Don't panic, this is a normal phenomenon, isn't it just that there are too many supplies in the warehouse, and Sister Hua is squeezed out.

  It's not like everything is a big deal.

  Fang Yuqi and others comforted themselves messily in the wind, they are still holding.

  At this time, Chichuan turned around and called out to everyone trying to stabilize the garrison, "Brothers, I'm going to call our team's car over. What about you?"

  Chichuan's current main business is buying and selling.

  It not only finds various large-scale sources of goods for Huami, but also wholesales materials from Huami.

  Then he and his friends set up a stall at the gate of City B to engage in second-hand wholesale.

  The matter of transportation was taken over by Yang Honglin and his old police officers.

  Fang Yuqi is only here to help today, because there is such a temporary warehouse of Chinese medicinal materials, so Yang Honglin and the others have not yet allocated staff.

  Fang Yuqi nodded, "The garrison vehicles are here. We are here to transport the mats, and you can transport oranges and other fruits." Turn a blind eye to the warehouse full of mats and fruits, and the warehouse is about to burst.

  Where are the Chinese herbal medicines? Turn a blind eye!

 Ignorance is actually a kind of happiness.

  Everyone divided the work, and Chi Chuan brought his friends to move the fruit to the gate of City B for wholesale.

  Fang Yuqi moved the mat grass to the entrance of the material warehouse in City B, where there was a temporary, unqualified small mat grass weaving workshop.

  It is Miss Hua's property.

  After a while, large trucks came one after another, some were tattered and some were brand new.

  At a glance, it is obvious that it is a large truck collected from various sources.

  Chi Chuan's friends and Fang Yuqi's garrison each had about 20 people.

  Everyone was busy together, moving the mats to move the mats, and moving the fruits to move the fruits.

  Hua Mi stood under the eaves of the warehouse and began to settle accounts.

  These supplies from her level 19 storage are just a handful of mats, and they all have to be counted as cost.

  The materials used for the garrison were deducted from the urban reserve funds of Xiangcheng and B City.

  Chi Chuan paid the bill for the supplies that Chi Chuan took away, paying the money and delivering the goods.

  So today is another day when Hua Miri makes a lot of money.

 When everyone was busy carrying supplies, Zhu Xianjun and the others finally arrived at the periphery of the medical market.

  Although they are working under the nose of the garrison and surrounded by the garrison, if there are survivors who are unwilling to work here and want to leave, the garrison will not force the survivors.

  So Zhu Xianjun and others left very smoothly, and did not arouse the vigilance of the garrison.

  However, for fear that the garrison around Hua Mi would find them, they did not dare to get too close to Hua Mi along the way.

  When they got near City B, they lost Hua Mi.

  They also searched for a long time, and they almost lost their way in the dark sky.

  Finally, in the dark night, they found one after another large trucks heading towards the medical market, so they followed them with the mentality of giving it a try.

  Such a uniform fleet of trucks, driving on the road, must be transporting some supplies.

  Even if you don't find that little bitch Hua Mi, it's good to find a bunch of supplies.

  So Zhu Xianjun didn't even turn on the car lights all the way, for fear of being discovered.

  Outside the medical market, Zhu Xianjun hurriedly ran out of the medical market with his men.

"Brother, those carts are really there to pull supplies. I couldn't see clearly from the distance, but I saw a cart of fruit passing in front of me. Go there."

  "A truckload of fruit?"

  Zhu Xianjun was about to cry.

  There were more than a dozen or twenty trucks that entered the pharmaceutical market just now. With so many trucks, it can be seen how much fruit is stored there.

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Xianjun cursed,

  "These people are really thieves. They hid the fruit warehouse in the Chinese medicine warehouse. No wonder the boss didn't receive any news."

  Chen Hu had countless cavalrymen under his command. In the three months after the disaster struck, countless cavalrymen became Chen Hu's eyes, looking for material warehouses everywhere for Chen Hu.

  In fact, the medical market here has long been patronized by Zhu Xianjun.

  At that time, he took the young men under his hand, tortured and killed several western medicine bosses, and stole a lot of western medicine.

  Because he didn't know Chinese herbal medicines and how to eat these Chinese herbal medicines, Chen Hu let go of the Chinese herbal medicine market.

  If he had known that there were a large number of fruits hidden in this Chinese herbal medicine market area, he would have moved away long ago.

  Dog days, wrong billions.

  The men under Zhu Xianjun also looked regretful.

  "Then what should we do now? Brother, we can't just watch them transport away such a large batch of fruits which is ours."

  In the minds of these men, this large amount of fruits is already theirs.

  Including the material warehouse in City B, it actually belongs to them as well.

  It's just that they didn't get it.

  Zhu Xianjun's eyes were fierce as he hid in the darkness and watched the trucks full of fruits passing in front of him one after another.

  Every time a truck filled with fruit passed by, Zhu Xianjun couldn't help but curse.

  He whispered to a subordinate beside him,

  "We pretend to be ordinary survivors looking for medicine so that the guards won't be suspicious of us. Find that bitch first."

  "After taking control of that bitch, leave quickly. You can see that she followed the garrison to move supplies. She may also know the locations of many supply warehouses."

In the past two days, Zhu Xianjun found a few more men in B City. The information obtained is constantly updated.

  He already knew that the reason why Gong Yi was able to support more than 5,000 garrisons was because Hua Mi was helping him purchase supplies.

  That's why Hua Mi, a woman, is so important to the garrison, and not just because of who Hua Mi's boyfriend is in the garrison.

  So Hua Mi must know the location of many material warehouses.

  Zhu Xianjun asked a guy to report the information he had obtained to his boss.

  He took a dozen men and dispersed into the Chinese herbal medicine area of ​​the medical market.

  At this time, Zhong Changjin also hurried over with a dozen Chinese herbal medicine owners.

  They are all here to sell the Chinese herbal medicines in their hands.

  Everyone is the big boss of this Chinese herbal medicine market. When it comes to Chinese herbal medicine, everyone is an expert.

  These people, except for not being very proficient in taking pulses and diagnosing people, and asking them to prescribe ordinary medicines, these people have everything at their fingertips.

  Hua Mi thinks they are all talents.

  In fact, if a person can become a superior, he must have the ability to bear the weight of the crown.

  We should treat such people better so that they can survive and live into the future to generate their value.

  Hua Mi used the prices before the disaster to purchase all the Chinese medicinal herbs from these dozen bosses.

  Yes, swallow it all in one bite.


A/N: I'm actually not planning to update for a few days since I'm busy with some personal stuffs. But I read some comments, not in here but on Wattpad, requesting for an update. I'm weak to request, so here you go. I hope everyone a happy day. Some of the novels are not being updated because I'm busy at the moment. Have to earn money. And also I want to focus on this novel first and complete it as soon as possible then I will focus on the other novels I have here. After that, there's a lot of apocalypse novels that I will put in here next. It just that, I'm always busy so I can only focus on one novel. Be safe everyone.