In the garrison camp in City A, if one garrison leaves, the second garrison will also leave, and the third garrison will definitely leave.

  They will return to their homes first, settle down their families, and head to Xiangcheng together.

  Gong Yi has already said in the telegram that he will build a new camp for the garrison of City A, and welcomes the garrison of City A to bring their families to Xiangcheng.

  If the garrison of city A encounters survivors on the road, please help if the garrison can help, and bring all the survivors who are willing to come to Xiangcheng to Xiangcheng as much as possible.

  Among other things, Gong Yi's ability to mention those survivors in the telegram has already greatly encouraged the garrison of City A.

  So Liu Shengyuan watched helplessly in the garrison camp in City A, and finally most of the garrison left.

  He didn't stop it.

  Because he knew he couldn't stop it.

  The last garrison to leave stood in front of Liu Shengyuan, "Captain, won't you go with us?"

  Liu Shengyuan shook his head. He was standing in the rain with a stubborn light in his firm eyes.

  The garrison in front of him frowned and growled, "Captain, what are you still going to do here? Don't you know what will happen if you stay here?"

  "You'll be Chen Hu's personal bodyguard, you will help Chen Hu kill people and make money."

  "Captain, we shouldn't be like this, you can take the position of captain, you can't even understand this?"

  Liu Shengyuan smiled,"I don't understand?

But, where is our garrison commander ? There must be an answer."

  Whether it is life or death, there must be an answer.

  Alive, why not come out and manage the garrison? Why let them be arranged by Chen Hu?

 Why did you give the material warehouse of city A to the Chen family?

  Dead, how did he die? The dignity of the garrison in City A has to be retrieved by someone. The person who can kill the garrison commander of City A , shouldn't he pay for the life of the garrison commander of City A?

  "Go, Commander Gong Yi is a man of courage. He will definitely lead you and let you play your best value."

  Liu Shengyuan patted the shoulder of the garrison in front of him, and watched the garrison in front of him leave.

  Finally, he looked at the remaining dozens of garrisons, and asked,

  "Aren't you leaving?"

  "We're not going, we're going to stay, and together with the captain, get our garrison commander back."

  Someone answered apart from Liu Shengyuan, the garrison is also a human being, and they also have their own thoughts. Some garrison choose to leave and go to Gong Yi to maximize their value.

  Some garrisons chose to stay and fight side by side with Liu Shengyuan.

  They wanted to see the person who was the commander of the garrison of city A, or ,they wanted to see the corpse of the commander of the garrison of city A when he died.

  At this time in Xiangcheng, Huami didn't notice at all that a group of strong men were rushing towards her in the rainy night.

  She was outside the iron gate of Xiangcheng, looking up at the tall watchtower.

  Huo Jing and his relatives, the contractors, were indeed very good. Using the cement provided by Huami, they quickly built a watchtower.

  Laser lights are installed in all directions of the watchtower.

  This kind of laser light is especially bright in the dark and can be directed far and far away.

  They can give the survivors who walk alone in the dark the direction of Xiangcheng.

  Huami's external teleportation point was decided to be placed under this watchtower.

  Behind her stood Huo Jing and the contractor, and they followed behind Hua Mi. They heard Hua Mi say, "Here, I want to build a flat ground. The pattern should be complicated and beautiful. It is best to have special lighting effects. Yes, when someone steps on it, light will flow from his feet, slowly lighting up the patterns on the entire open space."

  Hua Mi described to them that this technique should not be difficult, and many cities before the end of the world, there is that kind of sensor light, touch light.

  Huo Jing had some objections,"Miss Hua, the effect you want is not difficult to achieve, just install some lights and sensor devices to achieve it, but Miss Hua, why do we need these flashy things now?"

As soon as the sound fell, the contractor slapped Huo Jing on the back of the head.

 "Let's do what Ms. Hua says. Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

  After all, he was still too young to know that Hua Mi was their Party A's tyrant. The Emperor's decree!

 Seeing the gold teeth cracked by the foreman again, Hua Mi nodded and smiled,

  "Miss Hua, your idea is very good, it is tall, big and magnificent, don't worry, I will give you this open space later. Plant a few trees and install lights on them, as long as someone walks past these trees, the lighting effect will be amazing."

  He gestured and raised three fingers,

  "I swear, if I don't make it beautiful, the effect is comparable to the opening ceremony of the Olympics, you can just chopped off my head."

  "That doesn't have to be so exaggerated."

  Hua Mi pointed to the center of the open space, "Here, leave me a square ,make in the center the special lighting effects, just stand up and make a column of light."

  Teleportation, you have to be worthy of the seller's teleportation fare.

  If there were no special effects, people would feel that it would not be miraculous psychologically.

  Then next time, maybe he would rather walk than teleport back to the city.

  Then, Hua Mi turned her head and said to the contractor and Huo Jing, "You guys work hard and finish this job as soon as possible. I still have a lot of projects like this to repair later."

  After allocating 1 square meter to the Xiangcheng watchtower, Huami handed over the construction of the teleportation point to Huo Jing and his relatives.

  She went back to her Lotus Shengxing Supermarket, and placed the remaining 8 square meters of black land within the fence of the community.

  In this 8 square meters, Huami planted longan, pears, cherries, bananas, chestnuts, red grapes, yacon, and water chestnuts.

  Including the fruits and vegetables mentioned before, the crops that Huami can harvest every day are quite a lot.

  Looking at the huge amount of straw mats, Hua Mi sighed, and she called Ye Rong,

  "Do you still have the manpower to weave straw mats? I have too many mats here, and I need to empty some. "

  "Where did you get so many straw mats?"

  Ye Rong couldn't understand. She could understand Huami hoarding oranges and dark mustard-flavored hot pot.

  After all, it is food, right, but when people get anxious, they must stock up on whatever they can get.

  Besides, the mustard-flavored hot pot is actually not bad, just like durian. People who like this taste will love it very much, and those who don't like it will just feel disgusting.

  Ye Rong really likes the dark mustard-flavored self-heating small hot pot, and now she has to eat it twice a day.

  So Ye Rong can understand Hua Mi very well, but she just can't understand, why did she hoard so many mats?

  So many that they have to find more manpower to weave straw mats?