He doesn't need Hua Mi to explain so much to him.

  Because he discovered that not only had disasters in this world become more frequent, but he himself had also become very abnormal.

  It's obvious that he can now lift an armored vehicle with one hand, without sleeping for ten days and ten nights. Can someone believe it?

In fact, Gong Yi didn't say anything about this matter.

  He slowly released his hand that was holding Hua Mi's cheek, "I discovered it right from the beginning of the rescue."


  Hua Mi looked over, not understanding what Gong Yi wanted to say. She was sitting in an armored vehicle. Inside, at this time, she and Gong Yi were the only two people in the car.

  Gong Yi glanced at her, stretched out his hand, bent his waist slightly, and pulled out a sharp knife from his boot.

  He held the handle of the knife with one hand, pinched the tip with two fingers of the other hand, and easily broke the sharp knife.

  Just like breaking a piece of wood.

  "At first, I thought it was because the rescues over the past few days had exceeded my physical limits. But gradually, I found that this was not the case. I haven't slept for a long time."

  Gong Yi said, casually placing the sharp knife on the other hand, he continued, "Occasionally when I feel tired, I just rest for about ten minutes. Then my whole body feels like it is full of electricity, and I am still full of energy."

  His eyes looked at Hua Mi,

  "I know very well that I don't feel any discomfort in my body. I don't feel tired. I don't even have the kind of hallucination that others say they have after overexertion of physical energy."

"On the contrary, I feel my condition is very good, I have never been better."

  Seeing Hua Mi's surprised expression, Gong Yi couldn't help but laugh. He couldn't help but reach out and want to pinch Hua Mi's face.

  No way, this fox demon feels too good.

  His mind is like a movie, and he can recall the touch that night with infinite clarity.

  He had seen all the details, and he remembered them all.

  The details are so clear that there is a small red mole on Hua Mi's soft back, which he remembers very clearly.

  Hua Mi moved quickly to avoid Gong Yi's claws. She raised her hand to block Gong Yi's fingers and asked seriously,

  "Has this situation been going on since you started the rescue? Just, two or three months ago?"

  If she hadn't looked at the calendar specifically, in this dark environment day after day, Hua Mi wouldn't know how long it had been since the first earthquake started.

  Every time she followed Xin Qiuru's instructions, she went back to Xiangcheng for a prenatal checkup.

  Xin Qiuru said that she has not yet passed the critical period of the first three months, so she specifically told her not to have sex!

 In fact, it is nothing to worry about. Who can she have sex with now?

  With her tough character, which man would let her do it?

 Gong Yi shook his head, "Actually, the real bad sleep should have started when I joined the rescue team, about more than a year ago?"

  But at that time, he just felt that he was simply suffering from insomnia.

  In the peaceful age, he had no place to display his abilities, and he was once a rebellious and unruly temper. He felt that he was invincible in the world and could look down on everything.

  His superior commander specially transferred him to the rescue team.

  It was only after joining the rescue team that he discovered what he was preparing for with this ability.

  It's not for fighting fiercely, and it's not for being that king!

  But for those who really need him, to protect this city.

  So he was quite confused for a while, and he often couldn't sleep well.

  Then he took melatonin and sleeping pills.

  After eating these, his symptoms improved a bit, and later, he suffered from insomnia, taking medicine,and insomnia over and over again.

  "The last time I entered this mental state was after the rescue started, because once people get busy, they don't remember to take medicine at all. As a result, I don't take it, but my mental state gets better and better." Gong Yi leaned on the back of his chair and tilted his head.

Looking at Hua Mi,

  "Do you know what's going on?"

  Hua Mi stared blankly at Gong Yi, shook her head, then nodded again, "You're not the same as me anyway, but it's impossible for a person not to sleep for two or three months."

  Gong Yi said, "Occasionally, I will sleep for more than ten minutes."

 " So within two or three months, generally , your sleep combined probably didn't exceed 24 hours."

  Hua Mi, who was sitting next to Gong Yi, thought for a while, and seemed to remember something, then raised her hand and patted Gong Yi's arm, "There is a kind of supernatural power called mental power. Supernatural ability, I don't know if you have heard of it. You must have never heard of it, and I have never seen it. It's quite mysterious, that is to say, this kind of psychic power person does not need to sleep, and the spirit in the head is extremely good.

Gong Yi didn't understand, and asked uncertainly: "You say I'm crazy?"

  No way, why did he become crazy? If he had known, he wouldn't have told Hua Mi the secret.

  It's no better now, he's just trying to make her happy, and the girl thinks he's crazy.

  "I'm not saying you're insane, I'm saying you're mentally ill, you're mentally ill!"

  Hua Mi said "Bah bah" twice, and after she cleared her words, she gestured at Gong Yi's head, "The development of our brains is just , It's only so big, but the brain development of psychic powers is so big."

  She took out a melon seed and gestured to draw a large ocean without boundaries,

  "It doesn't mean that you are smart, it just means that you have a special power that have particularly developed brains, and they can create and destroy all things through imagination."

  "This is the most powerful superpower I know so far."

  As she said that, Hua Mi seemed very happy. She grabbed Gong Yi's forehead with one hand, as if to try to Grab the mental power and throw it into her lower abdomen.

  "For good luck, if you are really a person with mental powers, I can also inherit one from you." For one, Hua Mi is not greedy, so she can just pass one on to her cub, and the other cub can inherit her [ Apocalyptic Supermarket]Okay.

  Awesome, it would be more cost-effective to sleep with Gong Yi. Looking at the legendary psychic powers, she has a chance of getting one.

  Just thinking about it makes her happy.

  Gong Yi looked at Hua Mi's excitement with cold eyes,"You're too happy too early. You said it yourself. I'm crazy. I can create and destroy everything with just my imagination. But look at me now, I can't do anything if I am unable to sleep."

  He didn't quite understand what Hua Mi said because it contained too much information.

  She didn't seem to be afraid of his abnormality at all. Well, in fact, Hua Mi herself was a very abnormal woman.

  "Why are you anxious? You're not Long Aotian, who can start a fight with heaven and earth in the first episode."

 " It's easy to determine whether you are a person with mental powers."

  Hua Mi took out a bottle of mineral water from the back of her waist. Placed it far away from Gong Yi, took out an empty bottle, sat next to Gong Yi, "You, give me a glass of water."

  She pointed to the mineral water far away, and pushed Gong Yi back to sit down as he was about to get up.

  "Don't move. Just sit here and think with your mind. Fill my glass with water."