Tang You and Cao Feng played the movie seriously for the sake of the hundreds of people trapped in the material warehouse of City B.

  Fang Yuqi led hundreds of B city garrisons, sat cross-legged on the dry, clean and spotless ground, and after singing a few imposing military songs, everyone began to watch TV dramas.

  He loves her, but she doesn't love him but only loves the other guy, but she is forced to marry him. Finally, she can't stand his domineering behavior, so she can only escape.

The strong guards, the people forged from the steel furnace, they all stared intently at the TV show on the screen.

  Shibai asked Chi Chuan in a low voice,

  "Why did she run away again? This man gave her one million a month and set off fireworks for her with an atomic bomb. Why did she run away again?"

  Chi Chuan frowned and thought for a while,

  "Probably Because of love?"

  Shi Diaia: "."

  While everyone was immersed in this bloody love series, Huami's 15 sweeping robots had already cleaned the corners of the material warehouse extremely clean.

  She stood alone by the iron gate of the material warehouse, looking at the several streams of mud that shot from the small gaps in the boulder.

  When the mud falls on the ground, it will disappear if it is one meter away from Huami. It looks like there is a transparent circle around Huami.

  It is a bit difficult for Hua Mi to recycle all the two mountains into the garbage station at one time.

  What she was worried about was that it would be too obtrusive to recycle so much.

  So Huami collected it little by little, while observing the level 11 factory on the control panel, while staring at the recycling bin.

  Since the level 11 factory was charged with excess energy, Huami started to produce materials again, and the green energy bar on the level 11 factory has not decreased.

  It is impossible to achieve another 100% recharge, and there is no way to upgrade the recycle bin.

  But in the level 13 warehouse, X1000000 energy light groups have been stored.

  And as Hua Mi continued to recycle the mud, the gaps between the boulders became less and less.

  Those gaps were blocked by small stones or dry hard mud, and when the mud was squeezed out, dry slag remained in the entire mudslide.

  After the rocks and dry hard mud that completely blocked the door of the entire material warehouse was removed, Hua Mi decided to take a nap first, and when she was refreshed, she will recover the materials little by little, and got herself and those hundreds of people out.

  [Start security scan.]

  [Complete security defense project]

  [Defense project rating: Complete the construction of the outer wall of the Supermarket]

  [Rating: Advanced protection project]

  [Get 7 square meters of black land, please choose a location for the black land. ]

  [Won the lucky draw X1]

  [Remaining lucky draw X13]

  Upon waking up, Hua Mi, who was curled up in a dark corner, found that her black land had been upgraded.

  She hurriedly crawled out of the warm sleeping bag and looked around, but there was no one around.

  Everyone was at the other end of the material warehouse, watching "The Millionaire CEO's Million Bride".

  Hua Mi pondered for a while, and received a reminder:

 [! ! ! A-level hidden dangers were found, and the black land was endangered by stagnant water.]

  Hua Mi frowned, wanting to go back to Xiangcheng to see the situation of the jelly water, but she couldn't release the hundreds of people in the material warehouse all at once.

  And if she teleported back to the supermarket, there was no way to teleport back to the material warehouse.

  It would be great if the newly obtained 7 square meters of black land can be cut, so that she can leave 1 square meter in this material warehouse and use it as a teleportation point outside city B.

  As soon as this idea came up, a [Black Earth] sub-interface popped up in front of her.

  A piece of the 7 square meters of unplaced black land above was directly cut off.

  It's like cutting a cake.

  Hua Mi immediately became excited, without the slightest hesitation, she left 1 square meter in the material warehouse as a transfer point, and turned back directly to the Supermarket.

  This time, she was determined not to run around, and stayed in the Supermarket, not letting anyone find out.

  In order not to quarrel with Gong Yi again.

  As soon as she stood in the white misty supermarket backyard, Hua Mi was almost buried in the jelly water.

  She looked at the jelly water that had risen to her waist and touched it with her rubber gloved hand.

  The solidified state of this jelly water is stronger, and when you scoop it up with your hands, it becomes a paste.

  All the black earth was buried in jelly water.

  No wonder there is a crisis reminder.

  Hua Mi trudged back to her supermarket, found a vacuum cleaner in the 13th-level warehouse, and remodeled it by herself.

  She remodeled the dustbin of the vacuum cleaner and replaced it with a condom.

  Then Hua Mi held this high-end wireless vacuum cleaner, stood at the door of the supermarket, and started sucking jelly water.

 Her idea is absolutely brilliant.

  This jelly water literally gets sucked into the condom.

  Moreover, Hua Mi exaggeratedly discovered that the capacity of this condom is very large, the vacuum cleaner has been sucking jelly water, but the condom has not exploded yet.

  Instead, it swelled, swelled, and a condom swelled to the size of a yoga ball, but it hadn't exploded yet.

  Awesome, the quality of the condoms, just better than normal balloons or something.

  This has a lot of uses, it can be used as a birth control for people in extreme environments, and it can also be used as a garbage bag.

  Maybe it can be transformed into a shopping bag or something.

  Hua Mi suddenly felt that these condoms were no longer redundant, and she observed the limit that the condoms could last.

  The limit is a condom that can be stretched into a large sphere with a diameter of two meters.

  Enough, if a family can have a box of condoms, enough for emergency.

  She immediately took a faceless vacuum cleaner + condom video tutorial and sent it to Ye Rong.

  [Ye Rong: I was just about to send you a message. I purchased a batch of water pumps. Can this be used? ]

  [Hua Mi: Of course, you can find someone with strong hands-on ability, this water pump will definitely work better than a vacuum cleaner. ]

  [Hua Mi: How many water pumps did you purchase in total? ]

  [Ye Rong: It's so cheap, the relief center is full of dumpers, and now Xiangcheng people are dragging their families away a lot. I exchanged an orange for a water pump, a total of 100,000. ]

  They said there were 100,000 oranges, but in fact the number was not much more, because Ye Rong and the others didn't know how Hua Mi got so many oranges.

  She has as many oranges as the entire underground garage, and Chi Chuan's small gang of buying and selling oranges kept pulling oranges from City B to Xiangcheng two days ago.

  So Ye Rong discussed with the owner of the water pump, and directly asked the owner of the water pump to drive away the truck full of oranges in units of tons.

  Trucks are easy to find now, but if you can't find them in Xiangcheng, you can find them in City B. Except for these two cities, truck drivers can't go to other cities to pick up goods, so only those in City B of Xiangcheng run back and forth.

  It is said that the boss who sold the water pump went straight to City B to escape with a few truckloads of oranges

 [Hua Mi: Great! Pull all the pumps into the RV fence and store them. ]

  After she puts all the goods in the warehouse, she will release them for sale, so that she can count her supermarket turnover.