"Boss, the brothers near the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket said that they saw Sister Hua in the underground parking lot under the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket."

  Cao Feng hung up the phone and turned to report to Gong Yi .

  Gong Yi nodded, "Go and catch her outside the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket."

  He had a serious face, but his eyes were red, people who didn't know thought he was going to deal with some important villain.

  Cao Feng also had a serious face, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly drove towards the supermarket.

  At this time, Hua Mi threw the mat grass produced in the black soil into the underground parking lot, and threw half of the first floor of the parking lot.

  No way, there are really too many mats.

  Although Ye Rong was recruiting people non-stop, she worked in three shifts 24 hours a day to weave mats, straw hats, straw sandals, straw capes, and grass skirts. She even hired a contractor to build 100 mat houses with mats.

  After a period of time, Hua Mi can still accumulate a large pile of mats.

  Accidentally, the parking lot on the first floor took up half of the parking lot.

  Except that the output of mat grass has already reached the same level as that of oranges, the output of grapefruit and apples is also a little slower than that of oranges.

  In the last lottery draw, the period of the special effect of the growth speed of the drawn oranges had passed, but Hua Mi did not breathe a sigh of relief.

  But because of the continuous harvest of oranges, the oranges in her backyard have grown into a giant.

  Can you imagine that an orange tree occupies the entire backyard of the planned supermarket?

  Hua Mi grows so big, she has never seen such a thick and powerful orange tree, and the harvest volume every time is millions of oranges.

  Although the growth rate is not as fast as before, the yield of oranges per harvest has not decreased.

  Of course, the area of ​​mat grass is not much worse than that of oranges, and the harvest cycle of mat grass is shorter.

  After initial struggles, the output of grapefruit and apples is now strong.

  There are also cherries, pomegranates, kiwis and cantaloupes grown behind grapefruits and apples, and their output has gradually increased.

  Now it also takes up a lot of storage space for Huami.

  She threw all these fruits on the first, second and third floors of the underground parking lot.

  Then she teleported to the teleportation point of [Xiangcheng Rescue Center].

  Gong Yi and Cao Feng rushed outside Lotus Shengxing Supermarket. Cao Feng pressed the doorbell and was about to turn around, asking Gong Yi to wait.

  However, seeing Gong Yi turned around and left, "She's not here, let all the brothers find out where she is."

  After a while, Cao Feng hung up the phone in a daze, and said to Gong Yi,

  "Boss, The brothers discovered that a person suspected to be Sister Hua appeared near the RV supermarket."

  "Let's go."

  Gong Yi spoke concisely and to the point, jumped in the car, and rushed to the RV supermarket with Cao Feng.

  Hua Mi walked around in the yard behind the RV supermarket. There were not many supplies that belonged to her here. The piles were all things Dafu and Xiaofu had bought from various stalls.

  Tambourines, office desks, second-hand books, printers, air conditioners, projectors, A4 paper, and blank printing paper.

 Just second-hand books filled the entire warehouse behind the RV supermarket.

  Some books were not well protected by the survivors, and they were wet when Dafu and Xiaofu bought them back.

  As a result, after being stored in the backyard warehouse for a few days, the moisture was absorbed by the tarpaulin.

  It has become a good book again.

  Hua Mi casually flipped through the books piled on the open space, called Dafu and Xiaofu over, and gave each of the two children 1 million in cash.

  Yes, cash!

  This is Hua Mi's latest discovery. In her [cashier system], not only can you withdraw virtual amounts on social software, but you can also withdraw cash.

  Just click on the small "+" sign behind [Cash Withdrawal Amount¥________] to open a lower-level page.

  There will be a choice above, whether to withdraw virtual currency or cash?

  If Hua Mi chooses to withdraw cash, brand new banknotes with serial numbers from the bank will appear in Hua Mi's level 17 storage space.

  Considering that there are many survivors who do not have a universal signal connector in their hands, they can only choose to trade in cash.

  So Hua Mi gave Dafu and Xiaofu 1 million in cash each, "You two take this money and buy all the books you can buy from those stalls. Buy as many as you can."

  She still hopes that in the future, the two cubs will read more books.

  Because Hua Mi knows that if the disaster history of human beings continues like this, there will be faults in civilization.

  After she lived to the end of the world in her previous life, the second-generation children of the survivors were born and grew up in the end of the world.

  Therefore, Hua Mi can clearly feel how huge the impact of cultural faults on human beings is.

  The difference lies in that the generation of survivors still understands what is called etiquette, justice, integrity and shame, can read letters, speak euphemistically, do things in an orderly manner, and understand the layout.

  And the second generation of survivors is simply a disaster, everyone is illiterate, everyone drinks blood, everyone doesn't understand etiquette, justice and shame, and everyone engages in all kinds of messy CP forget it, think of the second generation of survivors, Huami is very sad.

  So children, you must study and do your homework! ! !

  Books are the ladder of human progress, and now Hua Mi can save as many steps as she can, and she wants to save as much as she can.

  It can be regarded as her modest contribution to the future world.

  After explaining the task to Dafu and Xiaofu, Huami turned around and went into the warehouse behind the caravan supermarket.

  She stuffed all the books and the pile of office supplies bought by Dafu and Xiaofu into the back of the Level 17 warehouse.

  There was a wall behind the caravan supermarket, stuffed with condoms, mineral water, medical supplies, and fruits.

Then, Huami came out from the yard and walked around the caravan supermarket.

  Now the entire square is occupied by Hua Mi's goods, and water pumps are piled up in the square outside the RV supermarket.

  Hua Mi took a look, and gave the contractor a new infrastructure task,

[Hua Mi: You surround the square of the relief center with barbed wire, and build some sheds inside the barbed wire, using tarpaulins for the sheds.

  [Hua Mi: I looked at the square location of the rescue center. This place is very good. It will be used exclusively to accumulate supplies in the future. ]

  The original garrison supplies office of the rescue center has now been demolished and turned into a catering operation area.

  There were dozens of large pots and stoves there, which were originally used to cook rice and vegetables for the survivors of Xiangcheng.

  Now that the two free meals in Xiangcheng were cancelled, this place has withered a lot, and now it mainly cooks meals for the injured patients and medical staff who cannot take care of themselves in the emergency area.

  The side dishes produced in Huami's black soil just meet the needs of the emergency area.