There are already 10,000 people on Chen Hu's side. Compared with Gong Yi's side, Boss Gong only has 5,000 garrison troops, which is already a disadvantage.

  Moreover, Boss Gong did not take many people to City A at all. He left 3,000 troops stationed in Xiangcheng to maintain order, and more than 1,000 troops were stationed in City B, Hunan B Expressway and City B's material warehouse.

  Maybe the garrison that Gong Yi brought to City A was only one or two hundred.

  Hua Mi's heart sank. She originally had some confidence in Gong Yi and felt that she would definitely be able to nip Chen Hu in the cradle this time.

  As a result, just in terms of the number of people in the team, there is such a huge difference between the two. Ten thousand people vs one or two hundred people. How can they fight this?

The A city garrison on the ground continued,

"Chen Hu has an industrial park in A city with more than 30,000 laborers. Since Chen Hu took control of the A city material warehouse, he selected some of these 30,000 people. Ten thousand strong labor force."

  "Before Captain Liu decided to raid Chen Hu's villa complex, Chen Hu had already taken over E City's material warehouse and weapons depot."

  So it is not difficult to imagine that thousands of A City garrison rebelled against Chen Hu It doesn't matter to the tiger at all.

  Because Chen Hu has already armed his 10,000 strong labor force.

  Lovely people always develop slower than hateful people.

  Because Gong Yi spent his time rescuing people, while Chen Hu spent his time plundering.

  It is said that Chen Hu is a conscientious entrepreneur. In fact, Chen Hu's industry has touched every aspect of B City.

  In his hands, there are quite a few food processing factories.

  These food processing factories are located in the industrial park.

  "His ambition is not small. Every day, he can obtain a large amount of supplies from the boys under him to support his team." The garrison in City A on the ground obviously has inquired about Chen Hu very clearly.

  In other words, in addition to the 10,000 armed forces in Chen Hu's hands, he also has countless cavalry.

  Last time, it was Chen Hu's henchmen who set up roadblocks on the Xiang B Expressway.

  This is just a way for Chen Hu to obtain supplies.

  Chen Hu's tentacles are spread across all walks of life.

  Even behind Fang Huai's gambling gang, there is the shadow of Chen Hu.

  The more chaotic the world is, the more stage people like Chen Hu can perform.

  Hua Mi was vaguely worried for Gong Yi, and didn't know if Gong Yi could defeat Chen Hu this time.

  Holding the baby boy in her arms, she looked at Tang You,

  "Then we don't do anything, just guard the material warehouse in City B here?"

  This is not good, what if Gong Yi dies?

 Tang You was also worried, but his fixed thinking told him that without the commander's order, he couldn't go anywhere or do anything.

  Now, guarding the supply warehouse in City B and protecting his sister-in-law are what he has to do with his life.

  Hua Mi frowned and looked at Tang You, well, she has nothing to say to Tang You.

  Hua Mi held the child in her arms and walked back to the depths of City B's material warehouse. She placed a dozen rolls of straw mats on the ground where no one could see her.

  These straw mats were made by Ye Rong. They are dry, dense, and about a finger thick. They can be used as tatami mats or mattresses, and there is nothing wrong with them.

  Hua Mi placed the baby boy sent by the garrison in City A on a dry tatami, and then went to the supply warehouse in City B to put a bathtub, a lot of large buckets of mineral water, ethanol, painkillers, sterile gauze, and hemostasis.

 After preparing everything with gel, goggles, condoms, resin gloves, and protective clothing, Hua Mi found a medical garrison and asked them to boil some hot water and clean up the child and the A-city garrison on the ground .

  Straw mats and mattresses were laid out, and cloths were placed on top. A temporary medical point was set up without much time.

  While everyone was busy, Hua Mi went to a dark corner of the supply warehouse in City B and piled up AK47X10000 and PKMX10000.

  She was afraid that Gong Yi's firepower would not be enough, so she called Tang You over and pointed at the two piles of guns behind her, "I know you have a way to contact your boss. Please send these two piles of guns to your boss. The number of AK47s is 10,000. The number of PKM is 10,000. You let your boss get a share."

  Tang You raised his head exaggeratedly and swallowed hard. "Well, Sister Hua, after verification, the boss brought 100 people. Here, one person carries 201 guns and goes to fight. , it might be a bit difficult."

  Hearing this, Hua Mi felt worried.

  "Alas, one person has 201 guns. It's too few. A box of bullets doesn't actually have many."

  When faced with a wave of zombies or densely packed mutated animals, a box of bullets will be gone without any fighting. .

  She waved her hand and said impassionedly,

  "You should establish a complete firepower supply chain so that everyone can have a perfect and seamless connection when there is no firepower and can easily obtain weapons."

"There are people working hard on the front line , someone has to pass the knife behind your back. Well, since you are very busy, then I will deliver the gun to your boss, and you tell me the location of your boss."

Now Gong Yi had no time to reply to her message, so she sent Gong Yi a message

  . Even if she calls, Gong Yi won't answer.

  Gong Yi's cell phone has been silenced.

  So Hua Mi couldn't contact Gong Yi at all, probably only Tang You knew where Gong Yi was now.

  Tang You straightened his legs, and stood straight in front of Hua Mi, his lips were like clam shells, and he didn't say a word.

  With such a gesture, he silently rejected Sister Hua's proposal.

  Again, if Sister Hua wants to go to the front line, she should step over Tang You's body.

  Hua Mi waved her hand and was about to speak when a garrison suddenly ran up from behind Tang You, "Captain Tang, there is a team approaching us. They are coming from the back of the material warehouse. They look like ordinary survivors." Each garrison has a pair of goggles, produced by Hua Mi's level 15 factory.

  This goggle not only allows the garrison to see the distant scenery clearly in rainy and foggy weather, but also allows them to see things at night.

  So they could clearly see that among the people who came to the material warehouse in city B, those with big bags and small bags with their children and children were ordinary survivors.

  How come ordinary survivors are here?

  Hua Mi and Tang You both felt that something was not normal.

  Because the material warehouse in City B is not on the side of the national highway or expressway.

  Although the national highways and expressways are almost broken now, the survivors set off from a certain city to visit Xiangcheng or B city.

  In order to avoid getting lost, they will choose the original national road or walk at high speed.

  There are also many survivors who will run into the material warehouse of City B, but they will be stopped by the garrison standing guard a few hundred meters away, pointing them in the right direction.

  There will not be such a large number of survivors, as if there is navigation, the target is accurate.

  "How many survivors are there visually?" Tang You asked.

  "Innumerable, a large area, there are 2,000 people."

  The garrison who came to report frowned. As a garrison, it was absolutely impossible for them to massacre civilians.

  However, there were less than 100 garrisons in the material warehouse of City B for the 2,000 survivors, so they couldn't stop them at all.