During the noisy confrontation, the medical garrison behind Hua Mi came to help.

  They pushed carts out of the warehouse in City B, and bottles of orange juice were stacked on the carts.

  There was an immediate commotion among the survivors on the opposite side.

  Some old people began to lead their children in the procession.

  However, he was blocked by a powerful man.

  The man had yellow hair on his head and a fierce look on his face,

  "What are you doing? We are all in this together and you are divided so easily? Go back!"

  When they gathered these survivors, they spent a lot of effort and still Specially select survivors with elderly and children to persuade.

  They told these families with elderly people and children that there was a supply warehouse just ahead, but it was occupied by the garrison and would not be distributed to them, the survivors who had survived the disaster.

  As long as everyone works together and unites as one, the garrison can be forced to hand over the material depot.

  When the garrison is driven away, the entire huge material warehouse will be theirs.

  This kind of talk is very inflammatory, especially for those who are trudging in the rain, dragging their families, and there are old people and children in the family.

  They were already hungry, and their hunger made them too late to think about anything, so they could only follow the instigators to the material warehouse in City B.

  What is the purpose, the purpose is to eat in one bite.

  Yes, the purpose is to eat in one bite.

  The old man who was stopped held his grandson tightly and said to the instigator who was blocking him, "Get out of the way. My grandson is so thirsty that he is going to drink this weird rainwater. Didn't you see there is someone at the garrison that gives Orange juice?"

  This strange rainwater fell on the ground, and after a while, it would become solidified like jelly, unable to flow at all.

  They don't know if there will be any major problems if they eat it in their stomach.

  So anyone with a brain knows, don't drink this jelly water, don't drink it, don't drink it.

  But they're so hungry that they didn't drink this jelly water, but they had nothing else to eat.

  Fortunately, they drank jelly water and walked all the way, but they didn't see anyone being poisoned to death.

  Now the elderly and children who are extremely thirsty, facing the rows of orange juice, no one can stop them from rushing towards the orange juice.

  What's more, the reason why they came here was not just for a bite to eat.

  Seeing that the man couldn't stop the old man from leading the children to separate from the 2,000 survivors, the instigated man showed a fierce look on his face, and directly took out a knife.

  There was a terrified sound from the survivor's side.

  Hua Mi looked at it coldly, human nature is like this, no one will be afraid of a garrison with a gun, but a villain with a knife is frightening.

  It's just bullying the good and fearing the evil, because everyone knows that the garrison will not harm civilians.

  Even if the garrison has a gun in his hand.

  "Back back!"

  The gangster took a knife and pointed at the old man in front of him, forcing the old man to lead the child back to the team of 2,000 people.

  The old woman was also frightened, and he was pointing a bright small fruit knife in front of her.

  The child in her hand shook her grandma's hand away, "No, I want to drink orange juice!"

  The child ran in the direction of Hua Mi. He didn't want to listen to the man with the knife.

  When the earthquake struck, he, his father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother were all buried in the ruins.

  It was their city's garrison rescue team that dug their whole family out of the rubble.

  Although his father, mother and grandfather have all gone to far away places, he knows that the garrison guards are all good people.

  At a young age, he felt very friendly when he saw the uniforms worn by the garrison.

  He didn't want to play with those bad uncles who were using stones to attack the garrison.

  The child ran away, and the man holding the knife cursed "Ni turned around, stabbed the child in the back with the knife,

 "Ah." When the old woman saw this, she shouted in horror.

  "Ah!!!" When the survivors saw this, they also shouted in horror.

  Just as the knife in the instigator's hand was about to penetrate the child's back, a bullet shot out and hit the man's temple.

  The bullet passed through his brain, a blood spattered, and the bullet casing fell to the ground.

  The instigator stood where he was, and before he could react, all he could see was the child, who had already run in front of Hua Mi.

  He fell to the ground, and his last thought was that he was careless, he should make sure that the garrison would not shoot.

  Shooting the first bird, he became the first first bird killed by the garrison.

  Who else?

 The survivors, who were noisy and imposing, fell silent in an instant.

  It was like a dead machine, not even daring to move.

  The garrison was silent, and the survivors were also silent.

  In fact, there is nothing to say. Everyone can see clearly what happened just now.

  If the garrison hadn't fired shots, the little boy would have been killed by the man with the knife.

  So no one can blame the garrison for this matter.

  We should also thank the garrison for saving a child.

  The child's grandmother followed the boy with lingering fear, and also ran to Hua Mi.

  During the stalemate between the two parties, Hua Mi looked down at the little boy with sparkling eyes, and handed him a bottle of orange juice.

  Looking at the old woman behind the boy, Hua Mi asked,"My orange juice is not for free."


  The old man didn't react. Didn't she say that she could receive the supplies for free if she came over?

 Under the puzzled eyes of the old man, Hua Mi pushed out a cart from behind with a lot of mats on it, "How about you drink my juice and help me weave a straw rope?"

  Now the straw rope is a kind of consumption.

  Because it is used to bundle supplies, bundle up piles of supplies, and transport them to other places.

  The straw rope woven from mat straw is quite tough, and the weaving is simple. Even a child can learn it in no time.

  The main thing is that Hua Mi has a lot of mats and straw, and she never gives materials to others for nothing. Hua Mi is not so kind-hearted yet.

  After eating and using her supplies, you have to provide her with some value, and even children are no exception.

  Hua Mi said to the child who was holding orange juice in front of her, "My child, I will give you another bun, how about you help me take   care of a little baby?"

On the straw mat in the library, the baby were babbling and they didn't know what the baby were talking about.

  The adults are all busy and don't have time to accompany him.

  So Hua Mi planned to find someone to take care of the child.

  The little boy holding the orange juice nodded obediently, then looked back at his grandma.

  Grandma was also hungry, so she agreed to Hua Mi without hesitation. "In addition to weaving straw ropes, I can also weave other things, such as fans, straw baskets, carpets, and straw boxes. Most of us in the older generation can make these small things."

Having an elder in a family is like having a treasure.

In most cases, this is true.