In Xiangcheng, Hua Mi flew back to the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket in Xiangcheng.

  She had just emptied half of the supplies in her Level 17 warehouse in the underground parking lot, and the underground garage could no longer hold the supplies.

  This is a difficult thing to handle. Now that there are more and more people in Xiangcheng, the rescue center is still providing two free meals a day.

  The supplies in the Xiangcheng supply warehouse have long been exhausted.

  Now the people of Xiangcheng eat for free and the medical supplies they use for free are all produced in Huami's level 15 factory.

  The consumption of supplies is quite exaggerated every day.

  Let's put it this way, one-third of Huami's underground parking garage is emptied every day.

  It can be seen how heavy the burden is on Xiangcheng today.

  Hua Mi stood in the underground garage, looking at the supplies all around. She was still waiting for some space to be cleared so that the level 15 factory could produce more supplies.

  As a result, just at this time, Hua Mi discovered that there were actually second and third floors in this underground parking lot.

  In fact, Hua Mi knew this before, but because of the passing of time, she forgot about it.

  Hua Mi quickly ran to the second and third negative floors, which had actually been renovated by Huo Jing and the contractor.

  They had long discovered that this underground garage had a second negative floor and a third negative floor.

  Everyone thought Hua Mi knew, so no one said anything.

  Now it's great. Huami's Lotus Shengxing Supermarket has an additional two floors of underground garages for the transfer of supplies.

  Moreover, the area of ​​the underground parking lot on the third negative floor is much larger than that on the first and second floors.

  Hua Mi immediately cleared out all the supplies in her Level 17 warehouse, and this time added rescue ropes and engineer shovels.

  For those semi-finished dishes, she put some sauerkraut fish, because although the sauerkraut fish is produced in limited quantities, every time the factory is upgraded, it is produced for her in a limited number of tens of thousands.

  She couldn't eat so much pickled fish by herself, so she took X100000 and sold it.

  By the time she emerged from the underground supply warehouse, several hours had passed.

  A few hours are enough for Hua Mi to harvest a large amount of crops.

  She took out a large bag of cherries and ate them while walking to the RV supermarket.

  Xiangcheng's urban wrecking team has cleaned up Xiangcheng. Although there is no light, Gong Yi asked the management to find a way to install many powerful searchlights in the relief center.

  Basically, all survivors' activities revolve around the rescue center.

  All Xiangcheng garrisons also maintain order and management in the rescue center.

  The task of pumping jelly water was instead handed over to the civilian water pumping team.

  Xiangcheng is starting to move slowly at its speed.

  Hua Mi ate cherries and walked to her RV supermarket.

  "Hey, who is this? There are cherries to eat."

  Two men stood in front of Hua Mi, one behind the other.

  They were surrounded by tents. Seeing this posture, the people in the tent shrank and hid with great experience.

  Hua Mi had a cherry wrapped in her mouth. She turned around and looked at the man behind her with a wretched look on his face.

"You're done eating, right? Is it okay? Xiangcheng only supports a group of people like you?"

The wretched man stepped forward and said, With a malicious look on his face, he reached out to grab the bag of cherries in Hua Mi's hand,

  "I just haven't eaten enough, so I want to taste the cherries."

  Before the disaster, cherries were sold. It's so expensive. Where do they get the money to buy cherries? They are all a bunch of bad gamblers and spend all their money on gambling.

  The world has turned into such a horrible state, why don't they let them try the taste of cherries?

 Hua Mi stepped aside and avoided the hand stretched out by the wretched man.

  She spit out the cherry kernels from her mouth and hit the wretched man in the eyes.


  The wretched man covered his eyes and pointed at Hua Mi,

  "This bitch is looking for death, kill her, kill her!"

  "Oh, you want to kill me?"

  Hua Mi thought that the men who surrounded her were just ordinary robbers. In the apocalypse, if you just walk around, you can meet seven to ten of these people on one street.

  Unexpectedly, the other party opened his mouth to kill her.

  All right, come on, you're welcome!

 The man standing in front of Hua Mi was about to move when he heard someone shouting,

  "Don't touch her, don't touch her."

  Fang Huai ran over panting and stopped the two bad gamblers who were about to go crazy. With a flattering look on her face,

  "Don't touch her, this is my niece, alas, look at me."

  Hua Mi squinted her eyes, who is this man? After thinking about it for a while, ohhh, this is Fang Huai.

  After decades of not seeing each other, Fang Huai has become uglier .

  Then Fang Huai came over with a proud face and said to Hua Mi,

  "Ah Mi, it's all a misunderstanding. They are my friends. My uncle has already made an agreement with them to let you go. Alas, If you want to eat cherries, then you can give them a little bit, and they won't bother with you."

  After all, this group of people just wanted to eat her cherries.

  Hua Mi protected the cherry behind her, pretending to be reluctant to part with it, and looked at Fang Huai with vigilance, "Why are you so shameless, snatching cherry from me? Is there something wrong with you?"

   The smile on his face froze, his face sank,

"Ami, what are you talking about? I'm your uncle."

  "It's not easy for us to meet each other. Our whole family is destined to be together. You should respect your uncle properly, and you still put on such a posture, what on earth do you have? No conscience?"He crackled.

  From when Hua Mi's parents died when she was young, to when he took Hua Mi to Fang's family, sent Hua Mi to study, and raised Hua Mi when she grew up. In short, he was very, very kind to Hua Mi, and Hua Mi even had cherry. Not giving him food would be unfilial.

  Hua Mi is ungrateful.

  While he was talking, Hua Mi ate.

  There was nothing she could do about it. She was pregnant. As soon as she stopped, she would think about eating and keep eating. In fact, she could finish such a large bag of cherries in a short time.

  And Hua Mi herself doesn't have many cherries, because they are the latest ones she planted, and the first batch of them only matured today, which is only a hundred fruits.

  It will probably take a few more days until the second batch matures.

  So Hua Mi doesn't have many of her own.

  The people next to him felt very uncomfortable when they heard Fang Huai scolding Hua Mi like this, while Hua Mi kept eating and spitting out the cherry cores.

  Someone opened his mouth and said, "Uncle Huai, you're right. This kind of person is really blind, and you shouldn't have raised her up."

"That's right, she's eating such a big bag of cherries, and her uncle wants to take some. She don't even want to give but still eating and eating."

  Hua Mi calmly took out her mobile phone and called Cao Feng, "I think this rescue center consumes too much supplies now. Two meals a day are free, right? Don't give it to them for free. They have come all the way to this place, for what? They come to Xiangcheng to eat for free and spoil them!"