A chestnut is smashed from the top of the head, and the skull will hurt a little at most.

  But what about thousands of chestnuts?

  It was an unimaginable pain, enough to kill someone.

  Sure enough, all the men was crushed to death by chestnuts without any sound.

  Hua Mi walked over on the chestnuts and packed away the bloody corpses on the ground. When she walked out of the warehouse, it was already clean, with only a warehouse of chestnuts left.

  Looking at the garrison of Chi Chuan and Fang Yuqi who were busy carrying supplies in the darkness, Hua Mi turned around and returned to her Lotus Shengxing Supermarket.

  The community where this supermarket is currently located owns all of her black land.

  So Hua Mi thought about gathering all the black land together to grow crops.

  After all, in this world, if you put a piece of black land in the east and a piece of black land in the west, nothing will be planted on it unless it is a teleportation point.

  Otherwise, it will be easy for others to discover and steal the fruits.

  According to the growth rate of crops on black soil, it is very likely that a small sapling will grow into a towering tree under the eyes of people in a few days.

  Getting discovered was a piece of cake.

  However, after returning to Lotus Shengxing Supermarket, Hua Mi realized that it was useless to just prevent others from stealing her fruits.

  She glanced at the surveillance camera inside the supermarket. There were many sneaky heads wandering around outside the community wall.

  Because the largest orange tree has turned into a towering tree, occupying the entire yard.

  All other black soil was squeezed out of the backyard by this orange tree.

  Even the roots of this orange tree burst out of the ground. Soon, when this orange tree grows a little more, it may affect the foundation of Lotus Shengxing Supermarket.

  This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if a survivor puts on goggles and stands on a higher ground and looks at it, the orange-yellow fruits on the branches can be seen clearly.

  This orange tree has grown into a giant.

  Hua Mi was very irritable and walked around the largest orange tree. It seemed that she couldn't keep it!

  She placed her hands on the thick giant orange tree, thinking in her mind that she would take this tree to the level 20 warehouse.

  She wonder if it can succeed?

 As a result, the next moment, the giant orange tree disappeared from the spot.

  As expected, Hua Mi took it into Level 20 No. 2 Warehouse.

  After making this decision, Hua Mi felt that her heart was bleeding. She had no choice but to uproot a living orange tree and use it as a firewood reserve for a level 20 warehouse.

  It was true that this orange tree grew so fast that Hua Mi didn't know what the consequences would be if it shook the foundation of Lotus Shengxing Supermarket.

  Therefore, we can only eradicate the giant orange tree and save her Lotus Shengxing Supermarket.

  Fortunately, there are still 11 square meters of black land that has not been resettled. At worst, we can plant another orange tree.

  The citrus grown before was also harvested a lot. When the citrus grows, people will eat citrus in the future.

  This time Hua Mi still placed the 11 square meters of black land in the backyard of the supermarket.

  Without the giant orange tree, a large area of ​​land became empty in the backyard of the supermarket.

  It seems that in order to make up for the loss of the giant orange tree, Hua Mi allocated a square meter of land and planted the original native orange trees.

  Then, she planted the remaining 10 square meters of black land with Chinese herbal medicine, including scorpion grass, saffron, ginseng, gastrodia elata, mistletoe, angelica, angelica, nightshade, pokeweed, and Sichuan clam.

  Hua Mi asked Zhong Changjin for these Chinese herbal medicines. As a supplier of Chinese herbal medicines, Zhong Changjin had many Chinese herbal medicines.

  Hua Mi planted 11 square meters of black land in one breath. She took an apple in her hand and gnawed it while sitting under the eaves in the backyard of the supermarket and watching the surveillance on her mobile phone screen.

  Her walls are already being repaired.

  Huo Jing is now fully responsible for the infrastructure construction work in Xiangcheng, and the wall has been raised by half.

  According to Huo Jing's project progress, the entire wall will be repaired in a few days.

  As for those people who were sneaking around outside the wall, she didn't know which side they were from. After wandering for a while, they went to find the migrant worker captain who was working in the wall.

  Hua Mi frowned and watched for a while on the surveillance camera. Those sneaky people seemed to want to join the migrant workers team and help repair the community wall.

  She called Huo Jing,

  "Those people who were recruited today, don't let them repair the wall of my community. Let them form a clearing team and go to the expressway from Xiangcheng to City A." Regardless of the reason. Whether these people knows her or whether they have ulterior motives, Hua Mi doesn't want to take the risk.

  Who knows if they will take advantage of the opportunity to build the wall and run into the community to steal the fruits?

 Although there are cameras installed near Huami's supermarket, if someone breaks into her supermarket, she will also receive a security warning.

  But there were too many of these little bastards, and she was very annoyed.

  If she always kills people, she will become a very cold killer and eventually freeze herself to death.

  Huo Jing responded and agreed.

  Hua Mi had just hung up the phone with Huo Jing and was about to send a message to Chichuan, saying that she would go directly back to the supply warehouse in City B, when she discovered that she had hundreds of thousands of oranges stored in her Level 20 No. 2 warehouse.

  Where did these oranges come from?

 Aren't all the orange trees in Huami dead?

  She felt a little strange for a moment. She took a closer look at the Level 20 No. 2 warehouse, then opened the black earth panel and found that her giant orange tree was still alive!

  Yes, she put the Big Mac orange tree into the Level 20 No. 2 warehouse. The Big Mac orange tree is still growing, bearing fruit, and maturing.

  Perhaps it's because this giant orange tree exists in Hua Mi's Level 20 No. 2 warehouse, so when the oranges mature, Hua Mi doesn't need to click to get them.

  There are ripe fruits, which will automatically fall off the giant orange tree and be neatly stacked in the corner of the No. 2 warehouse on level 20.

  Hua Mi watched helplessly as her orange reserves continued to increase,

 [obtained, oranges x3, total oranges x237853]

The speed is very fast.

  With such good functions, why should Hua Mi worry about whether her fruit will be stolen?

  She hurriedly turned around and put the grapefruit and apple trees, which had the second highest yield, into the Level 20 No. 2 warehouse.   Hua Mi felt that it would not be feasible to harvest more from the three large pieces of land next to the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket.

After all, these three types of fruits are currently the most productive.   

If you're not careful, these three types of fruits will fill up her Level 20 No. 2 storage. Before the supporting facilities can keep up, there is no way to upgrade the level 20 warehouse.   

At that time, if Hua Mi takes two steps, oranges, grapefruits and apples will continue to appear all over her body.   

People will think of her as a monster.