After sending the message to Uncle Eight, Hua Mi thought about it, and then sent another message to Gong Yi,

  [Hua Mi: Chen Hu from City A, have you heard of it? ]

  [Gong Yi: That Chen Hu who enjoys eating both black and white? Famous philanthropic entrepreneurs, know each other, but are not familiar with them. ]

  A person of Gong Yi's level must know Chen Hu, and Chen Hu should have a good impression of Gong Yi.

  The current Chen Hu hasn't completely revealed his true face, outsiders only think that Chen Hu is black and white.

  Who knows, he is only bleached on the outside, and completely black on the inside.

  [Hua Mi: Have you noticed that Xiang City and B City have become more and more chaotic these days? A lot of punks appeared.]

  She hinted to Gong Yi that if these punks came to Xiangcheng and City B in groups, there must be a big hand behind them to make troubles.

  So she had to remind Gong Yi, after all, in his previous life, when Chen Hu was in power, the garrisons and management in various cities became his protection.

  Even the garrison of some cities became Chen Hu's private property in the end.

  Chen Hu is in City A, which is very close to Xiangcheng. After the expressway is opened, the driving distance between Xiangcheng and City A is even shorter than that between Xiangcheng and City B.

  If Hua Mi is Chen Hu, she must be the first to find Gong Yi.

  She wants to assimilate him, win him over, annex him, and use him!

 Possess him. Hua Mi shivered, no, cross this out.

  [Gong Yi: What do you want to say? ]

  Gong Yi stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling window with a mobile phone in his hand, behind him was his garrison, reporting to him the direction of Yu Guanglin's escape.

  It is City A.

  [Hua Mi: What I want to say is, you have to be careful of Chen Hu. ]

  No matter how much she thought of , Hua Mi won't tell. Compared with her, those people's scheming has many twists and turns.

  So she wouldn't spoil Gong Yi randomly, the more she talked, the more likely it would add to the chaos, as long as Gong Yi could control himself well.

  Gong Yi lowered his head, frowned and looked at the phone screen in his hand. In fact, he only received the garrison message from City A yesterday.

  [Gong Yi: The armory in City A has been stolen, and it has become a mess over there. Don't run around in the near future. ]

  The clock on the wall is ticking, and the sky is slightly bright. Who can believe that it should be noon at this time?

  The rain was still falling, not only did it not stop, but it seemed to be getting heavier.

  For those who survived, the days became more and more difficult, and more and more people came to Xiangcheng and B city through mountains and rivers.

  Sometimes it's not that Gong Yi wants to let those gangsters in, the devil is wearing human skin, even if X-ray detection is used, the human skin is just the internal organs.

  Can't see anything.

  Hua Mi got a very important news from Gong Yi, the armory in City A was stolen.

  And she just encouraged the survivors to beat Chen Hu's younger brother to the point of bleeding.

  When Hua Mi came back to his senses, Chen Hu's younger brothers had gone somewhere.

 Uncle Eight had already found all the wreckers, and the two people who were still on the expressway were only affected a little. Minor injury, not a big problem.

  After receiving Hua Mi's message, Uncle Eight and Uncle Seven came over and saw Hua Mi talking in someone else's tent.

  Seeing the two of them approaching, Hua Mi hurriedly got out of the tent of the woman holding the child, but before she could speak, Uncle Eight said,

  "Miss Hua, there is a landslide ahead, what should we do?"

Save the wreckers from Chen Hu's younger brother. There was another landslide, blocking the road.

  Hua Mi let out a "ah",

  "What can we do? We have to clean it up, we still have to use this road."

  The oranges transported from the material warehouse in City B had to be transported to Xiangcheng and City B by this expressway. .

  This road is blocked, you can only take the national road.

  The circle of the national road is too large, and it is estimated that there are more dangers of landslides.

  As she spoke, she handed Uncle Seven and Uncle Eight, each with a long fruit knife, and said to them, "Let's clean up the garbage first, and make a plan to go back to City B. We'll wait until we find Fang Yuqi in City B."

There is no need to worry about the safety of Xiangcheng and City B. Gong Yi is not a vegetarian. There are garrisons in the city, so what about Chen Hu's tentacles? He can't be that arrogant either.

  Hua Mi is only worried about the outside of the city, especially the safety of the wreckers she puts outside the city.

  If she want to maintain the safety of the wreckers on the Hunan B Expressway, she have to communicate with Fang Yuqi, the captain of the B City Garrison.

  In fact, before Fang Yuqi returned to City B to remove jelly water, Huami gave him a universal signal connector.

  He had asked Gong Yi for instructions, and Gong Yi was his superior who allowed him to accept Hua Mi's arrangement.

  About Chen Hu, Hua Mi reminded Gong Yi, and Gong Yi would also inform Fang Yuqi.

  The purpose of Hua Mi looking for Fang Yuqi is to ask Fang Yuqi to send a garrison to take more strolls on the Xiang B Expressway, or even the Xiang B National Highway.

  He also listened to Hua Mi explaining,

 "If you encounter any danger during the process of clearing the mountain, remember, when you have to give up, you must admit it."

  "I am in front, and you follow me."

  God It was too dark, the road was not smooth, and it was still raining. If we walked together, if there was a mudslide, the whole army would be wiped out and buried.

  There is no way to find someone to dig it out.

  So the wreckers go separately/

  they are not a team of people getting together to do sanitation on one section of the road, but everyone is separated by a long distance.

  In this way, once a certain person encounters a landslide, the rest of the people can dig him out.

  But the key now is that for such a big landslide, their wrecker team only consisted of two people, and now including Huami, there are only three people.

  It's still on a section of the road where punks come and go at any time.

  No matter how you think about it, it is difficult.

  When Uncle Seven heard this, he looked at Hua Mi worriedly,

  "We all took the knife, what about you, Miss Hua? How could you go to the front, or you go in the middle?"

  They were scattered on the road, and they were not there. Let's clean up the mountain together. For a certain distance, a small team will leave Miss Hua alone in front. What if a lot of bastards come again, how can they deal with it?

  Hua Mi said to Uncle Seven,

  "I have a gun, it's fine, don't be too anxious, just walk slowly, and you can count as much as you can for exercise." The woman behind her put the child in the tent, and she got out of the tent, and she said,

  "Just in time, we're going to City B too, Miss Hua, let's go together."

  She heard that Uncle Seven and Uncle Eight called her Hua Mi, so she followed suit.

  The woman's husband also came over and said to Hua Mi,"My name is Wu Shigao, my wife is Ge Chuling, we will go with you, and we will be the last."

  He saw that Hua Mi is capable, she can come up with these materials to be sold, she should be someone who often buy and sell materials in Xiangcheng or B City.