for me, and I don't pay cash to buy it, I can pay you with oranges. ]

  Ke Minghong agreed to all the conditions proposed by Hua Mi.

  Because only Ke Minghong knows that although Xiangcheng is in order now, it can only guarantee the most basic personal order and safety.

  In fact everything is messed up.

  In the emergency department, several people are sent in every day because of respiratory distress. Ke Minghong believes that the water vapor in the air is too thick.

  He typed report after report, but no one paid any attention.

  It's not that those administrators deliberately ignore such a serious matter, but that they have too many things to consider and are too comprehensive.

  Up to now, Xiangcheng's glorious image has to be maintained, and all the seriously injured patients in the city have been taken over at a large scale. Where will they go to read the small report made by Ke Minghong?

 After negotiating a good deal with Huami, Ke Minghong used all his connections to personally choose dozens of vending machines for Huami.

  He looked at one or two bars on his mobile phone signal, and said to Hua Mi who rushed over,"Are you sure this thing can be used all the time? You know what's going on in Xiangcheng, and there may be no signal at any time."

  The vending machine is connected to the local area network. Others scan the QR code to pay the amount, and the amount will be automatically transferred to Huami's account.

  If there is no signal, those who want to buy things will not be able to scan the QR code, and Huami will not be able to receive money.

  Hua Mi just walked around the garrison supplies department, collected dozens of tons of vegetables, and then sneaked into the tent where the vegetables were piled up, filled dozens of tons of oranges.

  After receiving a call from Ke Minghong, she walked over immediately. Because of exercising and wearing a raincoat made of tarpaulin, she was dry and hot.

  The moisture all over his body seemed to be drained by the tarpaulin on his body.

  When Hua Mi came, she saw the vending machine on the big truck, drank water and laughed loudly, " Okay, Mr. Ke, if you don't go to treat the sick and save people, you can accompany me to search for supplies. You have this, you can support yourself."

  So many vending machines are the most advanced, brand new, and she don't know where Ke Minghong got them.

  This little old man is efficient in his work, and she can give him some praise.

  Ke Minghong glared at Huami, he was wearing a mask and a raincoat,

  "Answer the question! Don't be joking with me. If you can't solve the signal problem, it's useless to have this thing."

"No problem."

  Hua Mi smiled, and patted the dozens of vending machines one by one , every time she take and stick a universal signal connector on those vending machines,

  "You just look for things, and the rest should be my worry."

  She turned her head, the fox's eyes smiled,

  "Mr. Ke, put ten of these machines in the emergency room, and give me the rest."

  After speaking, Hua Mi called Cao Feng and asked Cao Feng to help her with the machine. A few people put the remaining vending machines to the relief center.

  He also asked Cao Feng to send Dafu and Xiaofu over to transport the orange juice, newborn onesies, self-heating small hot pot (dark mustard flavor), folic acid, mineral water, Xiaobupleurum granules, Qingxin Mingmu tea, and condoms in the walled warehouse with a trailer. Also respirators, and mineral water were dragged over.

  She wants to make sure that all the vending machines are full.

  Cao Feng responded immediately, and issued a military order to Hua Mi,

  "Sister Hua, I promise to handle this matter well! If something goes wrong, sister Hua, please shoot me."

  Hua Mi couldn't help laughing at this honest guy, she said leisurely: "I will leave the matter in the relief center to you. I am relieved. If there is a mistake, you will not be shot. You will have ten meals a day, eating mustard-flavored hot pot with orange snacks and drink orange juice"

  He might as well be shot!

  Cao Feng shivered, his gums seemed to be sore.

  And Huami happily hung up Cao Feng's call, turned around, and looked at a female doctor who was following Ke Minghong.

  "This is Dr. Xinqiu Ruxin. She is very experienced in maternal and child health care, and she has also been exposed to various difficult and miscellaneous diseases in delivery."

  Ke Minghong introduced with a proud face,

  "Now the medical staff in and out of Xiangcheng are all concentrated in the emergency department. Everyone in this area is busy, but I have worked so hard to convince Dr. Xin for you."

  The little old man had a proud expression of "Praise me, praise me quickly".

  Then he assured Hua Mi in a low voice,   "Don't worry, Dr. Xin's mouth is very tight."

To express her gratitude, she stuffed a bag of oranges for the little old man,"Only oranges represent my heart."