This juice has unknowingly become a cheap juice in the emergency department. It didn't take long for Hua Mi to receive the news that all her orange juice had been sold out.

  And Tang You was dragging a truckload of oranges, and took Dafu out of the city, planning to set up a stall outside the city.

  Hua Mi quickly produced X100,000 orange juice, and then called the garrison material department, asking the people in the garrison to pick up the materials from the underground garage next to the Supermarket.

  After finishing all this, Hua Mi got into the nanny's car and drove to her Supermarket.

  The road is now clear.

  In fact, the urban wrecking team has been working, and there is still a lot of work. The reason why there is no sense of presence in front of them is that there are rubble everywhere in Xiangcheng, because they are simply too busy.

  But after Hua Mi returned to the city this time, she found that the main road from the city gate to the relief center had been cleared by the wrecking team.

  After Huo Jing's contractor relatives cleared the road in front of the Supermarket and this main road, Huami could drive directly from the relief center back to the entrance of the supermarket.

  The fog was still very thick, covering the whole road and even the whole city in gray mist.

  Although the roads are clear, there are not many people who dare to drive out in this weather.

  If she hadn't been wearing goggles, Hua Mi wouldn't have dared to just go out like this.

  In the dense fog, Huami drove all the way to the entrance of her supermarket. Along the way, many migrant workers wearing colorful goggles waved and greeted her car.

  Hua Mi smiled all the way in response, and when her car stopped by the wire fence, Huo Jing and the contractor came over.

  "Miss Hua."

  Huo Jing raised his hand in greeting from a long distance away.

  She don't know if it was Hua Mi's illusion, Huo Jing trotted over, as if he was in still water, he even fiddled with the gray water mist around him, creating a white mist.

  The water vapor is so thick?

  Hua Mi lowered her head, turned her palm up, and flipped it casually, it felt wet and sticky to the touch.

  No wonder Ke Minghong said that more and more people have recently been sent to the emergency department because of respiratory distress. If the water vapor in the air is thicker, people will feel like drowning. It's strange if they don't suffocate.

  She also felt that the problem was serious.

  But fortunately, her production of respirators is unlimited, and she has already provided respirators for the garrison, rescue teams, and medical staff.

  "Miss Hua, why don't you notify us when you come back, so we can hold a welcome ceremony for you."

  The contractor grinned his gold teeth. His big gold teeth have also lost the audience now because he wears a breathing mask on his face. device.

  She saw him making exaggerated gestures,

  "Here, we will prepare a big red arch for you. Here, there are two rows of welcoming guests with plastic flowers in their hands. When you come, everyone shouts in unison, 'Welcome, welcome, Warm welcome, eh? Miss Hua, you, where are you going?"

  The contractor hit Huo Jing, who was usually silent like a wooden man, "Do you know how to flatter the leader? Why don't you talk to Miss Hua, Miss Hua, wait for me, I'll carry the bag for you."

The contractor hurriedly followed behind Hua Mi, nodding and bowing, saddle up and back.

  These days, it is kingly way to flatter Party A's tyrant.

  Hua Mi went straight to the half-collapsed underground garage, she turned her head and said to the contractor and Huo Jing who followed her,"Go and do your work first, if Chi Chuan's brothers come later, please help me entertain them, I'll go downstairs to take a look."

  "Miss Hua, I'll give you a flashlight!"

  The contractor smiled and wanted to follow, but Hua Mi waved her hand to stop him.

  With goggles on, no need for flashlight at all.

  She stood at the opening of the dark underground garage and glanced at the landslide inside.

  This is really a natural place to store supplies, but the rain is pouring into the garage.

  If the rain continues for a while, it is estimated that the underground garage will be flooded.

  Hua Mi turned around, and explained to the contractor and Huo Jing: "Go back and think of a way to stop the water from flowing into this garage, install lights in it, and do some drainage, so that it is convenient for Chi Chuan and the garrison to move the goods. I still have a lot of tarpaulins in my place. You use tarpaulins to wrap the outside of this garage to prevent water from seeping in."

  Use tarpaulins to prevent water seepage?

 The contractor has worked in engineering all his life, and this is the first time he has heard of such water-proofing.

  He patted his chest and said, "Miss Hua, don't worry, I'm a professional in anti-seepage, just entrust this project to me, and I promise to do it well for you."

  Hua Mi nodded, "That's in your anti-seepage project put another layer of tarpaulin on for me."

  For this, Hua Mi doesn't care too much, as an extra layer of water-proof, her warehouse will also have an extra layer of security.

  "Okay, don't worry."

  The contractor stood at the entrance of the garage and watched Huami enter the basement. He bent down and shouted: "Miss Hua, there are a lot of collapses inside. Be careful!"

Hua Mi, who was in front of the landslide, responded with a sound, avoiding the sight of the contractor and Huo Jing, and put the cement beam in front of it into the garbage recycling bin, exchanging 0.00000000001 energy.

  She walked all the way forward, collecting rubbish, cement blocks, smashed cars, and household garbage. It would take Huo Jing and the contractor to clean up all the rubbish, and it would probably take half a month to clean it up.

  The huge underground garage was quickly cleaned up by Huami, and all of it was recycled into the garbage station, and a total of 1.5% of the energy was exchanged.

  She stood in the empty underground garage, found a clean place, and released all the mineral water, tarpaulins, respirators, and orange juice from the level 11 storage.

  After finishing all this, Hua Mi was preparing to go to the supermarket, when she received a call from Chi Chuan in front of the wire gate.

  "Sister Hua!"

  During the phone call, Chi Chuan's voice was about to cry, "The call is finally connected, Sister Hua, it's not easy for me." "

  "What's wrong? I thought you were missing, you haven't get mineral water for a few days? Business is not good?"

  Hua Mi stopped, feeling that there was a lot of noise from Chi Chuan.

  There seemed to be the sound of shouting slogans and smashing glass.

  Quite messy.

  "I can't make it, Sister Hua."

  Chi Chuan yelled loudly on the other end of the phone, "I'm in City A, it's in chaos here, there's a shortage of medical supplies and food, our convoy wants to go to Xiangcheng, but outside City A ,All the roads are blocked."

  Before he finished speaking, a gunshot rang out.

  Hua Mi heard the familiar sound of turmoil, she walked quickly into the supermarket, found a map, and spread the map out.

  City A, where is it?

  "Chi Chuan, now the road from City B to Xiangcheng has been opened. If you can find a way to get from City A to the Expressway, there will be my wrecker team there, and I can send you back to Xiangcheng."

   The city A is actually not far from the road she cleared.

  Before the end of the world, it was only an hour's drive away.

  These few cities that are so close now seem to be separated by heaven.