"Sister Hua, be careful!"

  Cao Feng walked over, just in time to see a large amount of mud rushing from the iron door of the material warehouse.

  He was anxious and rushed over.

  But he saw Hua Mi leaning against the iron gate, in the blink of an eye, closing the crack of the iron gate.

  The speed was so fast that it didn't let a little mud rush into the material warehouse.

  Cao Feng rushed to the crack of the door that was only finger-width wide, raised his hand strangely to touch the semi-dry mud flowing in from the tiny gap,

  "Where is the big rock blocking the door?"

  "Maybe because of the rolling of mudslides, Take that big rock away."

  Hua Mi explained perfunctorily, if she hadn't had to come into contact with the garbage in order to return it to the garbage station, she would have closed the door tightly without any gaps.

  Cao Feng, who was still researching where the huge rock outside the door went, reluctantly accepted Hua Mi's statement.

  He looked worriedly at the half-dried mud squeezed in from the crack of the door,

  "It's filled with mud again."

  Then Cao Feng lowered his head and looked at his feet. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

  At this time, a string of sweeping robots swept past his feet and swarmed to clean up the half-dried mud that had been poured in.

  Only then did Cao Feng suddenly realize that something was wrong. It turned out that the ground was very clean.

  They spent so long before, using their bodies to push against the door for several hours, and there was a lot of mud poured into the material warehouse.

  But look now, in this material warehouse, except for a puddle of mud by the door, there is no trace of mud in all other places.

  No mud at all.

  Cao Feng rubbed his head in distress. He wondered if he had been locked in such a dark closed space for a long time, so he had some kind of cognitive illusion.

  "Sister Hua, I may have a mental problem."

  He looked at Hua Mi and explained his discovery.

  Hua Mi was stunned for a moment, she just wanted to release these garrisons a few days later, but she didn't mean to make them insane.

  She thought for a while before explaining,

  "Look at the many sweeping robots here, they must have been swept away by these sweeping robots, don't worry about yourself, we'll be out in two days." When Hua Mi said this, Cao Feng felt better.

So it's not that he has a cognitive problem.

  But can the sweeping robot clean up so much mud?

 Alas, forget it, don't think about it, the more he think about it, the more confused he become.

  It's more relaxing to go to watch the Million Bride.

  When Cao Feng turned to leave, Hua Mi sped up her movements, touching the mud bubbling from the crack of the door with her fingers, and kept recycling it.

  The sweeping robots under their feet are like mosquitoes, sweeping all over the floor, sweeping the floor of the material warehouse to be spotless.

  Finally, the semi-dry mud flowed out, and what was left was some solid soil.

  The dirt doesn't flow well, but this way, you can start digging out.

  Hua Mi took out a bunch of engineering shovels from the level 14 warehouse. These engineering shovels were bought from the Internet at the beginning of the earthquake, and the quantity was only a few thousand.

  But enough for these people.

  She called Uncle Eight's wrecking team, Fang Yuqi's B city garrison, and Cao Feng Tangyou, and asked them to use engineering shovels to dig first.

  Then she wondered, should she start digging from the outside?

 She now has a teleportation point in City B, so it is convenient to come and go anyway.

  It is a bit troublesome to send it back to Xiangcheng first, and then drive from Xiangcheng to the outside of the material warehouse, and it is not easy to explain to Gong Yi.

  In the end, Hua Mi decided to let them dig first, dig casually, feel a little bit of participation, don't make any mistakes, it will be bad when the time comes.

  What she told everyone was that Gong Yi was digging outside, so they dug out from the inside and everyone met on the way.

  Everyone was full of fighting spirit. They took engineering shovels in their hands, found small carts, and carried the soil to the material warehouse one by one.

  Hua Mi stood behind them, recycling the soil full of carts into her own garbage station.

  At the same time, seeing someone who was exhausted, Hua Mi directly threw an energy light ball at him.

  This energy light cluster can replenish a person's physical strength and energy, so that people don't feel tired, and the brain doesn't need to sleep.

  But there was no way to fill their hunger, so Hua Mi also found Chi Chuan's small group, and gave them rice, pots, semi-finished sauerkraut fish, chocolate cake, semi-finished braised lion's head, semi-finished braised pork ribs, as well as coriander, spinach, Shanghai greens, tomatoes, Apples, pomegranates, kiwis and more.

  Let them toss out a table.

  Those who are tired of digging tunnels can sit down and have a meal when they return to the material warehouse.

  There is also the third season of "The Millionaire CEO's Million Bride" in front of a few tables, they can watch it.

  This kind of treatment actually made those garrison and wreck-clearing teams who dig, a sense of happiness.

  A group of big men were sweating profusely, enthusiastically exchanging the content of the third season of "The Millionaire CEO's Million Bride". Soon, the tunnel was dug deeper and deeper. Standing at the door of the material warehouse, the person who dug the tunnel could not be seen.

  Hua Mi saw the time correctly, wrapped herself in her sleeping bag, slept soundly, stretched herself, and walked out of the material warehouse with a flashlight in her hand.

  She dug a new tunnel.

  This tunnel perfectly bypassed the tunnel dug by the garrison and wrecking team, allowing only Huami to pass through.

  She walked all the way forward, and the mud in front of her was recycled all the way into the garbage station without leaving any mounds, and she didn't even need a cart to transport it into the material warehouse.

  Therefore, Hua Mi dug the tunnel very fast, and she got out of the two mountains before anyone else.

  Then turn back, find out the location, dig in from the outside, and prepare to meet Fang Yuqi and the others.

  Hua Mi dug very quickly, estimating the amount of work. As long as Fang Yuqi and the others maintain this speed and dig all the way in this direction, if they don't dig sideways, they will be able to connect the tunnels within two days.

  After doing all this, it didn't take Hua Mi any time to disappear.

  Next, she returned to the material warehouse to eat, drink, sleep and sleep, and officially started the pregnancy mode.

Gong Yi's side became more and more busy, and half of the people working in the headquarters building were dismissed by him.

  Because the network signal in Xiangcheng was completely interrupted, except for those who had a universal signal connector who could freely surf the Internet and make calls, everyone could not use the network.

  Can't make phone calls either.

  Many Xiangcheng people were scared by the jelly water and ran to City B.

  But more survivors came to Xiangcheng.

  The information obtained by these survivors who came to Xiangcheng has not been updated, and they do not know about the jelly water in Xiangcheng.

  Their information is still at the stage where Xiangcheng can buy sufficient supplies with money.

  Therefore, even if the administrators of Xiangcheng who were dismissed by Gong Yi wanted to spread the news of Gong Yi's mutiny, they would not be able to.