Zhou Cheng continued to be hit hard, and now he only thinks about it, it would be nice if he could have a girlfriend.

  It's not that they don't want to find a girlfriend, but they don't know how to find one. Their thoughts and bodies are all restricted by the discipline of the garrison.

  In the beginning, it was not allowed to find a girlfriend in the garrison.

  Even if they can be found later, most of them behave more stupidly than other men.

  The concentrated expression is that courtship is like asking for pleasure, and happiness is like wanting to kill someone. Which woman can understand them?

 Just like Gong Yi now, he was actually overwhelmed by a huge surprise in his heart, but he made countless phone calls to Hua Mi, but she didn't answer, and the huge surprise in Gong Yi's heart turned into a huge anger.

  "Look, look for her again! If I don't find this woman, I won't call myself Gong Yi."

  He drove all the way to the emergency area of ​​the relief center.

  Because Cao Feng once told him something. Cao Feng said that Hua Mi often went to see a doctor named Xin Qiuru in the emergency area.

  At first, Gong Yi thought this was normal, because Hua Mi's body bones did look weak and bad.

  Girls, it's okay to be coquettish.

  But now think about it carefully, is this a bad thing about your health?

 He just broke into the emergency area and alarmed Cao Feng.

  Cao Feng thought something serious had happened, so he hurried over. When he saw it was Gong Yi, he smiled and asked, " Boss, what's the matter?"

  "I'm looking for Xin Qiuru, where is the doctor?"

  Gong Yi's voice sounded. The voice is too big and sounds like he is looking for trouble.

  Xin Qiuru was still in the office when she heard a fierce person outside the door looking for her.

  Before she could run away, she was blocked by Gong Yi in the small office.

  A pregnant woman who was originally in Dr. Xin's office was so frightened that she ran out of the door.

  Gong Yi sat in front of Xin Qiuru,

  "I have no other reason to come, and there is no need to be afraid, Dr. Xin. I just want to know if my baby in the belly of that woman Hua Mi has been here for you to look after?"

  He seemed very anxious, and Cao Feng, who was standing behind him, was startled. Does Sister Hua have a child?

  And it's their boss's?

This doesn't seem strange, after all, many people can actually see the relationship between Sister Hua and the boss.

  All the garrison officers felt that the only one worthy of their boss was Sister Hua.

  Apart from their boss, there is no other man who can be worthy of Sister Hua.

  But the relationship between the two developed so quickly that even people lost their minds. This was too fast.

  Xin Qiuru was a little panicked at first, but then she saw that Gong Yi was indeed sitting opposite her and looking at her earnestly, so she calmed down and said, "It's true, it seems that you really don't want these two children."

  She said with reproach in her tone, and knocked on the table and said to Gong Yi,

" Look how long it has been. This is the first time I see you here."

  "Two children?"

  Cao Feng asked in surprise. He thought that Sister Hua was pregnant with the eldest child, which was enough to shock him, but he didn't expect that there would be even more shock.

  Xin Qiuru looked at Gong Yi with condemnation, "I know the world is not good now, and many men don't want children, but your conditions are not bad, why don't you want children either?"

  Cao Femg stood behind Gong Yi suddenly understood. No wonder they hadn't heard anything. Sister Hua came to see Xin Qiuru secretly.

  No wonder the boss doesn't know that he has two children.

  The feeling is that the boss doesn't want these two children.

  "Who said I don't want it?"

  Gong Yi wanted to pound the table, but he was also afraid of scaring Xin Qiuru, who would tell him Hua Mi's little secret.

  But he had to make this issue of principle clear, his cubs, two! He wants it!

 No one should be missing.

  "This female goblin, she kept this matter a secret. If she didn't hide it, would I have missed so many prenatal checkups?"

Thinking about it, Gong Yi regretted it. He didn't want to miss his cubs. Any examination, this is also the purpose of coming to Xin Qiuru this time.

  He wanted children, and he wanted to know them.

  Xin Qiuru looked at the man opposite him who covered the sky with one hand in Xiangcheng. At this moment, his attitude was both fierce and soft.

  These are two very contradictory emotions, but they are strangely mixed together and blended perfectly into this man's body.

  Xin Qiuru stared at him for a while, then opened the drawer and took out a fetal care manual, "I will not provide Miss Hua's medical records to you without her authorization, but you can take a look at this first. There are all kinds of precautions for pregnant mothers, what to eat, how to carry out prenatal education, etc., you should take a closer look."

 "You can ask Ms. Hua for the B-ultrasound sheet of the child, two little guys. The vitality is very tenacious and well-developed, you will be able to interact with your children soon, don't miss it."

  Xin Qiuru said while Gong Yi nodded, his big hands, as if holding an imperial decree, held it carefully The pink "Fetal Care Manual",

"Okay, okay, I will definitely read it, and I will memorize it without missing a word."

  He seemed to have invited a bible consecrated by a master, with a smirk on his face, holding the manual, and asked Xin Qiuru ,

 "Really? My two cubs are developing well? They are my species, can they not be tenacious? Hey, what do they look like? Like me or like their mother?"

  It is said that people in love will say stupid things. It seems that Gong Yi is already stupid now that he is in love.

  Xin Qiuru looked at Gong Yi's silly look and couldn't help but laugh,

  "We have to wait until they are born to compare, but I have to remind you, Commander Gong, don't imitate others, you must give birth to a boy. It's okay. Although the world is not so good now, the survival rate of men is not as high as that of women in difficult environments." She knew that many people now hope not to have children. After all, the world is like this, so why have children?

  Xin Qiuru also knew that families who really couldn't afford abortion secretly hoped that the child in their belly would be a boy.

  Because girls are so miserable. In the chaotic world, as a woman, her destiny is withering, and she will live a miserable and miserable life.

  Gong Yi was stunned and shook his head hastily,

  "I, I like them all, boys and girls."

  He knew that the current world was very unfriendly to girls, but he was going to be a father now.

  A father's strength is like mountains and seas, and he can stand upright for his children.

  If he has two daughters, then he will work hard to make the world a better place.

  He needs to create a world that is better and better for women.